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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Looks good. Bulldog on hood looks like from R-Model. I have a A-51 and Bulldog does not mount like this one. I am not nit pickng just wondering why correct Dog not used. Joe D.
  2. About the best way to explain to liberals why handouts are not necessary in most all cases. Joe D.
  3. If he is moving on to another project he has his work cut out for him. That B-61 is beautiful. Joe D.
  4. Looks pretty good in picture.Coming from the Northeast it would be nice if cab was not destroyed by salt. Most F-Models i saw built by 1971 had the Maxidyne powertrain.673 And Duplex would be different. Joe D.
  5. I enjoyed this thread. Thanks everyone.Joe D.
  6. Tim. M. I was trying to figure what Nationalty your name was. I am usually pretty good with names but yours thru me off. Also answers your trip to Russia. I would love to go to Russia,Lithuania,Ukraine and Poland someday. Joe D.
  7. Who stole the Kishka? (Blood Baloney) or Chanina Spelling Duck Soup with blood. Pagosh is better choice pizza dough with potatoes and cheese or cabbage(kapusta).Joe D.
  8. I am of Eastern European Descent. There are 2 kinds of Halushkie. Cabbage and dumplings and potato,dumplings,butter and cheese. There are a lot of names for people from this reion of the world Hunky, roundheader,greenie and others. Babushka's are worn by Stada Baba's( old ladies). Joe D.
  9. If Republican Party does not get their act together we will be stuck with him for 4 more years.Not what I want.Joe D.
  10. I spent 1 year in Vietnam. Writing on Store looks Vietnameese. Joe D.
  11. U Models must not like being loaded on trailers. When I was at Huntsville,Alabama ATHS Show same thing with U Model being loaded. Joe D.
  12. If you go to Macungie Show go 80 miles North to scranton,Pa.Steamtown USA is there a collection of steam powered locomotives. Also about 2 miles away is McDade Coal Mine Tour. You go down in mine car to the workings of an old Anthracite Coal Mine.If you have never been in a deep mine before it is quite the experience. They tore down the Mack family House in Mount Cobb,Pa. and now is a new housing development Mack estates. i live about 1 mile from Mack Estates Development. If here in middle of August Brockway Truck show 100 Anniversary is being held in Cortland,New York. They close down Main Street for the day. Joe D.
  13. RTLO-16618 has final ratio 0.85 RTO-15715 final ratio 0.79 Joe D.
  14. It is good Bobbie's Truck stayed close. Thanks for the pictures. the Emeryville next to Bobbie's is owned by an acquaintaince of mine Bill Nagy. Joe D.
  15. Rob Good looking Grandaughter. Joe D.
  16. There are some options if you want to keep it. Outside storage at storage business usually is reasonable $50.00 month or less. Before I had my garage I found garage and warehouse owners that were reasonable. Good Luck Joe D.
  17. Where did Bobby Fiero's truck end up? I hauled coal with Bobby from Scranton Wilkes Barre area to Nepco and Panther Creek. He was driving the Superliner Tractor with the V8. He used to pass us going up Ashley Plains hill and look over and smile,not to rub it in but he loved driving the V8. We always met up at Macungie.Joe D.
  18. I was leased to Gilchrist/Queensway in mid 80'S. I was leased to their Northeast Delivery Company. All 3 were owned by same family. They now run a company called Dupont Motor Lines Old Forge,Pa.same old terminal. When I was working for them they had plenty of work and paid on time with decent rates. They ran a lot of F-Model Macks back then. Green dash Queensway Trailers did have the yellow crown on them.Joe D.
  19. Rob you got me again. I forgot about that option for operating in snowy or dusty locales. I have a gaspot IH with 549 that has that also. Joe D.
  20. Rob I should have said the 237 had one tube from air cleaner sorry about that. I never owned a 300+so no experience with them, but had several 237 and 300 Maxidynes. Joe D.
  21. If it has 2 tubes from air cleaner and 5 speed I would say it is a 300 (283-285 hp ) Maxidyne. If it was a 300 plus it would have a 9,10 or more speed trans as they were not high torque rise engines Thermodynes.Joe D.
  22. James j I would think International was the top seller of trucks in time period you asked about. It still is the # 2 seller of heavy duty trucks today. Joe D.
  23. Olivetroad I was busted up pretty good. The drunk driver of other vehicle did not make it sorry to say. Truck and trailer went down road on its side at 60 mph. It caught fir and when it stopped I climbed out passenger window. Only about 20' of trailer and tractor frame was left, the rest melted in fire. Joe D.
  24. About any heavy duty parts store could get you what you need. Joe D.
  25. I would love to have that Donald Duck IH. In 1979 my Brother and i bought a new Astro same paint scheme with 8V-92 Detroit. I totaled it along with reefer and load of apples in Montana in 1981. Joe D.
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