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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Paul Fred Crimson's book paid off already in information for you and the rest of us. Joe D.
  2. I have some pictures but I am not capable of posting them. In the near future I will ask my friend oldspwr to post them. Mine is pretty complete but needs restoration. My Father had some GMC'S in late 50's early 60's along with other brands $$$ was always the deciding factor on purchases. Joe D.
  3. Vlad very interesting post and pictures. Keep them coming.Are parts avaible for your Macks and reasonable? Joe D.
  4. Good Luck Rob. Joe D.
  5. Other dog I have a GMC D 860 with a 6-71. It needs a restoration though. Joe D.
  6. Welcome Off the top of my head A B C D E F H L MB N R U W. Joe D.
  7. Vlad here in America a single axle is sometimes called a single screw. When it has both rear axles with differentials it is called a twin screw or simply a screw.I know I left myself open with this info. A single axle with a dead axle in front of rear end is a pusher, a single axle with dead axle in rear is a tag axle. There were also tri-drives with 3 powered rears. There were some in my area years ago but do not see them anymore. Lots of tire scuffing. Joe D.
  8. JTformula I forgot about the AC Chain Drive with twenty dozer in bed. All this old iron sitting in clear view. I do not know where Devino's find all this but they do a good job of it. Joe D.
  9. Ben your doing good. Joe D.
  10. Copy. Joe D.
  11. Sorry no camera. I should know better by now. Joe D.
  12. I was in Newark.N.J. today went by Devino's and he had 2 blue B-Models the tin looked good on one but either had no rear tires or rear. about every 10' I went up Doremus Avenue he had more a B-81 tandem,The blue Dodge gaspot Ernie I think was looking at, a hard nose KW that needs work with heavy axle and looked like Rockwell Suspension, and about 5 DK Autocars and a few short nose Acars with steel nose. I took aride around Port Newark as I pulled loads from the piers from 72 to 80. It sure changed a lot. Also stopped in Elizabeth for Delo 100 40 WT. to use in my jade grenades. Hard to find the Delo 100 anymore and it got pricey. I always liked Jersey. Joe D.
  13. Ernie we ran some 475-550 and straight 500 HP. Cats they were good no accerts no twin turbos. We also had a C-12 410 HP. good power andfuel mileage for its size but loved new head gaskets and turbos. We also have one Cummins 565 HP. its pretty good but if I was to buy any more new trucks they would be Detroit powered. No more working trucks for my Brother or me.I am 62 and my Brother is 57,he feels same as I do too much aggravation with emissions and in Penna. most towns are getting the local cops DOT Certified to get on the money train with truck inspections. I am all for safety but its turning into a circus with local enforcement. At least State Police Inspections for most part are about safety,Local Police are bragging in paper how they made $12,000. in a few days inspecting trucks. A lot of them could not find their ASS with both hands. Rant over. Joe D.
  14. Looks like the girl in the car was getting some fresh air also. Joe D.
  15. I do not know why so many people wanted " Hope and Change". I thought the U.S.A. was pretty good to me all my life. I went to public school for 12 years went to service for 4 years. I saved a few $ for down payment on truck when I got out in 1972. I had ups and downs like most people but worked hard as my wife did also. Built a new house raised 2 children sent tm to college they are doing well. We bought several new cars and trucks went on 8 cruises and vacations every year. For me I hope it never changes. I lived the American Dream for the most part. Joe D.
  16. Keep them coming all are very good. I saw a bumper sticker on a car that had a picture of Bush Jr. smiling on it saying "Miss Me Yet". I certainly do. Joe D.
  17. I guess I have a soft spot for the 237 Maxidyne. I was running a GMC Astro with a 8V-92 in it from coast to coast. I rolled it in Montana with a load of apples. When the dust settled the only truck I could afford was a R-Model Mack single axle with a Dynatard. I put a $50.00 tag axle on it and a 24" sleeper and went back running the West Coast with it. It helped me get out of a bad financial situation and get financially stable again. I remember the scale man in Montana pulling me around back,I asked what is wrong,he said nothing he just wanted to see what kind of man would drive a truck like that coast to coast. I told him a poor one.That R-Model is still around today they made a roll off out of it.Joe D.
  18. I run a Series 60 515 HP in a Western Star every day. It has been a very good and reliable engine so far 11,500 hours on engine. I hope I didn't jinx myself by saying that. It is hard to beat the sound of a 2 cycle Detroit though. We did run a lot of 6-71,8V-71, and 1 8V-92 through the years.In my opinion the 237 Maxidyne is about the best engine ever built in its time frame. Joe D.
  19. You guys are good. Joe D.
  20. I had to make one from threaded rod for my Freightliner COE with 6V-92 Detroit to keep it at high idle when cold. Too much smoke at idle. Joe D.
  21. For the $400.00 spent on gold chain they could have bought a washing machine of their own.. Even an apartment sized one if room was a problem.Joe D.
  22. Olive I am glad you are enjoying the book as Paul surely will. Rob Good Deal on the arrival of your Western Tin. You really put the wheels in motion on delivery. Joe D.
  23. What engine and trans is in truck? Looks like diesel emblem on drivers side of hood not sure. Cab tin looks good. Joe D.
  24. Good woman you have. Let me know what you think of the IH Book by Fred Crimson. He passed away a few years ago. My V-190 is a tandem with 549 and 5X3 trans,2000D is 6-71 with 13 speed. Joe D.
  25. When I was in Vietnam on Patrol Boats there were no facilities too small of a boat. We just held onto a rail and let her fly. If Coxswain wanted to be funny you would get a nice brown water duesch. Joe D.
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