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Everything posted by Gr8oldies

  1. I almost forgot about "Over The Top" with Sylvester Stallone I think that's an old Autocar in this movie been a while since I've seen it so don't remember http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZTHD1VDCtc
  2. Not a trucker movie but I love this scene
  3. Ah yes remember going to drive in to see this with my girlfriend at the time I thought that W-series Ford was cool too
  4. Oh yes Maximum Overdrive, Guns, Semi Trucks and a AC/DC soundtrack it don't get any better
  5. Anybody remember "The Great Smokey Roadblock" with Henry Fonda hauling a load of hookers? lol or one from the early 70's called "Deadhead Miles" with Alan Arkin now that was a weird trucker movie.
  6. Gr8oldies


    Ok it's new years and you ain't got nothing to do here's the whole movie CONVOY The Rubber Duck's R Model is awesome and Ali McGraw is hot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5XGvNpWXqA
  7. One of the biggest ass whoopins' I got from my dad was killing a chicken snake that was in the barn because "It took care of all dem meese"
  8. Congrats on 34 years.It's been 30 years for me and my lady, married her the same year I started driving trucks marrying her was the better decision.
  9. Gr8oldies


    Well I guess you have to have friends to lose em
  10. Been playing phone tag with the owner due to the holidays hope to touch base soon. I really like the looks of it although pictures can be deceiving sometimes but I still think it's something worth checking into. I just recently got out of the hot rod business sold a couple of street rods I had along with a couple extra motors and parts , pretty much everything that had hot rod on it lol looking for another toy and this is one I think I could actually make a few bucks with. Winter is about to set in here in Michigan I need a project we'll see what happens
  11. Ran across this today 1964 Used Mack B75 Truck for sale Clean older truck w/Frt liner suspension and Cummins 855 Motor, Truck ran OTR up until 1995 when it was parked. Do have 2 Aluminum wheels and a new condition Dunlop Tire steer tire that will go w/the sale. Rear outside wheels are vintage 10.00 x 22s. Had all the intenions of restoring the paint this summer but have no time to complete.Call evenings from 6-9p CST for more info (615) 384-6695 Summary Ad # : 44287 Category : Heavy Duty Trucks Make : Mack Model : B75 Price : $10,000 Transmission : 13 Spd Year of manufacture : 1964 Condition : used Availability : avialable Got a call in to the owner waiting for return call was thinking of running it local on the weekends hauling corn to ethanol plant. Was wondering what you guys think? http://www.usedtruck...detail&id=44287
  12. Absolutely Awesome!!!
  13. Think your Driving Skills are good? Try this:
  14. Please pump some up this way.
  15. I am so ready for some warm weather take a look at poor Miss Vickie
  16. i seem to recall somewhere that the monkey used in the filming of BJ and the Bear had totally destroyed the interior of that KW.
  17. Those look like the roads I run a lot lately, both of those are sweet sounding.
  18. A friend sent this to me and I got a big chuckle thought you guys might enjoy
  19. Merry Christmas to all and to all have a happy and successful New Year!
  20. Ok this really becoming a nail-bitter I can't wait for episode 4 as I sit here wringing my hands
  21. We got hammered here in Michigan supposed to drop down to -4 tonight brrrrrr and think we get paid to have this much fun
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