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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Thanks Paul. My Father and a lot of others used to deliver coal to NYC area from late 30'S on. It was the way most drivers from my area got started in trucking. Joe D.
  2. Mike nice pictures. Do you know if the Stokes Coal came from The Bronx,New York? I heard some old timers that mentioned that they used to deliver Anthracite (hard coal) from Northeastern,Pa. to them.The Brockway has the factory (pretty sure) wood option surrounding the outside door frame. I have heard it called the "Queen Anne" model. Not sure if that is official designation. Joe D.
  3. Associated Transport built Brown Trucks and Trailers. Joe D.
  4. I bought from the seller. He was very good to deal with.Joe D.
  5. Thanks for the replies. Nothing in tanks when I drained them. I eliminated air dryer today still only 90 lbs. of air. Joe D.
  6. My compressor only builds air up to 90 lbs. this just started. I put a new air governor on and same thing. Could it betheair dryer? It is not constantly unloading seems normal.What size uion do I use if I want to eliminate air dryer to see if that is the problem?Thanks Joe D.
  7. I was working hotrocks with a couple of Volvo Triaxles today. The one I was looking at was a tri-axle with a heavy single frame. I counted 150 bolts on each side just for mounting third axle air ride tandem and crossmembers. I am not a mechanic or engineer but I would think a bit excessive. With all those bolt holes I was wondering if frame was compromised. This is all factory no afhermarket parts. Thanks Joe D.
  8. As Maddog said it came with a 673 150 HP 430 lbs. of torque but for some reason it also offered a 154 HP version 432 lbs.of torque. Quite a bit of chassis versions avaible S,RS,X,RX,XE,LT.Right hand drive avaible.Made from 1954-1965 1,841 units produced.Joe D.
  9. What a set of Knockers. Joe D.
  10. Nice work. The Rockwell Suspension was popular in the Northeast.Just about every truck maker used it that I know of.It looks like you have 55,000 pound rears.The ones that were in military trucks is about same design but much lighter weight rating. Good articulation. Joe D.
  11. The majority of 700series Brockways were steel nosed. Not that many tilt hoods. They are pretty sought after.Nice to see it still working. Joe D.
  12. Nice 41 Paul. AS others said I could not let it go. Joe D.
  13. Mark you are what best friends are about.Sorry for your loss.Joe D.
  14. It came with a 331 Diesel 95 HP at 2200RPM, 238 lbs. of torque.Joe D.
  15. Good for you. Joe D.
  16. As the others said wear or someone was in there shifting it playing around and got linkage caught between the gears. It happens a with my 5X4 in my Brockway if you do not shift the auxiliary square. Joe D.
  17. Mack used at least 2 different manufacturers on their B-Models. Joe D.
  18. IThere was a nice article of Orville Manufacturing Co. on Wheels of Time about 8 years ago that explained their operation of making the factory sleepers for most truck manufacturers. Their trademark was the side window that either was the same or close replica from a 1940 Ford Coupe.ATHS has most if not all their back issues online. Maybe you can go to their website and type in Orville Manufacturing. Joe D.
  19. Orville Co. or Corp. from Orville,Ohio. Joe D.
  20. Nice what I need with winter coming. Joe D.
  21. Frame fix would be a fairly easyfix if only bolt holes not rotted out. Just put a liner on inside of frame. That chrome grill shell would look good on my 758. Joe D.
  22. Thanks Matt. I do not see many B-57's at shows or even ones that worked in my area and we had plenty of Macks in Pa.like the rest of the Northeast. Joe D.
  23. Crab traps are free. Just don't throw toothpicks in urinals crabs can pole vault. Joe D.
  24. What is the big difference between a B-57 and a B-67? The 57 only comes in chassis version S where the 67 came in T,LT,S,ST,LSt versions. They both use the same cab. Is it the 57 that only had wedge brakes avaible.I know many B-Models overlapped specs but I do not know any differences maybe the 57 had the fish belly frame. Thanks Joe D.
  25. The 9000 White in New Jersey that nasty 51 ford told you about went for $400.00.Quite the deal. Joe D.
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