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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I have not been able to respond - it is hard to type with your head in your hands..................
  2. You old green bean grower - that is funny stuff to be typing in the middle of the night! A compay in Missouri just announced they are opening up a "hawse" slaughter plant, c'mon down we can take a tour. Do you reckon they give out free samples in the wine tasting room?
  3. I have never seen that - this is interesting - You just fill the hole with it and shape the tip? Here is what I used:
  4. Vinny - I don't want to, but I can't help it................ Roted should be rotted. Broke should be broken. Your spelling is rusted?
  5. We got them all simmered down. I broke out the aerial view from the surveyor when I bought the farm from my mother that shows the little sliver of ground they own around the house and barns. I also went with a metal detector and showed them the pins by the witness trees and I took a track hoe and stuck some oil field pipe 6 feet in the ground at the corners so it won't ever get "repositioned". My dad taught me a long time ago to not ever let any kind of informal easement happen and also never buy property with a shared road. I shared my toys as a child, and I would share any equipment or tools I own to anyone with a need and asks politely. But I will not ever share the land that I pay taxes on with the sweat of my brow. Ha! No, they were hoping there would be a lot more smoke I guess out the end of the barrel. You know you are hicks when the kids think something like that is entertainment! I did kind of screw up, I used a seriously hollowed out home defense round because that was what I had in my Colt 45 magazine. But I forgot those are not designed for much penetration. I shot the nag just like I usually do and she dropped, but she blew and snorted quite a while before she gave it up. I need to go back to the full metal jacketed rounds that I guess tumble more and leave a nice exit hole out the side of the head.........................too much information?
  6. She is coming out of the barn today if they start on the fence like they claim they are. It won't be there at midnight.
  7. I lost his cell number, but I know Slpwlker Randy has it, I will call him and have him give Rob a call.
  8. Sounds like you stepped into a good deal! Keep the Mack engine in it and post some photos of that black smoke rolling.
  9. She is a keeper! That is one cool little cart - did the guy you bought it from build it? Electric or gas? C'mon, you know you have to post photos of under the hood!
  10. He hired a fen He hired a fence company to build a horsey-plastic-fancy-schmancy high dollar fence and wanted me to pay half - I can't pay half of $18.00 a foot to fence in my old cows. The fence company put in stakes and they were 80 feet over on my property - I asked them about it and my sister said she just thought I wouldn't mind.............................................................................................What would you do?
  11. You need to check with your local division of health and human services and see if they have outlawed child greasing yet. At least you taught him to use the bed props, and you get extra credit for the orderly toolbox.
  12. Thanks for clearing that up - I bet they were forced to come out with those after Jim-bob came back to the warehouse one night with a hole in the cab roof he cut with a chopping axe so he could see what he was doing!
  13. I was wondering what that thing on the roof was for, or if I was seeing something wrong in the photos. What was the purpose of it?
  14. Great - now we are talking about "members". Members of BMT right?
  15. You actually will appreciate it someday.
  16. Remember the movie Almost Famous? Lester Bangs: Aw, man. You made friends with them. See, friendship is the booze they feed you. They want you to get drunk on feeling like you belong. William Miller: Well, it was fun. Lester Bangs: They make you feel cool. And hey. I met you. You are not cool. William Miller: I know. Even when I thought I was, I knew I wasn't. Lester Bangs: That's because we're uncool. And while women will always be a problem for us, most of the great art in the world is about that very same problem. Good-looking people don't have any spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we're smarter. William Miller: I can really see that now. Lester Bangs: Yeah, great art is about conflict and pain and guilt and longing and love disguised as sex, and sex disguised as love... and let's face it, you got a big head start. William Miller: I'm glad you were home. Lester Bangs: I'm always home. I'm uncool. William Miller: Me too! Lester Bangs: The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone else when we're uncool. William Miller: I feel better. Lester Bangs: My advice to you. I know you think those guys are your friends. You wanna be a true friend to them? Be honest, and unmerciful.
  17. In the last photo, the sun is real bright on the fifth wheel - Didn't you know it is against the law to haul hogs with a chrome fifth wheel? Great truck!
  18. I have to jump in here......... I never read where he thought you were cool. He just said it would be boring without you - there is a difference. I realized I was not cool years ago and it made life a lot easier!
  19. Mike - If it was a Private Message, I did not get it. If it was a Prime Minister, I can't see to find him either. If it is some kind of pre menstrual thing, I DON"T NEED IT! If it is a afternoon (PM), with a soft gentle rain, I DO NEED IT! If it is a big ol' care package from Phillip Morris (PM), full of tobacco, i quit smoking years ago, so it is a little late.
  20. I AGREE! (about the vacation, not the sttrraannggee thing) I need a vacation - The boys and I had a nice one all planned to go to Macungie, and then that little bundle of joy showed up. Now I get to get up early each morning so I can look out the window at all my crops burning up in the drought - it is like trying to hold your drinking water in your two hands - your future income just drips through your fingers. Oh wait, I bet the Blushing Bride needs a vacation right now worse than I do...............She basically is just a soda milk fountain right now. I don't know about you Mike but I can't think of much worse than having to feed some midget person with my boobs every two hours?
  21. You have to leave off the N if we are talking about creatures living in the wild with big teeth that stop the flow of rivers with their log piles. The problem Vinnster is not the letters, it is the intent? God gave all of us free will, no one made you swear except yourself. You see Vinny - the enemy comes from within!
  22. Do you have a photo of your boat and the engine? I want to show the kids that you can use the same engine in a truck as in a boat and what the differences are and why. Thanks!
  23. My new brother-in-law that lives on the farm decided that it looked too "rural" around his house and horsey barns and so they relandscaped all around it (including some of my property). So I snuck in one evening when they were gone and planted this in the middle of the beds: Everyone needs some corn in their yard - right? We have managed to save from the landscape project these Rose-of-Sharon bushes that were planted 42 years ago to celebrate my birth: The other day he called and said he had hired a vet to come put some old nag of a horse down and between the vet bill and the backhoe bill to bury it, it was going to cost $700.00. I took care of it for free. I was just pleased to have one less hay-burner eating my grass. My kids were jumping up and down and yelling: "blow off the end of the gun like cowboys do"
  24. I have had that happen when I was the seller, and it is not always intentional. You can preselect an amount that is less than the buy-it-now price that if someone offers it, their offer will be automatically accepted. So he comes back to you with a counter offer to sell it to you for $2250.00. Then some other guy not knowing any of this is going on offers the $2500.00 and the computer automatically accepts it and cancels all the other offers. It stinks, but the guy did not know that someone was going to offer the $2500.00, or he would not have made you the counteroffer. I was hoping you would get it - sorry!
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