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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. I also thought it was about Hooters.American GI'S are just as good a topic. Joe D.
  2. Did you buy it from Al Caines. He has quite a few Fire Trucks. I live about 10 miles up the mountain from his place. Good luck on transportation. Joe D.
  3. Vinny I spoke to Mike and Doug a few times at different shows. Joe D.
  4. Vinny when you go to that site and click on the picture of the Brockway Plow Truck it is mine at Cortland Brockway Show. Thanks Joe D.
  5. If they told them to Haul Ass they would have to make 2 trips. Joe D.
  6. Learning the facts of life. Joe D.
  7. The Fire Truck does not have the nose of a B-71.Radiator extends past fenders on a B-71. According to my Mack information no B-71'S were built as Fire Trucks. Joe D.
  8. In Penna. and some other states a vehicle 25 years ol is considered an antique. That would make 1987 and older antique. Joe D.
  9. That picture proves it takes more than horsepower to move loads gearing (reduction). Joe D.
  10. Some people are Dumber than a pail of rocks. Joe D.
  11. The information on VIN'S is not always correct. I have an 1985 Freightliner with a 6V-92 from factory. The Freightliner Dealer looks up VIN for parts and insists it was built with a 855 Cummins. Thankfully I only use this truck to pull my old trucks around.I have several old trucks of various makes and honestly the International Dealer is best for getting parts. My local Mack Dealer was good at one time but changed hands and everything changed.As far as the reliability of the Mack E9 I have a friend that has one in Superliner Tri-Axle Dump that ran 23 years before being rebuilt. There are still a few in my area running and owners will not sell them. Joe D. PS They sound great also.
  12. I think owner got a little mixed up in his numbers. Top of ad says 237 Maxidyne and in description it says original 205 HP Thermodyne.Most likely the Thermodyne.The earliest Maxidyne's I ever saw or heard from factory installed was 1965 or 1966 with introduction of R-model. Joe D.
  13. A GMC is only a Chevy with lock washers. Joe D.
  14. Dan Double oo 92 was the name of the one we bought new in a 1979 GMC Astro 95. I think 1980 was when the Silver 92'S came out. Joe D.
  15. John The 92 Series with the cast aluminum valve covers are a pretty dry engine.Like I said in earlier post if silver series pretty reliable. If the one you bid on has the stamped covers just find a set of cast aluminum and new gaskets for it. I bought the ones for my 6V-92 from NAPA. Joe D.
  16. The early 92 series were not the most reliable. I think 1979 was the year for the Silver 92 Series a big improvement but too late as the early ones (Jade Grenades) about put Detroit Diesel out of business. We bought a new Astro 95 in 1979 with 8V-92 forgot the name for it was between green and silver series it was OK. I have a 6V-92 in 1985 Freightliner COE to pull my old trucks with it works out good for my purpose. Like a V-8 Mack a 2 cycle Detroit have a great sound of their own. We had plenty of Detroits thru the years and they were good to us just as the Mack,Cummins and Cats were. Joe D.
  17. Good you got called back.Nice Mack and good legal load with tandem. I have a tri-axle dump with Pennsy Supply which is owned by the same company as Tilcon is Old Castle Materials their main off ice is in Ireland. I live in Northeastern,Penna. and Pennsy just bought 4 more quarries in Susquehanna, County and they are setting up a hot rock plant in one of them. Lots of work in the gas fields here. I hope everyone has a good year. Joe D.
  18. Green Dash That is the name "Turnpike Cruiser" Thanks Joe D.
  19. Rob My B-67 with TRD-67 has a # 2 bellhousing.I have a tri-plex with # 1 bellhousing that i thought about putting in B-67. Joe D.
  20. How sad but true that letter is. I still do not understand how some people think Obama is the Messiah and can walk on water. Others demonize Rommney for being successful. I thought that was the American Dream. It still is to me. Joe D.
  21. Rob not sure I will have to measure distance between bolts. Joe D.
  22. My B-67 has TRD-67 trans in it with 673P. It wa a lighter duty trans set up I think for 60,000 GVW.Any higher GVW and I think Mack wanted the 72 Series trans. Joe D.
  23. Leversole did the Acar you posted have a 2 stick Fuller married box? If so it looks like the Acar that was owned by a Teamster Union Local for driver training. It was at a show a few years ago. I think it was for sale in a magazine or Ebay. Nice it found a good home. Joe D.
  24. I think the cab was raised on the 4070 to accomadate the aftercooler on 855 Cummins and turboes on the 8V-71. There was a raised cab IH with a factory 12V-71 at Macungie a few years ago I think it was a 5070 not sure owned by Tackaberry from Canada. It wasnice like all his trucks.Joe D.
  25. Good Luck with the Acar. I bet it weighs over 28,000 lbs. empty, if Jersey Specs 55 rears,24" rubber (tube type). I had a Paystar 5000 tandem 32,000 empty weight. Constructor Plate was good for 70,000 gross in Jersey no axle weights.I got nailed 2 days in a row over $4,000.00 for over gross arounf 1985. I got spanked good.Do you have work lined up? Joe D.
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