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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Some companies had the lease # on the corner of the placard. With that type you only had to turn in the corner piece with the #. Like others I wish I kept them. I would be able to wallpaper my house.Joe D.
  2. We started milling on Tuesday 8 April.Milling the off and on ramps at Avoca,Penna. Airport on i-81 Exit 177.Roads need a lot of work here in Penna. full of potholes and falling apart. Joe D.
  3. Green Dash I trip leased quite a few loads for Transamerican in Jersey. Muellers Macaroni to Michigan. Because Transamerican was a Union Outfit they would check at the docks for trip leasers. I forgot what the outcome was but money was involved.That was when the union had power. Joe D.
  4. There were plenty of R,U and F-Models with 4.17 rear ratio.If you go that route upgraded brake cans and brakes will be a bonus. A set of 34 or 38 Mack rears are pretty reasonable.Joe D.
  5. Bobby j We will become like Europe and parts of South and Central America turn to Socialism. It never worked in Europe and is not working well in South America. In a way I am glad I amin the overdrive part of my life.I had it good,always had a job and a few trucks. Joe D.
  6. Chuck P That was a boat for sure. Nice car. I graduated high school in 1968 a friend of mine had a 1964 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible with a 421 and 4 speed on floor. It had the thin Muncie Shifter like a piece of Angel Hair Spaghetti. That is when cars had class. thanks Joe D.
  7. Nice picture. A single axle B-Model was always a common sight in the Northeast but no more. No how much was in the wagon a few revs and off she went. Joe D.
  8. Nice. What trans and hp engine? Thanks Joe D.
  9. About trip leasing. It was illegal to trip lease both ways outbound and inbound. When filling out the trip lease papers I always put in powdered milk as it was an exempt commodity.If broker did not know you and you were not on permanent lease to a company some would not load you.If you were a permanent trip leasor all you needed for insurance was Bobtail and Deadhead Insurance for liability. When under load you were covered by Lessor's Insurance. Unless hauling exempt then you needed full liability and cargo insurance. I would not want to do it again in todays envoirment. Joe D.
  10. First C-Model Sleeper I ever saw. Nice picture with belly mount reefer. Greenstein was out of Pompano Beach,Florida. Was last run by daughter of owner. Article in last 2 issues of Old Time Trucks. Was a good company to be leased to from what article said. Geenstein name on bumper was mandatory along with green color. Joe D.
  11. Tom Thanks for posting pictures. About the Charter Members I read somewhere about Shirley S. starting a new magazine about old trucks and I knew she had experience with Wheels of Time. I enjoy the magazine. The Fe-March 2014 Old Time Trucks is avaible $5.00 plus$3.00 Shipping. call 765-935-5301. Joe D.
  12. Mike I do not think "Old Time Trucks" is sold on newstand or stores. Phone # 765-935-5301. Website is www.oldtimetrucks.org Joe D.
  13. With the split exhaust they had a sound of their own. Joe D.
  14. DailyDiesel I have a 14 liter 515 HP in my 2005 Western Star. I bought it new. I do not know what tomorrow brings but it has been about the best new engine and truck we ever bought. Joe D.
  15. I recieved my Just Old Trucks Magazine and in it were pictures and brief description of Yarnall's F-Model Mack and Yardo's FWD Fire Truck. Nice work. Joe D.
  16. Does Daimler include Western Star as part of being the leader in market share ? I live in Northeast,Penna.Western Star sells quite a few vocational and road tractors in my area. For Western Star supposedly being designed a Western Truck in my travels I saw more in the East than out west. Joe D.
  17. Good deal for you Vlad. The stickers on windshield are 25 is the weight class it is registered for in Pennsylvania. The 02 -6 is a pennsylvania Inspection Sticker,it tells which year and month safety inspection is due. The New Yok State HUT is Highway Use Tax permit for New York State alone.You had to file miles to New York State to pay additional tax. Several States have them they are called a third tier tax.A little side note of where I live there is a small town by name of Moscow,Pennsylvania. It is in the Northeast section of State. Joe D.
  18. I spent the day Sunday at the Museum. It was well worth it. About 200 Tractors of various makes and 35-40 Trucks mostly Class 8 everything restored. I recomment it to anyone in Richmond,Virginia area to stop by. I had a nice chat with one of the employees also.Joe D.
  19. I wish the best to them all. Joe D.
  20. Anyone remember the "Seinfield Episode" of Kramer as a Tillerman. It reminds me of my time in the Navy running boats 1968. About all smaller boats were either cable or kick like a clutch. I was on an old scow that had the bell system from Coxswain to Engine man when landing the boat the Coxswain was ringing the bell for forward and reverse I could not keep up with it,it had 2 big levers that took some doing to change direction. Needless to say I got an a$$ chewing and some extra duty. Joe D.
  21. Paul I drove down from Penna. to Fort Lauderdale, Florida last week about the most I saw for credit or debit card use was .10$ a gallon difference.I hope it is not a thing of the future. Joe D.
  22. WE had a KW with aluminum frame. It was about impossible to remove bolts. The steel bolts seem to weld themselves in the aluminum. Joe D.
  23. 1958 F.W.D. Thanks for the detailed info. It takes not only practice but you have to be a mind reader also. I bet Winfall Women would take your mind off making turns. Joe D.
  24. Matt I feel same way. I hope it does not go for scrap. I do not know what he wants for it but scrap value is not much.With a shoehorn it would be a nice setup in my A-51.I have a few auxiliary trans. all I need now is what he has for sale. Joe D.
  25. heavyhauler nice ladder truck. When backing into a garage do you lock tiller wheel or does Tillerman assist ? Drove truck all my life but never saw a tiller unit backing up. Thanks Joe D.
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