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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Changing to single overdrive Fuller is not going to increase speed much or any at all. Triplex is overdrive in near same % as Fuller 15 speed. To get double overdrive he would have to use double over 13 speed. No such trans as a double over 10 or 15 speed.I cannot understand why a B-Model with factory tri-plex would have rear ratio lower than hi 5.00'S. Tri-plex was used mostly for road work tractors not off road unless it was tri-plex used in B-53'S and a few other B-Models that had deep reduction gearing like a Quadbox not progressive gearing. It was said 15 speed so it is progressive trans. Joe D.
  2. Finding engine parts for the END 510 Mack Diesel is very frustrating it is for me anyway. I bought some rings for 510 gas engine that I think will work ,the diesel has 1 more ringIf your base for the radiator bulldog is intact you are lucky. I think they were made just for the A-Model B and L-Models are not the same. People want the Bulldog and rip it off anyway possible. E-Model cabs are basicaly the same but front tin is A-model specific. Good Luck Joe D.
  3. Ernie I love the sound of the 2 strokes but 6V-53's were unbearably loud. I was in Vietnam we had them in PBR'S (riverboats) 2 side by side with Jacuzzi Jet Pumps.Joe D.
  4. The 359 Brockway sits off I-84 on the hillEastbound side after the split with I-380. You can only see it going Eastbound it has a 290 cummins 10 speed Roadranger owned by a friend of me. Joe D.
  5. Vlad they are called mechanics joints in my area. Sure are a lot easier to work with. When I ordered new Western Star in late 2004 I wanted them but WS Engineers would not sign off on them for a tri-axle dump truck. No answer as to why. Joe D.
  6. A Models were made from 1950-to 54 I am not sure of final year. Somewhere around 6-7000 A-Models made. Though cabs look similar L-Models had split winshields and larger cab. L -models were made from 1940's to mid 50'S ?. The way A-Models were described to me too light for heavy work and too heavy for light work. A-Models shared the same basic cab as E-Models but no front window opening. I have a 1950 A-51 T with Mack 510 Diesel and 10 speed mono-shift. It does nor run but is complete I hope someday to put C-180 Cummins init with different trans. There is a nice red a-model in New Jersey with a 673 Mack and Tri-plex tandem. Tight fit as it was an A-40. The A-55'S hasd longer hood to fit 672 Cummins from factory. Is the one you are interested in a factory installed C-160 ? I would like to know what mounts were used and where placed. good luck. Joe D.
  7. Mike Y. I did not realize you and your Father had such a a nice large collection. Joe D.
  8. Bullhusk (Ernie) what does your Page+Page Suspension look like in your R-700 V-12 Detroit ? I have a 1970 KW W900 with Page +Page called Huskey. It looks like a Camelback Mack but u-bolts are mounted at an angle instead of straight up and down.It has rubber bushings not bronze and is rated 44,000 lbs. with Rockwell STRR 44,000 lb. top load rears,5.78 ratio, 4X4 trans overdrive in aux. only tops out about 57 I was told. There were never many Page+Page in my area that I remember.Joe D.
  9. It is definitely a power steering reservoir. Luberfiner's are narrower and longer. A luberfiner also does not have a dipstick filler hole on top. 2 lines on a Luberfiner.84 sdog I thought you were being funny with the spelling.Joe D.
  10. Power steering reservoir. Joe D.
  11. other dog looks like the girl in bikini took a squirt. Nice picture though great pose.I do not care for being politically correct in mostcases. Joe D.
  12. Spicer or maybe now called another name made the 1241 aux. trans. Why would you want to split gears with engine and tran. setup you have now? Unless for some reason you need a deeper first gear reduction the setup you have now is not designed to have such close splits in higher gears. Joe D.
  13. I can't imagine how you guys do it but these post get better everyday. Joe D.
  14. I think the tide is finally turning on the silver tongued Bullshit Artist who is in office now. I hope the trend continues. Joe D.
  15. Mike another good save. Nice spec. bulletproof. Joe D.
  16. Vinnie the second Brockway is powered by a 6-71 Detroit13 speed. Both trucks and trailers are owned by Maroushock Brothers Throop,Penna. The Detroit powered one was a New York State Plow Truck before being converted to a tractor. Joe D.
  17. As God is in "The Pledge of Allegiance" lets keep it in everything American. As for the ones that do not like it let them start their own country. When I joined the service in 1968 if you did not have a religion they made you pick one in Boot Camp and Church was mandatory on Sunday. Joe D.
  18. Try oldihc.org Joe D.
  19. The Binder looks great. Hard to beat the sound of the 2 cycle Detroit. A heavy driver will make a U-Model lean to Port.Joe D.
  20. Not sure but I do not think you could update an antique to meet Calif. CARB rules. Joe D.
  21. Vinny I talked to Doug Saturday. He had a get well card for Mike Roderick signed by a lot of us. Joe D.
  22. Bob there is still one operating in my area as a tri-axle dump. I think it has a 270 or 290 Cummins with 8ll and 44,000 rears. Last I saw it a paving company out of Wilkes Barre,Pa. was using it as a backup truck. Joe D.
  23. It was on a few times if I remember correctly. It sold for good $$$ probably non paying bidder. Joe D.
  24. Very Good like Apple Pie and Hot Dogs.Joe D.
  25. I have .45 Govt. model it packs quite a wallop,I can't imagine what a double barrell would do. Govt. modeels with iron sights are not the most accurate the Gold Cup edition with adjustable sights are better. Govt. models certainly did what they were designed for for the last century. Joe D.
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