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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Call Discount Ramps 1-888-651-3431. I know a driver who bought from them and was happy. Go to their website for pictures and prices. Joe D.
  2. If it is the same Tom Spencer he had a truck restoration shop in Penna. near the Panther Creek Power Plant. About 10 years ago I was hauling coal to power plant there and saw old Macks and some other makes in his yard at end of the day I stopped in to look around and he invited me into his shop to see restoration projects. I asked about him a few years ago and was told he retired.Joe D.
  3. Rob you can buy a permanen IFTA permit good fromJan.1 to Dec.31 it is only $5.00. You are required to fill out quarterly fuel reports even if you ran 0 miles in quarter. Another requirement for IFTA is you have to have apportioned plates and run in at least one other state for the byear or they will cancel your IFTA Permit. This happened to me in Penna. they did give me my IFTA back after they checked my records. I think rules for IFTA are the same for any jurisdiction as that was the reason for it. Joe D.
  4. Hood length on LT is longer than the LJ Models.I think the LT'S had a larger engine selection also the LTL'S had an aluminum frame and other lightweight option that the LJ'S did not offer.Don't go to the bank with this info. as I am not 100% sure. Joe D.
  5. Mowerman if you plan on going to Brockway Show in Cortland any year is good but 2012 is the 100 year Anniversary of Brockway Trucks it should be the Bonanza.Joe D.
  6. 57BCR You are right about Lou Decampo's being a H-67. I should have remembered that as I saw it and talked to him many times at Macungie. Dr. Bill did want everyone to enjoy his trucks and as was said before he encouraged you to climb in. Joe D.
  7. Hatcity nice Dumper. The Roadway H-Model I think was owned by Lou Decampo from Canada who sold it to owner of Jevic who restored it. The blue and white W-Model was owned by the late Dr. Comcowitch. Nice pictures. Joe D.
  8. Vinnie the fenders were an option on the Worlds Toughest Truck. Ernie looks good. Great condition. Joe D.
  9. I want to give Thanks to all who served. I hope everyone has a good memorial Day.I would like to meet up with members at Springfield Show. Joe D.
  10. No Vinny it is long gone. We ran quite a few trucks through the years but did not take many pictures.It was different for sure a Sidewinder with a sleeper. Joe D.
  11. twostickmutt I liveb off Exit 8 Mount Cobb on I-84 about 1 mile from the exit. Howe's is the next exit East. My garage though is on !-380 Daleville Exit where the junk is parked.I am usually there on Sunday working on trucks. Joe D.
  12. Same Bullshit in our local and only newspaper in my area The Scranton Times.They do print a Conserative view at times but then tear it apart. Joe D.
  13. Vinny I wish I had a picture of my Brothers U-Model with 36" sleeper box and pusher axle. It was a 1981 or so he bought it new. He ran it coast to coast with cars for a man from Long Island Myron Levine. He would make about 35% more monet than I did hauling produce from California to East Coast. He also hauled boats with it for Kenosha Auto Transport to all 48 states but that was not very profitable. Joe D.
  14. I plan on leaving Lake Ariel,Pa.Wednesday night. I have the Brockway Plow Truck loaded thanks to Tom Millard for helping me.Only thing I can say about it is its original. It is on a trailer but no trailer Queen. I hope I make it up there with no problems. Joe D.
  15. Good Luck. Joe D.
  16. 41 chevy first thanks for your service. I too am a disabled Vietnam Vet. I had cance from Agent Orange and had my voice box removed over 20 years ago. When I joined the service they told us if we got hurt in service they will take care of us. In my case they lived up to their word. Although I got some abuse and stares and still do for having a hole in my neck by very few most everyone I meet are very nice people.When I had surgery the Doctor told me to get thick skin best advice I ever recieved. Thanks again for your service. Joe D..
  17. I trhink about 1 year ago there was a post about new Macks with 24" rubber tube type not tubeless. Most likely still avaible. I had 11:00 24" tube type rubber on a IH Paystar 5000 that I ran in 1980'S. That being said I do not believe I would buy another truck for work with 24" rubber,too expensive and heavy to do tire work on by an old man. They do take the weight well but not high speeds which they were not designed for.There are a few hobby trucks I wanted but passed on because of the 24" rubber. Just my opinion. Vladislav someday when I get to Russia I would like to see your trucks, nice that with all the termoil in the World old trucks are a common denominator. Nice rubber what brand are they for your NR? Thanks Joe D.
  18. They should call back the ones they laid off when they closed Tannersville,Pa. I do hope it works out. Joe D.
  19. Body looks like 13'-14' long. It has a subframe maybe 2 or 3 cylinder hoist. Pretty heavy unit. It was popular setup in New Jersey years ago. Nice truck. Joe D.
  20. Acars make a good mobile office. Joe D.
  21. Best answer was on Obama Joke of The Day. Our recovery starts when Obama loses his job.I still cannot comprehend how he has so many followers when good jobs are scarce and plants still closing. Joe D.
  22. Glenn Thanks for explaining it. Whoever adjusted it last did not put the lock collar against the adjusting one. This clutch is in my 1968 Brockway Plow Truck.Thanks Joe D.
  23. Can someone explain how to adjust a Lipe Rollway Clutch and Clutch Brake in detail. Spicers are no problem but I never adjusted a Lipe Rollway. Its a whole different animal to me. Thanks Joe D.
  24. This is one of the best topics in my opinion of any site I frequent. Other Dog thats a Dandy. Joe D.
  25. Rowdy I like those Boobs better than the big boob in Washington. Joe D.
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