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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. macktruckfan. if you go to the for salesection on this board there is a 1980 Mack R688ST withthe 5x4 trans setup you asked about. It has the TRL1078 main trans and Spicer1241C auxiliary. If you scroll down in the comments someone posted a link to complete specs. of this truck.It only has 68,000 original miles on truck from new. It was bought new for the U.S. Fish and game commission.Joe D.
  2. I looked in a copy of an A- Model owners manual. The only places it shows for serial # is as was stated before right rear side of frame and passenger seat base. The one on rear of frame does not seem to be the best place to put it with stretching and cutting of frames. Joe D.
  3. Bullheaded I have no problems with the build quality of my Brandon Model FHA. I had a Bibeau and a Brandon before.The way it was explained to me is that Beau Roc and Brandon were started by family members of Bibeau. I have a friend that has a Beau Roc Diamond on his KW and he never said about any problems with it. When I ordered my body from Brandon I put the heavier gate on it, that was a mistake for weight purposes as I mostly haul asphalt,coal,salt, and crushed stone.We haul rip rap and shot rock but I try to stay away from it. I do not think it is worth the extra money to haul it. The company I work for has a $2.00 a ton premiun for anything larger than # 5 rip rap but I will let the others make the big bucks LOL. Joe D.
  4. If the truck has the original passenger seat base there should be an identification plate mounted to it with 4 screws. That is the way it is on my 1950 A-51T if someone did not remove base or plate. I will look at my A Model to see if I can find it anywhere else. Joe D.
  5. I run 315 80 R22.5 on the steerable lift axle they are rated for 9,000 lbs. apiece legal in Penna. and New Jersey for 18,000 lbs. Some states are making steerable lift axles mandatory on new trucks. New York State is one. A friend of mine wanted to get R Permit for New York State and they would not let him as his truck is 2007 and has fixed lift axle on it. Joe D.
  6. Grant If you are looking to put a 18 speed Quadbox behinh the 375 HP V8 I do not think it will take the torque. If it was a new range style 18 speed Mack trans or Fuller 18 speed there would be no problems.The 1200 or 1400 series 13 speed would work good also. Joe D.
  7. Andy Did you ever consider adding the A Model Macks and make it the E and A Model Registry? The A Model seems like just an updated E model. It seems as there are not a lot of E and A Model owners out there and it might get more to join the registry. I have a 1950 A-51T with the 510 Mack Diesel it is kind of odd with that engine and engine parts are hard to find. Thanks Joe D.
  8. Nice ride Bullheaded. I run a tri-axle dump in Northeast,Penna. I have a 2005 western Star 515 Detroit, 16908LL, 46,000 lbs. Rockwell 4.56 ratio,steerable lift axle, 18 FT. Brandon Heated Hi Tensile steel box.Why is the lift axle so far forward on Canadian trucks?Weight I imagine. I used to work out of town most of the time now i work for Pennsy Supply and keep me busy about 9 months of year. I haul road salt or coal for winter months if not that I go to Florida for winter with truck to work. This last winter work got slow in Florida so I stayed up here.What is empty weight of your IH? My Star is 27,300 a bit heavy could lighten up if i took oak sideboards off for pine. Joe D.
  9. Welcome I am from Northeast Penna. also Lake Ariel,Penna. Joe D.
  10. The B68'S only engine offered was a EN 540 gas. It was offered withquite a few chassis versions as P,T,LT,S,ST,X,SX. Not as many as the B 61 but quite a few versions. As you know even # B Models were gas powered and odd # B Models were Diesel powered.They both used the most common cab 102". Joe D.
  11. bulldog man I hope you are getting better and back to the way you were before accident. I bet if you were in my stout little Huskie you would not have felt anything. You said in earlier post you like Brockways my new purchase 1968 Brockway 361 can be seen at Brockway Trucks Forum as Joe D'S 361 if you care to see it. Good Luck in the future. Joe D.
  12. I have a can of B Model Mack interior green paint. I think it was the same color for all Mack interiors (steel dash) up to 1971. Gloss Spray Enamel 812Green metallic 3125X19P2.If you go to any automotive paint store that mixes paint they could probably mix you up the amount you need.I never had a problem as yet with getting it made up. Joe D.
