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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Carpenter's pencils? Oh yeah I keep those in my FRONT pockets - for another $50.00, do you want me to post the frontal shot? What sayeth you?
  2. Did the wreck make phillips or flathead screwdrivers?
  3. Greetings! Do you have any old photos to post? Especially of that H model - I am trying to buy one right now.
  4. How about bustin' out the photo of you in the trenchcoat with no pants?
  5. Then I will stop.................for now
  6. For $100.00 I will tell you about a top secret thing called a sprinkler
  7. Right on both - olives are nasty, and your last name is Sana-wanna-gucci
  8. I want to call an investigation and find out how the list read before they erased the off color parts
  9. You need to get a big ol' mouth full of them nasty sucking green olives, and then stand in front of a mirror and practice your hit man accent - you wanna piece of me? Lay that on the next feller that makes fun of San-Sushi, Santa-duchi, Sans-douchy or whatever your name is.
  10. Vinnster - Did you ever see the musical "Oliver"? Those boys remind me of my vision of you - are you trained in the art of picking pockets? You would not believe the crap people come up with when they call me on the phone about items I have for sale on ebay. 1. Is Olive T. Road at home? 2. Can I speak to Mr. Road? 3. Is Mr. Troad in right now? I guess I can live with Olive. You ever eat those damn things? My wife puts them on salads and crap. I can't stand them. She also is starting to put some kind of dried cranberries on the salad - they call them Craisins - look like a durn red rabbit pellet to me, I won't be eating them either. Do you want me to save them up for you - I can keep them in the secret hiding place I have been kicking them under the table? I almost forgot - word of advice - if some guy wearing a black trenchcoat and no pants comes up to you and he wants to buy you an ice cream cone and he asks you to call him "Uncle Yardo", run the other direction! Unless it is real hot out, and that ice cream would sure taste good.........
  11. Years ago we bought 15 acres and a little shop building located on Olivet Road in Columbia, Missouri. We then owned some rental properties and called our little homebrewed company Olivet Properties. When we broke down and gave in to the high falutin city folk ways and bought one of dat dem dere new fangled c'mputers, I just used Olivetroad for my imaginary name. I also like that Olivet Road was the path folks took while headed to Mt. Olivet in Jerusalem. Mt. Olivet is where Jesus ascended into heaven. I spend my life trying real hard to be good, I am just glad this is the dress rehearsal for the big show.
  12. I decided years ago that my kids would easily figure out one way or another how to find and unlock my guns if I hid them , so I better show them how to use them safely. I got a whole passel of gunslingers ready to draw if someone pulls that crap on my ponderosa.
  13. I am a cheapskate when it comes to work clothes. I have a closet full of used Cintas type shirts I have picked up here and there - I flip through the hangers until I find the name that fits my mood - one day I am Ross, sometimes Bob, sometimes Eugene, etc.......I have noticed that the shirts getting the least wear are the ones labeled "Timmy". That just won't fly.
  14. It is back on ebay yet again - I bet this time it may sell - starting price of $2750.00 with no reserve......one of you should buy it just 'cause I said so? check it out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300731950089&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  15. I don't know about the current vision quality of said photog, but I know I won $50.00.
  16. I think you got the buzzard smell out already, but like the dwarves in the mines of Moria, you dug too deep and awakened the long slumbering randyp dried funk - no getting rid of that industrial strength growth.
  17. That is a self-propelled windrower - did you pick that up in Elk City, Oklahoma? I just saw one sell at auction there that sure looks like that one. A neighbor of mine took an old one and made it into a real bad-ass forklift - they can really spin around in a circle!
  18. Olive is a new thing for me................
  19. That needs to go to the Mack museum - what a survivor! What is the price?
  20. It looks like he had the motor thing down - but had not gotten to body work class yet!
  21. Greetings! I am not much help, but I would love to see the system you are working on - any pictures? any of the truck?
  22. My dad used to say when he was drinking a glass of water that some of it could have at one time been George Washington's pee. So you could some day be the dirt in my great grandkids garden?
  23. Yes, he went twice.
  24. Oh yeah, I forgot about that...........................don't you remember, I do my best welding while imbareassed
  25. WHAT? That is Gummit gone wild. "forcing us to use a product that doesn't exist, they might as well tell us to use unicorns." I wonder if there is a tax yet on raising unicorns?
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