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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. YES! and the doc never said anything about liquid fermented dinner. and as a further requirement, you can't eat drive through ^%$* even if you leave the window rolled up and open the DOOR to take the bag from the McDonalds gal
  2. Great bunch of photos - keep 'em coming! I love the B model with the VAC-ALL - that's a great one!
  3. That was just a nice, standard, general expression that in no way guarantees that you were cool at some point in life. But if you are on here, you like Macks, prefer the opposite sex, and have a kid, than chances are you were and still are somewhat cool! at least until you find yourself car shopping for a minivan! Take care of that little one - she is a keeper!
  4. Have you seen that movie "Supersize Me" about eating McDonalds three times a day?. Anything to excess can't be good. My family doctor said if you get it through your car window or if your grandma never cooked it for her family, don't eat it.
  5. Do you expect us to believe that only women text? Why no pics of men texting? You need to be more inclusive. You must be one of those stupid, old, fat, white men that I hear post things on this site.
  6. I have a dodge with a 5.9 and a couple of times I noticed my mileage drop and my air filter was dirty. I went with a deeper fold filter (thicker) and can now go longer between changes. I got all excited when I saw the thread topic: Trouble SHOOTING question - I thought we were going to talk about how Browning shotguns are better?
  7. I think you like the overalls which happen to have GIRLS in them and GIRLS have boobies. This is the beginning of the end of the U infatuation. It always starts with boobies.
  8. Happy 40th! when you turn that page on the calendar - the times they are a-changin' - you share your big day with Bob Dylan. Have a good one!
  9. The guy with the camera is a jackass. I guess he was in shock, but he was more worried about his plastic car than he was the driver of the truck!
  10. Ha! I baled so much hay today, I had to read it twice to get it to soak in. That is funny!
  11. A buddy of my 16 year old son wanted one of those so bad he just could not sleep. I think he wanted it to match his flat brim Justin Bieber hat. He was driving his momma's hand-me-down very uncool 1999ish Ford Taurus and crossed the center line on a gravel road and hit a grain truck head on. They all walked away without a scratch other than the damage to his injured pride, and future insurance rates. I remarked to his dad how different it might have been in a SMART car. The boy took his savings and bought a pickup from me and gave up on the stupid smart car thing. Putting a loved one in that thing and then sending it down the highway at 70mph is just dumb.
  12. Just add the word "FARM" to the side of the truck door with old house paint, hang baling wire on several stake pockets, wear Key Imperial striped overalls that are 4 inches too short, tuck any long hair up into a straw hat with holes in it, roll around in manure before you start out, chew on a piece of timothy hay, and practice a sort of "hang dog" blank expression on your face. If the flat hat DOT boys ask you what kind of farm you have, just be honest and tell them it is ROB'S FUNNY FARM, start jumping up and down and belt out your version of Johnny Cash singing: "I'm hauling livestock........" Then you won't need no stinkin' permits to get to where they take you. Oh, and don't wear some sissy sandals or crocs on your feet, you have to have LEATHER BOOTS or go barefoot. Just because Jesus worn open toed shoes does not mean you need to do the same. Those DOT boys know a fake farmer when they see it.
  13. Here is one rare, clean, straight old tractor for AC fans that I bet will still go out and do a hard day's work. http://www.ebay.com/itm/280884185270?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  14. I just saw this - reminds me of a neighbor that helps me. He says that if no one will brag on him, he will just have to do it himself!
  15. I bet you fill up that boy's tank with 3 Yoohoos and it would be a sight to behold. I just can't bring myself to drink brown liquid unless it has a head foam on it. I can't correct your grammer Mike, once you are past the age of 18, there is very little to be done in that department.......... We only correct the Vinnster because we love him so, and he does not have some horsey 4H gal to straighten him out yet like brother Ben-Ben does.
  16. Yes boss. You need an apostrophe on don't.
  17. AHHHHHH - Thanks for the joke this morning, everything flushed out okay........
  18. Are you planning on skipping out anytime soon? If so, train the wife to post my required reading before I hit the john - Obama Joke of the day. If I don't have that, things may not work correctly for me in the morning.
  19. Ha! Mike - thanks for the update, I bet you grow to hate the treadmill, but keep it and your sense of humor up! You have a lot of Mack men originated prayers flying your way............
  20. Great family photo! Are you the one holding the baby while you are wearing the blue and white striped shirt? If so, I won't mind turning 50. That is a cool truck for a birthday present!
  21. Which leg did you weigh?
  22. I can go to bed now, I have heard the funniest shit ever!
  23. That is just what I needed - breast feeding sound effects!
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