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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Pretty sure Dave Dudley was the first to sing "Six Days On The Road". Joe D.
  2. Pennsy Supply was (Old Castle Materials) predominately Mack up to about 5 years ago. Now they are mostly Paccar with a few Western Stars. Before it bought out by Pennsy supply it was owned by Slusser Brothers they were predominately Mack for tri-axles and low boy tractors.Their site trucks were mostly Mack B-81, DM 600+800 with a few IH. Joe D.
  3. jaysm35a2 At my mother's house I have some vinyl truck driving albums I bought in the mid 60'S. They were pretty scratched up last time I saw them about 20 years ago. I wish I took better care of them. Who knew vinyl they would become outdated ? Joe D.
  4. If its truck music I like Sleeper 5X2-Red Simpson, Wreck of thevOld Slow Binder-Dave Dudley, Jacknife-Dave Dudley,Red simpson,Ain't No Easy Run Dave Dudley,Johnny Cash. List goes on. Joe D.
  5. Happy Easter to all.Joe D.
  6. I never noticed the position of the auxiliary as Maddog said. I bet Government safety laws would not let it fly in this day and age. Is it difficult to switch from throttle to brake ? Thanks Joe D.
  7. Roof vent,dash and cowl are different for starters. Joe D.
  8. Mackdaddy Pretty sure Schroyer's Crackerbox is air ride front and rear. I saw it a few times at ATHS Shows. Suspension is different to say the least. They have quite the collection of trucks. Not just one brand but many varied ones. All nicely done. Joe D.
  9. I think GMC was one of the few or only one that put a 6-110 in highway trucks. PIE (Pacific Intermountain Express) tried some in the 900 Series GMC'S in early 1950"S. It wasd a failure from article I read in "Wheels of Time" a few years back.There was a Hard Coal Hauler (Anthracite) in Northeastern Penna. that supposedly ran one in a 900GMC. Joe D.
  10. If you get the build sheet from Mack Museum it will say if it was built that way or someone changed it thru the years. Are they 55,000 lb. rears? Most but not all B-81'S were built with 55,000'S.or larger. Joe D.
  11. Household Mover is about one of the only kind of trucking we never did in my family. Not a big fan of carrying pianos and other large objects up steps. I fingerprinted lots of loads but never furniture.They earn their money. Joe D.
  12. Thanks for the picture Mark.It is a classic west coast unit. Joe D.
  13. Hubs are marked A=20",B=22",C=24". Without measuring it is easiest way to determine size.Joe D
  14. Nice. Was it a truck and full trailer.With that wheelbase and frame behind rears it looks to be? Joe D.
  15. Vlad Rag is a slang (description) word for bias ply tires. They are quite a bit less to buy if you can find them. Joe D.
  16. They also make a 24" Budd rim. 39 Baby Mack explained the rest in detail. 24" tube type are getting hard to find even in the Northeast. Not impossible but pricey also. I had them on a tandem dump never again if I can help it. Very heavy to work with and expensive. The rag 24" are not as heavy to handle. Joe D.
  17. ChuckP thanks. That is the one I saw. in Owosso, Michigan. I stopped by his place to get some REO parts. Real nice guy. Joe D.
  18. Brocky I was at the mans shop in Michigan and he showed me a Dodge 90" BBC with fiberglass front end.Pretty sure it was the real deal. I am not that savvy on Dodges but like them. You could be right.Joe D.
  19. Picture of Bighorn bedbugger must have been when truck was just purchased. Usually they make owners paint them company colors. Mark(Vision) was a BBer he will know better. Good looking truck. Joe D.
  20. No Jerry working on it some. I plan to retie next year so I will have more time for it. Joe D.
  21. I like that Brockway. Tin looks good. Jerry I stopped by a few weeks ago late no one there.Joe D.
  22. I think there were only 262 Dodge Bighorn's produced in long nose. They started to make a short nose model 90" BBC with fiberglass hood. I saw one in Michigan owned by a individual.No idea how many short nose ones were produced. That is a picture of Jim Tomer in picture Larry posted. He is not quite the affectionato of Mack as Larry and others claim. Quite the opposite.It is an on going joke about Jim's love of Mack on another site. Joe D.
  23. Al thanks for mentioning Special Commodities Divisions. Just about all the major Union carriers at the time until late 1980"S had one.Their rates were pretty good and they paid fairly quick compared to some. I trip leased to Johnson Motor Lines quite often back then cases and drums of motor oil from Jersey City to Buffalo. I always tried to get permanent lease but to no avail. Many other long gone Carriers were in my book. Joe D.
  24. Tom I had a "Hula Popper" and "Jitterbug" when i was younger. I never caught many fish or game when hunting either. I know the service manager at the Mack Dealer in Scranton,Pa. pretty good. It was Simpson Motors at that time I stopped there last week to talk to him about the truck but he was not there. He retired from service manager and now sells Macks for the new owners which is Triple Cities Mack (Cook Bros). Joe D.
  25. Tim we have about 2 tons of cold patch left. I went by the pile yesterday and it had a sign from factory that said permanent material. I will have to read sign better. I never was on a cold patch job. I only hauled truck loads of it to customers. As you said plenty of them this year. Now all we need is for the State of Penna. to get some cabbage. Joe D.
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