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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Automatic Mack or anyone else that knows. What happened to Toledo Mack? I am from Pa. but when I would read a magazine with a Toledo Mack sales ad in it they always had very good prices on new trucks. Thanks Joe D.
  2. I would like to know the last year a 8V-71 was offered in the Superliner.Also what is the prefix for a Detroit powered Superliner and the model number? What would it be for a glider kit? Some of the other truck manufacturers start it out with GC#. Thanks in advance.Joe D.
  3. If your truck has 22" tube type rims spoke style, all you need to do is buy 24.5" rims and tires. You may have to check your spacers and cleats to make sure they are the right size. If you are putting on 1124.5 tires you will need 8.25" rims. Joe D.
  4. Go to Macungie,Pa. it is Fathers Day Weekend. I have to say Saturday has the most trucks and vendors.Usually the first weekend of October is "Gearharts All Mack Day" It is a very good show for all Mack products past and present.It also includes Brockway as they were a division of Mack Trucks from the Mid 50's on until end of production in 1977. You will not be disappointed in either show. Joe D.
  5. Speed. Your truck has only 2 marker lites because that was all that was required at time pf productio. In the early 50's the Federal Govt. made it a law too have 5 marker lites 1 on each corner and 3 in between. The cab markers must be amber(yellow) by law.
  6. If it has the 3 spin on oil filters from the factory,it has the larger oil pan. If you are not sure and you have the right dipstick just fill it up to the full mark on that.The other way is to drain your oil if you know it is the proper amount in pan just measure how many gallons you drained out and what would go into the filters.
  7. Macktrucks4. You live near the junction of 1 80 and 81.You have some dumpers in your picture who do you work for? I have a Tri Axle Western Star I usually work for Slusser Bros(Pennsy Supply) Pittston, Pa.A few years ago I hauled coal into some power plants down your way Nepco and Panther Creek. Ilive in Mount Cobb we got about 20" combined Ice and snow, Scranton got about 14" combined ice and snow.
  8. Speed. Your truck has a GVWR of 20,000 that is the gross weight of the truck and load.Your GCW is the combined weight of tractor, trailer and load.The GCW will be considerably higher than the GVW.
  9. UPS bought out Overnite Transportation ,I think they were from Richmond, Virginia. That is the new colors for UPS Overnite.
  10. The only factory engines for the B 61'S were the 673 and 711 turbos optional on 673. They also offered the END 864 Turbo optional. About the only engine that would fit in B 61 engine compartment that was of the same time period was the C or J series Cummins,it had the external fuel lines and was avaible either natural, turbo,and supercharged.The NT 743 cu.in. would require a doghouse or hood extension as theB 71 had.
  11. Two Stick. The way that worked for me when that happened, is to use an air chisel ( hammer) with a bit that is not very sharp. The constant hammering of the tool should brake it loose. Just remember to have someone hold the clutch petal down. You place the hammer bit against the adjuster so it moves clockwise for more freeplay or counterclockwise to have less freeplay. Let us know if it works for you.
  12. Speed. Most of the older gas powered trucks had belt driven air compressors,go to a junkyard and see if you can buy a good one from them.I do not see how you are going to use a compressor from an air cond. unit if that is what you are trying to do. I do not run any gaspots over the road I have a Series 60 515HP in my tri axle for work. Most of my old trucks are Diesel but I have 3 gassers I never checked the mileage as I only run them once in a while to play around. The 3 gassers I have have 5 main and 3 speed auxiliaries.
  13. Everything HK told you was the right way to adjust a clutch. If you have the old style clutch that takes a clutch adjusting tool you remove the lock bolt on adjuster and bolt tool in its place 3/8 bolt. If you do not have tool you can use large screwdriver or prybar in its place.If no one is there to hold petal to floor you can push petal down with your hand and wedge 2x4 between petal and seat base. The rest do as HK said.
  14. Speed. You would need a compressor 7.25 cu.ft. or larger.The air governor usually kicks in at 80 to 85 lbs and out at 115 to 120 lbs you can adjust it more or less at the air governor. You could use an air cooled compressor(Midland Ross) or if it is piped for water cooled (Bendix Westinghouse).There are other brands just 2 as an example.You said you have worked lined up I hope it is light loads with the Hydraulic on tra ctor.With the small gaspot engine I hope it is feasible for you.Good Lucl on your Endeavors. P.S. The reason I mentioned yhe air cooled modelis I think it would be easier to hook up or fabricate than a gear driven one.If the bracket or mount is still in there from the original air compressor it will be a lot easier to hook up.
  15. Hello Speed. Did you end up with the E Model? Last post I read from you it was not working out. Good luck if you got it. Joe D.
  16. I do not think it is good for Mack to be continually integrated with Volvo parts a few more every year. Also many people are under the assumption that Mack was only interestedin construction trucks until the R Model. They always made trucks for General Freight since the AC Bulldog look at the original B Models from the 30's the A,L B,H,G,W,F and others they were made for Highway use.Go to any truck show and you will see all the great road trucks that Mack built.In fact most of the Macks at Macungie are old road trucks single axle and a few tandems. There road trucks were just as tough as the construction models,I had both and was happy with them.
  17. I would stay with what you have.If you do not want to rebuild engine you have now 673 Mack's are pretty cheap to buy and not too hard to find.If you want a little more road speed get a triplex with a single overdrive, a double OD sounds good but is too fast and a 673 really does not have enough to pullit very well.60 to 70 MPH is fast enough on a 40 to 50 year old truck. I am sure some will not agree it is only my opinion.
  18. I think it is a bad injector. If you run it long enough like that it will wash the oil off and score the liner if it did not happen already.You said it is coming out of #6 exhaust cylinder only,I do not think a thermostat would do that it would affect all cylinders.Good Luck.
  19. Thaddeus. I agree with HK trucking when I read the ad it said 273 HP I think it was a typo. Being it is a roll off in California they seem to use a lot of Cabovers there for some reason. It probably is a 6 speed either air or 2 stick as a straight 5 speed would not have the proper reduction for off road use in landfills. I do not know why it posted with no reply sorry about that.I had a 77FModel 300 5 speed good truck too bad they were rust buckets.Does anyone know why Mack never offered in Aluminum Cab. They would have sold a lot more.
  20. Hello To. Good advice It must have been awhile since I last saw you. I see you aquired quite a few more Dogs. Did you put out any more B Model registries that is one good reference pamphlet. Lots of information. I will probably see you at Macungie.
  21. If you are from Pittston,Pa. area a friend of mine has a early 80's R 700 with a 3406 Cat 400 HP it is supposed to be factory. It is a tri axle dump so it is parked now but runs from March to Nov.
  22. Nice U Model Barry. It is nice to see some of the orphans here. I have a 1950 A-51T Mack with a END 510 Diesel engine parts are hard to come by so I am going to put a C-180 cummins in it when I get some time.I love the B Models but would like to see some pictures of some of the Orphans.Keep up the good work.
  23. I have a question about tires, its got 10X20 tube type. Ive read that you can put 22.5 tubeless rims on the same hub, is this true? Chris You can put 22.5 tubeless rims on the 20" hubs that you have. You will have to buy tubeless rims I think the tubeless are the better way to go safer to mount.
  24. Nice B where did you find it? Good luck with it.It is good to see young people getting involved in hobby.
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