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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Quad with a 3 way will keep your mind sharp. Nice truck. Joe D.
  2. RFCDrum Are you sure it is not a Fuller TO955ALL trans. in the Diamond Reo'S? I had them in my Autocars with 290 Cummins and Paystar 5000 with 270 Cummins. With deep reduction on dash or floor it sounds like a Fuller.If low low on stick is down to right and then over to left and up a little it is a Fuller TO955ALL. Spicer 6+1 had the high gear on stick. Either one are good off road trans., but I liked the Fuller for its very deep reduction and .65 overdrive.I had a few drivers that could not get used to putting it in low low.The ones I had you could not shift out of deep reduction moving you had to stop truck3 reverses and 3 low gears. Thanks for the pictures.
  3. Paul Thats the one. Different for sure. Thanks Joe D.
  4. Paul I remember seeing a few years back a picture of a big tandem dump out West I think that had the GMC-Chevy cab. I hope you find picture to see if it is same one I remember. Joe D.
  5. If it is an ST maybe tires are 22" instead of 24".A good point as 24" tube type are expensive,hard to find and hard to handle for old men like me. Joe D.
  6. Paul I do not think so. Every Henry I ever saw used the International Cabs. I think from the 1940's anyway they used the KB cab,then the comfo vision fleetstar2070 and finallythe S-Series until out of production. Joe D.
  7. It looks like a side dumper to me. Joe D.
  8. I run 4.56 full locker Rockwells on 11:24.5 with a 16908LL Fuller. We do some landfill work and I have no problems going off road. 38 rears might hold up in a dump trailer but in tandem or tri-axle dump work 46'S at mininum are the way to go.Joe D.
  9. I never saw so many crossmembers in a dump box.Anyone know the reason ? Thanks Joe D.
  10. Mike you are moving forward. I am 64 and about to retire in 1 or 2 years. I think I would do the same if younger. Joe D.
  11. I have the Hendrickson HN on my Western Star Tri- Axle dump. It has over 300,000 miles on it and suspension is holding up well. As said it rides fairly well and no maintaince. Joe D.
  12. I was delivering stone to a Waste Management Landfill this week and noticed all the Waste Management packers,rolloffs and front loaders had Hendrickson HN Suspension. It is the new style rubber block with 2rubber blocks on each side diagonal from each other. Every make they use Mack,Pete, etc had same suspension. No Camelbacks to be found. I wonder why they eliminated Camelback suspension. Joe D.
  13. Good that he was caught. Most likely restitution is out of the question. Joe D.
  14. Larry 4" ahead of center of axle usually where a 5TH wheel is set on a single axle.Joe D.
  15. I bought a few of these old TruckBlue books for $1.00 apiece. Lots of interesting reading. Jim it does not list any options for the B-30 in 1957 but does in later years. Their were not many options then either. Joe D.
  16. If the truck is a B-30P it was manufactured as a platform chassis single axle straight truck witha GVW of 21-24,000 lbs. The B-30 T is a tractor model with GCW of 35,000lbs. GVW= gross vehicle weight. GCW = gross combined weight of tractor,trailer and load. Joe D.
  17. I have a Truck Blue Book it lists a 1957 Mack B- 30 Model Tractor GCW 35,000 lbs. 330 cu.in. engine weight 7050 lbs. factory price of $5945.00 Joe D.
  18. If you are intent on a diesel try a 5.9 Cummins very popular conversion. A 3-53.4-53 or 4-71 Detroit would fit but still is heavier than your gaspot Mack. They are avaible and not very expensive.Perkins 6-354 (not sure on model #)is a decent engine.There are others but these come to mind quickly.Joe D.
  19. The 743 Cummins was used in B-71,73,77,8385 and 87.It would be a lot of work and engine would be too heavy for front axle. Your B-30 trans too light duty. Just for starters. Joe D.
  20. I spent a good many years working in Jersey from Newark area to Atlantic City. I liked all parts of it each area has its own flavor. Joe D.
  21. Paul sad but true in every scenario. Joe D.
  22. Quite the load for 175 HP. No doubt the Quadbox and most likely 7.00 or lower gears got it moving no problem. Good thing it is fairly level terrain, it would be hard on a driver and truck in mountainous areas with that load. I live in Northeastern Pa. not much softwood here. We have a lot of oak,cherry,hickory and ash. Nice nostalgic pictures. Thanks Joe D.
  23. Looks good and I bet it sounds good also. Joe D.
  24. I think the citizens of the U.S.A. made a big turnaround on how they treat the Vets. When I came home from Vietnam we were considered outcasts by some not all by any means. Now most everyone I talk to or hear comments about Vets are positive. A lot of liberals still do not like the military but it is necessary now as much as ever before. I personally do not trust the leaders of some countries.A Leopard does not change it spots.Just my opinion.The Veterans and their Families deserve the best treatment not a handout but a fair break. Joe D.
  25. Not much of a problem for an air compressor. All you would need are brackets. If Maddogs does not have them they are pretty universal from any truck with gas engine and some diesels also.Joe D.
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