  13. Nice job on the 4000 White. I had a 1967 White 4000 220 cummins, RT 910,single axle and a 1972 White 9000 250 Cummins RTO 910 tandem. They were a good work truck,no frills.I had a78 and 79 Autocar Tri-Axle Dumps with the same corporate cab. Like others said the unaerodynamic design was the best looking. Joe D.
  14. If someone is looking for a E Model there was one advertised in TNT Magazine 23Nov. 07 issue page68 it is a 1947 Mack EHX with dump $7500.00 or Best offer.Phone # 609- 298-0841.New Jersey.Was garage kept Looks good in picture but a bit pricy.
  15. Mackpro68 I do not think any Brockway 400 series came with a Scania Engine. The Scanny was offered in the low cab coe MB Series,I never saw a Scanny in a F Model Mack that is not to say it was not ever offered.
  16. ROB tHE v-6 gmc's HAVE A NICE SOUND. i HAVE A 1960 wHITE mUSTANG WITH A 386CU.IN fLATHEAD ENGINE IT HAS THE SPLIT EXHAUST MANIfold it makes a nice mellow sound all its own.
  17. That is what is called a 13 speed triplex, there is also a 18 speed quadbox and a 9 speed duplex.Mack also made a tri-plex with a very deep first gear about the same as a quadbox in first gear it was avaible in vocational B Models as the B-53. You would use lolo in the back box in first or second gear only for starting out. I do not know if all but the quadboxes we had when you shifted out of lolo it could only be put back in lolo in first or reverse gear, it was designed that way from factory.
  18. Your friend is right. The fuel lines are Mack parts there is a certain one for each injector from the pump.I think they are avaible from Mack as they should be the same lines that are on the 675 327 HP. engine.If they are old it is only a matter of time before they crack and leak fuel all over.
  19. Is anyone in East Central Illinois with a dropdeck to transport a 1967 Diamond T Cabover Tandem Tractor from Cissna Park, Ill. to Lake Ariel, Penna. Truck can be made to run if needed no real hurry at present time but would like it in Penna. before snow flies. Thanks for any info.
  20. 2 Macks 1950 A-51 T,and 1962 B-67 T.
  21. Macks. I am with you as you stated the clutch brake is only for putting trans in gear when in neutral and completely stopped I have to believe the drivers that read the post missed that comment about using the clutch brake when moving. That is why there was no clutch brake left for whoever posted on the trucks they drove.
  22. If your truck has internal fuel lines and no turbo it is most likely a 855 cu.in 230,or 250H.P. It could be a Super 250 "927" cu.in. but not likely as there were not many of them around.
  23. Hello Other Dog Not many B53'S left. Does yours have a Quadbox or is it the Tri-Plex with the deep reduction Low gear around 17.+ to 1. Not a lot of people heard of a Tri-Plex like that it has nice reduction for the soft stuff or in amixer doing curbs.A few Transit Companies where I live Northeast,Pa. still run B Model Mixers and DumpsThe tin on them is still pretty good as they are not used much in winter so the road salt is not much of an issue.I think the last B Model made was a B53 with Tri-Drive rears.
  24. Thanks to all who answered my questions about Detroit powered Superliners. Superdog. The Superliner you said was on Ebay several times is that the one in Peekslill,N.Y.? It is only about 100 miles from me I was going to look at it. When he said it had a 318 in it and was a1987? it did not seem right to me too new for a 8V-71.For a truck with less than 100.000 miles on it the cab looks like it has seen a lot of salt on roads.You are right about the 8v-92 as a bad engine I bought a new one in 1979 it was one of the worst engines I owned new another engine I do not care for is the C12 or C13 Cat lots of head gasket and turbo problems.I have a Detroit Series 60 515 HP. in a 2005 Western Star so far it has been a good engine.I had a R Model 237 that saved my Butt from loosing everything it would not quit working. It still is used today I sold it to Bolus Freight Lines in Scranton,Pa.over 20 years ago they made a roll-off to pull a race car with it. Joe D. P.S. If this is the same truck you are talking about , do you think it is a scam as I do not want to waste a trip for nothing.
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