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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. They did a good job - they better plan on beefing up the rest of the driveline if they run it much!
  2. I have to admit I enjoy watching my kids struggle with their latin - everyone needs that adversity! Just don't ask me to learn it - don't do as I do, do as I say?
  3. He is dangerous! The reason his costs more is they caught wind of the photos he takes while he is driving down the road.
  4. OMG! Like wow! He like, admits it finally. LOL! OMG! Vinny - you are right, it is fun to type like a girl!
  5. I like the two legged bear. Oh, and I hope you told that coon to go sleep somewhere else, someone might run his ass over laying that close to the road. Did you get a cold drink out of the creek?
  6. Jim - That's the spirit! First off - welcome to BMT! and thanks for posting the info about the truck! Do not worry about spelling - you just got caught up in a running joke about umodelnut's creative spelling methods. I bet if you can post some more photos of your truck and give some more info about it, there will be someone on here that can give you some help with it.
  7. There are less than 6 months until election day when the people will decide who will be the next President of the United States . The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. It's time that we all need to come together, Democrats and Republicans alike, in a bi-partisan effort for America : If you will support anyone other than the current administration, please drive with your headlights OFF during the day. If you support Barack Obama, please drive with your headlights OFF at night. Together, we can make it happen. Thank you!
  8. 1) Nice truck 2) Nice guy I have discovered in the last few years that these two things are usually one and the same - especially Mack owners.............
  9. That would be a nice truck restored, but looks to have been sitting a long time! I now officially pass the BMT spell check baton on over to the Vinnster - you get 'em Vinny!
  10. I told the blushing bride (while she was still on the operating table) that our new daughter looked just like Winston Churchill but without the cigar - my wife laughed, the nice nurse snorted and dropped a tool, the doctor about missed a stitch, and Nurse Ratched tried to kick me out of the OR.
  11. He has an interesting mix of goodies. I looked at what he has sold in the past and some of the prices were not too bad.
  12. I wonder if it is really a John Deere cab, I bet it is a aftermarket thing. If it is a John Deere cab, that thing is worth some funds even with the pony motor not working. Did you read where he said the pony motor should run if you "Romance" it a little? That is going to be my new saying for a few days.
  13. This is a test, it is only a test. This test of your emergency broadcast system has been brought to you by the good folks over at The White House. They are preparing to tax all websites on a per hit basis to fix the deficit?
  14. Pretty straight old girl - with the aerodynamic swept back cab! http://www.ebay.com/itm/JOHN-DEERE-R-DIESEL-WITH-CAB-/320919532728?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab84b74b8
  15. Ouch! I heard that head beat sound clear over here in Missouri! I think we all have woulda-shoulda-coulda deals like that!
  16. Check it out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300723045831&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  17. Okay - I believe it now. The proof is in the pudding newspaper date.
  18. That is interesting - I like the rear brace or sway bar thing coming off the rear axle up to the frame. I wonder what the original wheels looked like?
  19. Congratulations! You keep that randy young grandbaby out there away from my new daughter! The last thing I would want is to have your genetic alphabet soup and my missing chromosones eventually "hook up" Wife wants to know weight and length (total length, not the OTHER)
  20. Jocko - I would say you are working on the proper brand name of a turbo!
  21. I get email I read email I get mad I post on BMT so others can join in being mad I find out pic wrong I sorry I take down pic I still mad
  22. That old adage applies here. . . "there are two sides to every story" . We don't always get the truth from the media (there's really 3 sides - your side, my side, and what really happened). The liberal controlled media -- television, newspapers, magazines, radio -- all continue to show 12 year old Trayvon not 17 year-old Trayvon. They continue to show the 5 year old picture because it helps to cement in your mind the little, cute, Hoodie wearing youngster who was stalked by a monster In reality, "little Trayvon," at the time of his death, stood almost 6' 2" tall; weighed 175 pounds; had a muscular build; had numerous run ins with authorities (both at school and local police); and had been stopped and almost arrested two days before his death for smacking a bus driver in the face because the driver refused to let him ride for free. He was released because the driver was told not to press charges by the bus company and to continue on his route. When "little Trayvon" was suspended from school not because he tried to bring a little marijuana in with him, but because he had possession of wedding rings and other jewelry that he said he "found" (along with a large screwdriver) while on the way to school that day. Not a single paper printed recent photos of the teenager because it would not keep your interest. Not a single paper will admit that this teenager was a marijuana dealer. His friends on Facebook said he had the "best plants." Not a single paper showed him brandishing a mouthful of gold teeth or all of his tattoos. President Obama looked at the 5 year old photo the media chose to show the Nation and said: "If I had a son...he would look like Trayvon." Yup, no doubt.
  23. Thanks for the post, I learn things every time I read on here.
  24. That is beyond cool - very sweet find! What are your plans for it?
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