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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Paul Ford builds another 2 story Falcon along with the H-Model. Joe D.
  2. If you could find Macungie Show truck photos, Gerhart's Show photos or have access to ATHS Showtime Album that would be about the best selection of B-Model's to look at paint schemes from. The B-61 with green cab and black fenders looks like the same one that was at the ATHS Show Auction in Alabama a few years back.
  3. Larry I had air assist on a F-Model I liked it. It is not the same as power steering but much better than armstrong. Joe D.
  4. One of the main reasons for the sidewinder u-cab was when they enforced the overall length of truck and trailer. With a short wheelbase u-model you could pull a 45' trailer and be under 55' overall. Vision was also in the equation. Joe D.
  5. Different to say the least Paul. Joe D.
  6. There were a total of 600 B-Model school bus's made. B-30=33, B-3310,B-34 376, B-35-10,B-43-171. Joe D.
  7. Talk about a day late and a dollar short. Stadium International Olyphant,Pa. had a sle on 925 amp batteries $77.00 with exchange. It was there November sale. If you have an IH Dealer near you try them.Through the years I used all the brands you named and never any problems with them. Joe D.
  8. Henry looks like one that was for sale in South Carolina a few years ago.If it is you pulled the trigger right before me. It looks Ok. Joe D.
  9. Autocar made quite a few of those aluminum cabbed and framed Acars with fiberglass fenders. Joe D.
  10. Firsthand advice right from the horses mouth Vlad's advice.He knows better than anyone living it firsthand. One of the best bumper stickers out there. In line with the W Sticker"Miss Me Yet".which is one of my favorites. Joe D.
  11. PeterMack. Always good to see r-models in work clothes. There are still a lot of them working in my area of Northeastern,Penna. As was said in another thread what you r area calls a 6 wheeler my area calls it a 10 wheeler or tandem. Joe D.
  12. Nice looking truck.Looks solid. I would love those fenders for my GMC D-860 uses same fenders and grill. Plenty of torque 455 lbs.from the 503.Joe D.
  13. For a factory double frame rears and suspension look light. Joe D.
  14. I do not think it is original paint color offered by Mack. Firewall is green also. Most likely a nice truck but $20,000.00 nice ???. Joe D.
  15. Mackdaddy2030 If you are talking about the ATCA Macungie Show in June Fathers Day weekend it is a great show. Mack is the dominant truck line there, but plenty of Brockways,Autocars and everything else.A great flea market also with old truck parts not just toys and dolls. The only thing that could ruin the show is rain. Gerhart's in Liditz,Pa. started out as all Mack but now other brands show up but it still is mostly Mack. ATHS Show in York,Pa. should be a slammer also it is end of May. Joe D.
  16. Have a nice safe trip Tim. I did not know Max moved to New Zealand.I imagine Old Castle finished up in Vermont for the year. I work for them (Pennsy Supply) in Northeastern,Pa. And they never want to quit. We got about 1 foot of snow in Lake Ariel and maybe 8 inches in Pittston.Joe D.
  17. It looks like it had a 5 speed originally by shift pattern on dash. Anyone know reason why Mack did not use the extended (deeper) cab on U-Models after 1972 like they did on the R and DM Models ? Thanks Joe D.
  18. Hello Coenut did you buy Sparacino's F-Model ? I heard someone in Moscow had a F-Model delivered in the last few weeks. My garage is in Daleville off of Route 502 South behind the VFW. If you are in the area and door is open stop by. I have some old iron there. Joe D.
  19. Thanks for the replies. I hooked shop air to it and line from compressor to wet tank had a hole in it under cab. With engine running you could not hear it or reach to feel it. Joe D.
  20. I also like springs or rubber blocks for vocational work. Much less maintaince than air ride. I have Hendrickson HN walking beam on my tri-axle it rides good and does well off road. Joe D.
  21. Nice pictures by all. Tom the GMC D-860 is one of my favorites. Joe D.
  22. There was a late 30's early 40's Chevy or GMC Rat Rod Pickup at the ATHS Show in Springfield,Missouri this last May. It is owned by Steve Hartz from Colorado. It had a V-12 702 GMC gaspot with a 10 speed Roadranger. If anyone gets Wheels of Time it is in the pictures from the Show Truck Edition. Joe D.
  23. NYB-61 REO engines were reliabe ,I would think it designed for ease of maintaince. The later REO gaspots had liners in them like a diesel.Paul I have a 1966 or 67 REO D-630 tandem long wheelbase. It is powered by the REO 440 V-8, 5X3 trans and light rears maybe 34,000,double frame and power steering. It has a block body on it with boom that only swings.I like that style cab (Lansing Cab).REO,White 2000,Diamond T,and Diamond Reo used that cab,along with Cook Brothers from California used it also. Mine is the same color green as yours.Joe D.
  24. A bit different if you lift hood the whole hood and grill lifts up. Great for engine work. Joe D.
  25. At the speeds they reached back then I do not think liquid sloshing around was a big problem, Although stopping them would have been with brake system Paul described going down some grades. Its amazing they ran triples somewhere back then and they are still not allowed in Penna.or most Eastern States. It took us until the 1980'S to get doubles. Joe D.
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