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  1. ok good idea thanks bob
  2. ive got a couple new headlight buckets for the u model but rather than just bolt them in im hoping to find a couple of metal backings that go inside the front end and accept sheet metal screws if anyone has a couple of nice ones id like to mount the headlites that way its been awhile but im hopin to get back on the ole Froehlich u model thanks 585 356 6481 Charlie Hackett Leroy ny
  3. i lucked out and found a brand new one not to far from where i live so thanks
  4. im still looking for a cooler cover any ideas ?
  5. not the prettiest ...but i could pull anything i could back up to...
  6. i took this in colorado springs co @ the national.......look share copy you have my permission
  7. copart has a bunch of old new penn tractors intls and some macks a couple screws most everything is electronic with 7spds some water damage from sandy and some nw/normal wear a hand full of singles but theres one a twin screw number 6?? that ive run its a mack with a roadranger and reyco 4 spring suspension nice tractor their selling it because our union wont let them run it on linehaul anymore w/o air conditioning this normal wear stuff is probably gonna go cheap their in scranton and camphill pa
  8. yes google copart theres a bunch of old new penn on their site some have water damage nyc storm others nw/normal wear their under heavy trucks
  9. yes the stainless steel grille
  10. id like to get a air to air cover for my u model not the cooler just the cover 585 356 6481 ..or cfto30570@frontier.com thanks
  11. ive got a tan plastic foam dash in our 79 umodel its an old fleet tractor so most of the corners have been damaged by radio boxes cbs handcarts and who knows what else may have caught a ride in the cab i didnt intend to do the interior @ this point but as long as the seats are out to replace a couple weak floor panels and the headliner is down to reweld the wind deflector supports i guess theres no better time to freshen up the inside of the cab can you folks suggest any ideas as to how to get the dash lookin better its has quite a few flaws so im guessin that replacing is the way to go where could i obtain the soft parts to redo this project new / used ? im open to any suggestions check out the easy access hole that they installed on the right side of the floor
  12. like i said previously i was drawing a blank ...so i appreciate everyones help on this i will probly be back with some more questions thanks guyz
  13. ok thanks that makes sense that it coulda been a stick on .i like the cloth hood lacing that jh put up i think thats the way im gonna go ...i appreciate the get backs from everyone .
  14. thanks j.h & vin i moved the umodel to a different building theres no heat or electric but theres lots of windows and sunlight so ive got a little kerosun heater and a generator . so im just gonna do some little jobs like the headlite buckets hood gasket rewire the new hood ect ect just small jobs .it will be nice to just be able to go down and spend some time with the ole mack im kinda freightlinered out .......does your ole umodel have anything on the cowl to suggest it had a gasket ? im sure somebody around here will come up with some good ideas
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