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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Paul I used to work with Stash Bzdek at the Grows Landfill,Kearny N.J.I am suprised he still has the Acar that was in the late 1980'S. Nice pictures by all. Thanks Joe D.
  2. The Diamond T with the snout went to the Keystone Tractor Museum Colonial Heights or Richmond, Virginia. The museum is right alongside I-95 on the southbound side. I spent the afternoon there in March. About 40 or more trucks restored inside and I think over 150 farm tractors restored inside also. Well worth the stop but you need at least 4 hours to enjoy it. Joe D.
  3. OD bottom pictures looks like she is ready to take a squirt but forgot to take panties down.
  4. Nice pictures. They sure got a load of wood on that red Ford. Working it for sure. Joe D.
  5. Vlad's Great adventure. It was interesting to say the least. Enjoyed pictures of your countryside. Thanks Joe D.
  6. Paul Good to hear your wife is doing better. Joe D.
  7. Mike when do you have time to work finding all these gems ? Joe D.
  8. Try John Chalmers Cashtown, Penna. 717-334-8709. At one time he had quite a few items for E and A Model Macks. I bought weatherstripping and some other items from him for my A Model Mack. If I remember correctly you have to let phone ring. It worth a try. Joe D.
  9. Mike I worked on different sections of the Casey By-pass late 90'S. I was also in your area a few years before that on the Blue Route working for some names you know Kiewit and Lane Construction.Joe D.
  10. Down under is a good place for it to go. They appreciate them as much as we do.Joe D.
  11. At Keystone Landfill Dunmore,Pa. DOT sets up there at least 3-4 times a week. There is a PennDot Salt Shed next to landfill so they have no problems finding room for inspection area or portables.Pa. started allowing local cops to be DOT certified inspectors they walk around like the Gestapo with their boots and trousers tucked in. Joe D.
  12. Mike nice rollback and find on the Ford. Joe D.
  13. Storkmack if truck you are working on does any off road work an 8LL with 4.42 rears is a good combination. Good reduction and still decent road speed. Just my opinion. Joe D.
  14. I have an angled gate on my tri-axle. To add what gearhead said if dumping asphalt dumping in a paver gate will stay away from floor of paver. If dumping in a shoulder machine they ghave a shorter bin and you avoid hitting back of machine. Joe D.
  15. Dave looks good. First I have ever seen without vent windows. As Ernie said the Brockway Truck Site is best for answer. I am pretty sure Tom Millard or Steve S. will know. I will Email them and ask if they would post an answer. Tom M. has a nicely restored 155. Joe D.
  16. Nice dumper. Another old time carrier Malone that merged with CRST I think. I trip leased with them a few times in the 1980's. Joe D.
  17. Nice Dog. My avatar on another site used to be "Spoke Wheels Rule" Took quite a lacing with those words. But it was worth it. Joe D.
  18. Nice DT Brocky. Joe D.
  19. Vlad I should have known you are a comedian. Joe D.
  20. Vlad they release the locks before tilting cab. Joe D.
  21. The cab release handles on my 85 Freightliner COE look the same. Joe D.
  22. If you keep the same body on truck I do not think you will be over 14-15,000 loaded.Body looks to be 14'-14 1/2' long. Running third axle down with 75 lbs. air you should be legal. I run 31580 R22.5 on my tri-axle with 18' body set back axle Western Star. When loaded with 22.5 tons hot rocks for Pa. State one drop in front then one in ass and third in middle I have 16,000 at most with pusher down and 75lbs. pressure.on front axle . By looking at your axle it looks forward some more than mine.The 315's i run are rated a bit over 9000 lbs. each.Nice Huskie.Where do you run ? Joe D.
  23. As Jim H. said you must use heavy duty diesel oil not standard automotive 15W040. Most if not all major brands manufacture diesel specific oils. Your project is going well. Joe D.
  24. RFCDRUM once you get used to shifting from first to low in the different shift pattern you will like it. Just remember you have to stop completely before shifting in or out of deep reduction. It makes funny noises if you do not. It is like driving a compound Mack Trans or 5x4 or 5x3 once you are used to it you will wonder what the problem was. Joe d.
  25. RFCDrum it is the Fuller TO955ALL. Thanks for the diagram. Joe D.
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