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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. I have Rockwell SSHD-46,000 in my truck. They have separate switches for each axle and power divider. As far as trying to turn with them all locked in it takes a wider area.Joe D.
  2. A RT-15715 has a low gear of 15.40 and 1.00 in high gear,RTO-15715 has low gear of 12.10 and high gear of 0.79. RT-15613 low gear of 12.56 high gear of 1.00 RTO-15613 low gear of 12.56 high gear of 0.87.Joe D.
  3. Nice pictures. Suicide doors. Thanks Joe D.
  4. Timmyb CB Savage was about a radar cop that was about as queer as a $3.00 potato. When he started to pull them over his voice would get normal. Joe D.
  5. I read the reason White killed Sterling was it overlapped Autocar Models. Autocar had a larger Dealer and Distributorship and customer base.2 part article was in Wheels of Time the last 2 issues of 2015. Joe D.
  6. Red Horse Autocar had a factory in Utah before they went out. I think the last factory was in the Carolina's,not sure on that.
  7. Sleeper 5X2 by Red Sovine, Wreck of the Old Slow Binder Dave Dudley, Jackknife Ridge Route Johnny Bond. About 100 others plus the one mentioned . Good thread. Joe D.
  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
  9. I do not know what rodents you plan on keeping out with those screens on seat bottoms,certainly not mice.
  10. Gregg That door would look good hanging on a garage wall just as it is.
  11. I do not know him. S+S always did the amusements at the Fireman's picnics.
  12. Not a Michelin or other first rate tire,but probably one of the better Asian imports.
  13. S+S are Carnies from about 20 miles from me.
  14. I think the B-53's had wedge brakes also All around.
  15. SivartLLc We did that in the truck shutdowns and fuel crisis in early 1970's. I was working out of Dundalk marine Terminal Baltimore Maryland. We shut the port down and then came helicopters State police and other law enforcement. This was a nationwide strike back the. We did get a lot of improvements like fuel surcharges and other things. Little by little we lost most of them thru the years. Most truckers banded together then and that is how FASH and OOIDA came about. Do you really think in this day and age that truckers will stick together I wish they would. I never used the term Steering Wheel Holders as we all had and have to learn.Try reasoning with them. Government got what they wanted low wage no benefit drivers. Up until the 1980's truckers made a upper middle class living. Now most just survive.
  16. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
  17. Hello Jerry Everything is going well here. We were in Florida for a few weeks back now to rain. I did a few things to the KW. We are still doing hot rocks for privates.Are you going to Salem,Oregon for the show. Joe D.
  18. Looks like it has power steering.
  19. Like rules dealing with Lumpers all bark no bite by the Government.
  20. That's bad news. I would like to put a like this for the information but cannot like it.I hope I can hold out 2 more years. I am 65 years old and not ready to retire financially in good shape but mentally I still like working.Are there going to be any exemptions?Thanks Joe D.
  21. Hot Rocks.With tarp you rolled back by hand.
  22. Nice Detroit fired truck. For the life of me I cannot understand how something of this magnitude occurred. It must have been a weak moment with the Winfall Women had to be more than one showing" Butt Crack."
  23. Nice truck. Larry with the short wb. I would think a married 4X4 trans.
  24. I do not know where you guys meet all the Winfall Women. I drive all over the country and do not meet any. Just the ones I see getting out of other trucks. No sloppy seconds for this guy.
  25. I think you are trying to move the levers too fast.Instead of letting them slide into gear it looks like you are pulling or using a bit of force. You are doing well.
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