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singlstckmack51 last won the day on February 4 2011

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About singlstckmack51

  • Birthday 02/03/1979


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    Chicago Illinois

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    Anything and everything Mack , and Antique John Deere and Case tractors
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  1. Looks like a big bin 66 Allis combine. I just bought a 90 Allis combine to mess around with behind our WD or D-17
  2. Sure looks like a Hayes to me. Good tough truck from what I have been told
  3. And thanks for the Happy B day too ! lol
  4. I just drive the truck, the bossman makes the bucks, lies to us tellin us the rates got cut and pays us on the "new" rate. Meanwhile He is flying around in his chopper watching us from above, and keeping warm in his new 4500 sq ft house. Its getting to be time for me to make the on my own jump, and put my name on the door.
  5. Thanks Randy, spent 16 1/2 hrs haulin snow today, what a way to celebrate!!
  6. I will agree with 2 out of the 3! But John Deere, I just cant agree with that.
  7. Happy New Years to ya'll, May it be safe and prosperous , and happy motoring!!

  8. Thinking of my poor Dog with the broken rear end, and how miserable I am driving a kenworthless

  9. Two of the biggest mistakes in automotive history have an oval around the name!!! lol and well in the case of our granite and the visions we have they can fall under this too!!!
  10. That is a damn nice 5020! the 20 series is definately the best looking of all the Deeres!

  11. On September 18th, Chi-Town Largecars will be holding their 2nd truck show, in Lynwood Illinois. Starts at 9 am and runs till 6pm. Its a family event, things for the kids to do and plenty of working trucks and antique trucks to look at!! Food will be on site, plenty of parking and easy access off of 80-94 and 394. $20 for bobtail $30 for combo, limited combo spots available. All proceeds from show goes to the Special Olympics Foundation. If anyone has questions, just shoot me a message or you can call Dan at (708)774-2262, or Half Kut at (708)516-4175. All antique, working or show trucks welcome, if you have pride in your ride, bring it and show it off!!!
  12. That Dog has the left side bracket I need to put dual exhaust on mine!! Does anybody have one that they would part with? Not havin much luck finding one and I want duals real bad!!!
  13. Its a f%^king shame! I drove by Greensboro twice last week and gave the v a single finger salute! I guess its up to US now to keep the Dog alive!! Long live the Bulldog, and thats on a true Mack Truck!!!!!
  14. Im pretty sure I passed you back around the end of june on rt 421 near San Pierre Ind. You were headin north with a jeep in tow i believe. I was headin south in my r model headin to Monticello. If it was You, that is an awesome motorhome!!!

  15. Thank You very much, I know that the guage was an option, we have a truck with one, but no sticker on guage or listing on line sheet. I will give this a shot!!
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