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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. There have been so many spelling correction opportunities, and twisted word possibilities with the Vinnster lately that I got tired and just threw up my hands...........
  2. Designed by some wack-o that had a thing for feet?
  3. I am pretty sure that he got his ass beat by a peterbilt. But when the Peterbilt is 50 years old, it will have already been made into a roll of Reynolds Wrap and the rear axle of a foreign car. So the Mack wins in the long run.
  4. Have you been eating bath salts again?
  5. They usually just feed it to the goat they keep tied up behind the station - at least that is what they do in Mayberry.
  6. Greetings! You will hopefully be able to answer a lot of folks questions with all those years of experience - don't be a stranger!
  7. Of course, this being Randyp's birthday, I should have know this would show up................... http://www.edmontonsun.com/2012/06/21/topless-euro-protester-interrupts-psychic-pigs-feeding You can’t help but chuckle at this entire article. From the headline, to the photo, to the words written on the alleged woman’s torso, the psychic pig, etc., the entire thing is so ridiculous. This could go under the category, “You can’t make this stuff up”! What a world we live in.
  8. Huh?
  9. I had a great old southern Uncle as well - spelled it differently - Durward Quarters was his name and he lived down on Logan Creek and his favorite food was gooseberry pie made without any sugar. My mouth puckers up just thinking about it.
  10. What does that word mean?
  11. Good looking if you need such a beast: http://cgi.ebay.com/...ME:B:SS:US:1123
  12. If'n my eyes don't deceive me, today is the anniversary of the birth of the great scraper lover: Randyp! Happy birthday! You share it with fellow bad boy John Dillinger Go out and steal a Mack to celebrate?
  13. You slipped and said the word "combined" so how is that combine removal/photo opportunity coming along?
  14. My experience with firefighting involves aluminum scoop shovels and wet gunny sacks - but you know how you read something and you can tell that they know what they are talking about? Here you go............two good ones
  15. How is the new job working out so far?
  16. That does sound awesome - has a nice build to it!
  17. I also wish you had smaller boobs
  18. We had a detroit in a log skidder run off one time when a hydraulic line going to the front blade broke and it was routed next to the air intake. That is why a detroit has the extra engine kill lever - it shuts a flap in the air intake so hopefully the engine will stop or at least not run off until you can get whatever is feeding the fuel to it shut down. The first diesel engine ran on peanut oil if I remember correctly. We had a RD6 Caterpillar dozer one time that had been used stationary running a belt pulley for several years on waste asphalt oil - yuck! - it is interesting how diesels will run on any fuel if they have enough air coming in at the same time. I always think that if engineers had been working on alternative fuels for the last 80 years instead of only working on diesel as a fuel, we would have been way ahead by now. The same with open pollinated seed corn - if we were to spend 80 years breeding better plants, we would not need hybrids now - I got off track a little there - sorry...............
  19. Honey! Get up! Call the cops! They's done drivin' threugh da corn fields again! I hate to see the good old Mack and the triple axle garbage scow go over the top, but wouldn't that have been cool to see in person!
  20. Amen to that! Quiet is the real cool sound.
  21. Great group of photos - I am amazed at what was there! Your choice of favorite trucks is starting to scare me.
  22. Happy birthday! You share it with a bunch of musical folks: Lionel Ritchie Chet Atkins Anne Murray Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys and big ol' John Goodman Hope you have a good one!
  23. Rolla, Missouri is getting awfully close to home. The last pervert that was caught by my local DOT having imaginary sex with his truck was strung up at the court house steps. I really have never thought about sex while near a walmart - have you seen the quality of broad they have in there?
  24. Pretty cool stuff there - they even bring along their own National crane for kicks. I wish they had shown more close ups of how they have the rear tractors coupled up.
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