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Joe Ditchkus

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Joe Ditchkus

  1. Good deal. GG. Your Daughter has something to sing about now. Joe D.
  2. Bob off topic but did you get your Brockway Dash Plack from Steth. I have one if not. Joe D.
  3. There were 455 B-85 Fire Truck made from 1954-1966.There were 77 B-85 flat fendered made from 1956-1964 with Cummins NHBS 743 cu.in at 275 hp.or 290 hp.The B-853 had NTO-6-B 743 cu.in. 262 hp or 280 hp.there were 29 made.There were 5 B-86's made from 1957-1959 no engine information. Joe D.
  4. I think he is smoking Geraniums. Joe D.
  5. B-37 should have either an END430 or END 510 both diesels.As Jim hancock said only one made.Joe D.
  6. Best of luck to you Mike.
  7. If you are looking for a shift plate diagram for your truck. I think Watt's mack sells some and Matt Phall Restorations in Connecticut had some for sale also. Joe D.
  8. Put another notch in the gun for the good guys (U.S.A.) and their Allies. Joe D.
  9. You will need to find an overdrive duplex,triplex or quadbox. Pretty straight forward from there.Or you can find a carrier with a bit higher ratio than you now have. I would stay in the 4.00+ ratio if you go higher than that it might not pull very well.These old trucks were not designed for high speed when produced as speed limits were most likely top of 55 MPH.
  10. Nice truck. Like others said I would personally keep the factory drivetrain. The duplex is common and avaible used reasonably. triplex and quadbox will work also with driveshaft work.It is a reliable driveline.
  11. We should have all been so lucky.
  12. Swishy I think maybe they are Blondies with a black bottom.
  13. Now thats a truck. Joe D.
  14. I do not believe it is the torque range lacking on a Maxitorque 5 speed trans it is the amount of gears when used with a ETAZ 673 that was designed for multi speed trans such as 9,10,12,13 0r 15 speed. The ETAZ 673 was not a constant torque engine as the 237 and 300 Maxidyne was.
  15. GreenGiant Yes I did talk to you and also enjoyed the entertainment with your Daughter singing the truck driving songs at the motel at night over Clarence Ritchies speaker on the firetruck.It was nice to also put a face and truck with a name.Thanks Joe D.
  16. Jim Hancock I am not sure on the # of Brockways but I think about 140. It was a great show with some never seen Brockways (by me anyway).
  17. Bob Dingsdale did you get a dash plaque from the Brockway Show ? I have one if you need it. Joe D.
  18. Bob I do not know who. If I go and they are avaible I can buy an extra one. Joe D.
  19. Bob D. they usually sellthe dash plaques separately. They also sold left overs previous years if still avaible. Joe D.
  20. Two of America's best "Star Spangled Banner" and Mack Trucks. Joe D.
  21. Mike they have some transport parking behind museum. Joe D.
  22. Roadway Express used that concept for years Hendrickson Walking Beam Suspension with front driven only last axle was a tag not a empty pumpkin like you want to do. Even with the Hendrickson Walking Beam they would get stuck on level ground with a bit of snow with a little imperfection of the ground. Forget about going p snow covered hills without jewelry.Joe D.
  23. Nice truck and pictures. Looks like big Rockwell drop ins 55,000 or better and Rockwell Suspension also. Popular setup in the Northeast up to the 1970's. Thanks Joe D.
  24. Hillary Clinton could be the most transparent person in public life. You can see right thru her and her lying ways.
  25. You are the man to ask this question. What is the purpose of the big aluminum rock bodies ? Why not steel ? Welcome. Thanks Joe D.
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