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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. You could use a 14,16 or 18 series Fuller behind the E9.In early years they used the 1200 series Fuller behind the KT 450-600 HP.Joe D.
  2. Both man and Mack were doing OK until the Obama Administration came into power. Joe D.
  3. I forgot to mention auto slacks are about 3 times the money. Joe D.
  4. I like the manual adjustment slacks. Not much work to keep adjusted in a hobby truck. We run auto slacks in our work trucks because they are mandated. Auto slacks are OK if they keep working. Just my opinion. Joe D.
  5. Tom we have the same problem up here in Northeastern Penna. with all the natural gas drilling about most roads are posted 10 tons. Its funny a permit lets your truck go down any road and it does no damage.A lot of the country roads up here we call pie crust roads thin layer of asphalt and narrow.We paved a lot of roads for the gas well companies and still need permits to travel on them.I feel for you as the citation was written in your name.They know drivers have to make every effort to pay fine unlike big companies who will delay and fight it to the end. Joe D.
  6. Not often you see a Cat on a flatbed. With the ROPS it had to be close to or over 13'6". Joe D.
  7. The red frame B-Model in Maine with contour cab tin looks good,but engine has a piston that left home it was described in Ebay add.Joe D.
  8. The floor in the CH looks as it was worked hard with big potatoes. The box crossmembers are showing.Along with what others said buy a truck built for the job. The DM in South Dakota in Truckpaper looks as it has the frame that is heavy behind the cab. It could be single frame but was built for vocational work.I never drove an automatic so I could not say if good or not.I have been in the trucking business for 41 years about 25 in dump truck side. Buy whats right you will be ahead. Good Luck. Joe D.
  9. Belt driven compressors were very common on a lot of trucks up to the 1970'S. The gaspots from that era were belt driven IH,Gmand Dodge. The small V-8 Cats 1160,3208 were belt driven.It should not be hard to find a bracket or belt driven compressor.Joe D.
  10. The truck is located in the Mid Valley Industrial Park Olyphant,Penna near Scranton,Pa.. The name on door is the same as the building where it is parked. Dempsey Industrial Laundry. It is a large operation. I did not see it parked outside in awhile. Joe D.
  11. In the new wheels of Time there is a 1960 B-773LST rebuilt 250 Cummins,tri-plex, tandem. $9,000.00 or OBO. In Mass. 508-965-1570. It looks like what you want. Joe D.
  12. James J Neiweem The Quality Carriers now out of Florida is the old Chemical Leaman Tank Lines. Up until last year my Brother was leased to Quality Carriers. I do not know if it is the same as company you spoke of from Wisconsin.Joe D.
  13. Thank You to all Veterans and anyone else who keeps the U.S.A. great. I served 1968-72.Vietnam Patrol Motor Gunboat 613.Joe D.
  14. My mistake Mike. I thought it was a 510 Diesel. I imagine parts for the 672 Lanova were hard to find also. I guess I will see you and your Dad at Macungie. Joe D.
  15. I know its been done for a # of years as every show I go and its at I torture the owner with questions and picture taking. He is a nice guy and an Engineer but did most if not all the work himself.There was another A-51 with the 510 Diesel at Macungie a few years ago. It was the first 510 Diesel I ever heard. I think Mike Yarnall has one being rebuilt or is rebuilt already it will be nice to see and hear. Joe D.
  16. firemanjohn I have thought about the 6Bt but I do have a C-180 Cummins to put in there if I ever get off my lazy A$$.The C-180 is about the same size as the 510 Diesel.My A-51 has a bit of history as it was delivered new to the Autocar Factory in Penna.according to the information I received from the Mack Museum. Autocar wanted to make a similar truck I was told from the man who bought it from Autocar.Through the years the saying about A-Models was too light for heavy work and too heavy for light work.If you watched the Trucktoberfest Video the red A-Model has a 673 Mack and Tri-plex Trans tandem rears. It is very nice. Joe D.
  17. There seems to be a lot of interest in the A-Models lately. For the longest time no one seemed interested in them like the N-Model. Maybe because neither was a high or long in production truck. I am happy to see interest in the A-Models as I have a A-51T with a stuck END 510 Diesel.Parts for that engine are hard to come by in my experience looking for them.I kind of wish it was a A-55 with the Cummins Diesel then it would be easy to find a 220-250. Joe D.
  18. Thanks Al. The separate box plates would work as the shift pattern is the same. When I went to Pleasanton,California ATHS Show in 2010 I bought one from I think Courtland but misplaced it. I have time to find one as I am a long way off from needing it. Joe D.
  19. I need a shift plate for a Spicer 8516 4X4 2 stick married trans. Does anyone have one or know where to buy one new. I tried the usual places to no avail. Thanks Joe D.
  20. Watts Mack or Matt Phahl should have them. Joe D.
  21. I know what I would like to nip. Joe D.
  22. Mark thanks for the slideshow. Lots of hours in that project. Is it going to be a small sleeper or seats,storage area? Joe D.
  23. Mike not many N-Model survivors around. There was one in a junkyard in Hazleton,Pa. about 10 years ago.It was a gaspot with a water tank on it. Joe D.
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