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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. I have a friend who is looking for a sleeper for a mack Western 60" flattop high rise. He also needs a air foil for a R-Model Mack. Thnks
  2. Happy belated Birthday.I am not on here muck so i missed it.
  3. Add said it is sold. It was only about 20 miles from me. I am glad it sold at that price.
  4. Hendrickson walking beam is designed to work like a Camelback. Both are good vocational suspensions. I have a 1970 KW 924 with the page+Page Suspension that looks very close to Camelback from side view spring U-Bolts are mounted at an angle instead of straight up and down. The P+P has torque arms also.
  5. I do not care about the meal. It is the politics and the way they choose. I guess there is favoritism everywhere.
  6. I received an e-mail that there is no room for me at the luncheon. I sent in my request July 21. I do not know how they choose who goes or not to luncheon. I am pretty sure i got pushed to the back of the line by someone with more stripes. Let them keep it.
  7. First and third picture look like A-51 Macks with the 510 Mack Diesel. I have an A-51 with the Mack 510 diesel but is is not a sleeper cab.Tin looks decent on both of the A- models. good luck.
  8. Even if it went for the asking price it was cheap enough if it ran good.I just do not need another one.
  9. I wonder who bought the U-Boat ? It looked OK. He e-Mailed me and said thanks for buying it. I did not buy it or even make an offer. Must have been a mistake on who he sent the winning E-Mail to.
  10. Your B-42 with 8.15 and if quadbox is a serious if not sure winner in slow truck race.
  11. Looks like nice clean tin. Double frame looks good no spreading.
  12. This H-Model has been for sale for several years. In pictures the tin looks OK. Lets see if it sells this time.
  13. Terry yes it was but I was broke after totaling my truck and trailer in Montana. I was happy to work a decent job. Truck ran good but not for running the coast 237,5 speed tag axle 24" sleeper I could not fit in only for log book I slept across seat out and back. Scale man in Montana Crow Reservation Scale pulled me around back one Sunday evening. I asked him whats wrong. he said nothing he just wanted to see what man would drive that across country.I do not remember truck ever having a breakdown under load.
  14. I forgot to say not being arrogant But i never saw rust so bad in roof and i am from the rust belt of the US.
  15. Sounds like driving across I-80 in Wyoming. I used to stick my hand out the window to see if I was moving. I ran a R-685 Mack 237 5 speed twice a month from Hazleton,Penna. to Seattle,Washington loaded to 73,000 lbs both ways.Great truck got me out of the hole after I totaled my other truck,this was early 1980's.
  16. I just saw this thread and maybe late replying .Just a thought. There is the Truck Auction in Weare,New Hampshire on 19 August 2017. If You did not leave yet and can wait until then most likely you could get a truck or 2 part way down.
  17. Looks good but always on the wrong coast.
  18. R-190 IH could have a 406,450 or 501 IH Red Diamond Engine.
  19. This B-Model looks like a friend of mine truck who passed away several years ago Bobby F.If is his old truck sleeper was added. Bobby was from Hazleton,Pa. area and loved his macks. I hauled coal with Bobby years ago. Nice photoes thanks.
  20. I see adds for radiator cores from companies like Detroit Radiator and others for less than $500.00 I would check around. Was the used radiator ever recored ?
  21. I think it has smaller rubber on it than what we usually see on the B-80 Series. This looks like 20" or 22" not the usual 24" tube type.
  22. The reason Hillary has not ben charged yet same as her husband. They are covered in Teflon. When someone gets close, they disappear for some odd reason.
  23. Hello Jerry I am going in for back surgery first week of June. I hope to be at Macungie. Just playing around with the KW.
  24. Glenn I e-mailed Aaron. Thanks.
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