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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I scrapped one last year and was impressed with the aluminum shift tower, that cab had a lot of aluminum in it!
  2. I have a 7 mag I will loan you to take care of that little problem - Yes, I know it is May, but you can just put the season on at the table.
  3. HA! That was my first thought - "Honey I HAVE to buy it. I don't really want the truck, but the beds on top and that Meyer snowplow are just real valuable right now, and you know how much you wanted those new shoes you showed me the other day".
  4. I's jus dont noe ifn it canne be fixeded?
  5. That must have been a wall of water coming down the creek to take out that tough old girl after she had been there 140 years. DId they rebuild it?
  6. GO HUG YOUR MOM if you still have her. GO HUG YOUR WIFE if you have kids GO HUG YOUR DAUGHTER if she gave you a grandkid or in the hopes she will
  7. Take the unmounted flatbed and flip it upside down and backwards - stay with me now, I know this is hard to envision - then weld the one flatbed to the other one, get some plywood sides, now you have a shed that happens to be on top of an autocar.
  8. If it was being pulled with a Mack, the guard would have said "come right on in here and let me get a gander at that fine truck".
  9. Greetings! You get a big atta-boy as well for posting all the good pictures! Yard art - that is a good term, I will see if I can get away with that.
  10. Justin - are you still "Mackless"?
  11. I finished planting corn today. The planter boxes are made of some type of lightweight fiberglass. They are getting older and have lost their outer hard covering. I think it was some sort of coating/paint. It has not peeled or flaked off, it is more like it just has faded away from sun exposure/age. My sons are the head seed sack toters around here and I want to smooth these up so they have an easier job. If you rub up against them the way they are, for the rest of the day you have the "itchies". What can I paint or coat these with?
  12. I just hate it when thin people judge.
  13. Are any of them a "He"? Or could that cause a scene when you put them side by side?
  14. Enjoy these years Vinny - those are good folks to have around.
  15. So with the new math they teach in school it might be a 24 hour bug. But according to my ancient chinese cipherin' you had about a 12 hour bug? Good to see progress on the U-boat U model.
  16. Happy Born Today day! - just like Vinny's papa - you share it with crooner Steve Winwood. Hope you made your own purty music today.............
  17. Always good to know when someone has your back - just keep all skin fully clothed while you fool around back there - Backer's back door is an exit only
  18. I's always a day late and a greenback short............. Vinny - Tell Papa to enjoy the big day, and that if he calls up otherdog, Tom will sing you his version of "Higher Love", at least he sang it for me on my birthday.
  19. If momma had not been wearing a rag on her head, I bet they would have let the little terrorist baby on the plane?
  20. I am trying to work it out - I really want to go as I have never been. But it may not happen - my wife is having some complications with the pregnancy and is going to have to have a C-section and with 5 other rug rats running around, I may still have KP duty to keep them all fed with her recovering. I forget the name of the motel where we had reservations, but we canceled them. If I come, it may be a fly in early, fly out late kind of thing. I have a free plane ticket from a auction trip last fall that got canceled that I can use. I will let you know.......Thanks for thinking of me...........
  21. Scrapper or scraper? today or todat? and or ans? didn't or didnt? made two trips or took two trips? manure or manuer? Vinny - you have to improve your writing or you will end up like those fellows and me - selling scrap for a living.
  22. That looks like a Fendt tractor from Germany - Agco sold them at least for a while and I drove one once and it was smooooooooothhhhh. They invented the CVT (constant variable transmission) - that thing was cool, you just decide how fast you want to go, and it just makes it happen with no shift points. If you could photo shop the skanks off the side of it, you could see the cool tractor better. Ben - do your 4-H hussys dress like that? We could take up a collection to buy them a full set of clothes?
  23. I actually buy trucks now just for the outriggers sometimes. I had a pile of them around back that I just could not bring myself to scrap when I cut up some trucks. I put a set on ebay on a lark and they sold FAST! I ended up selling 12 sets I had. They went to wrecker companies, loggers, and several went to guys that wanted them on the front of skidloaders or the back of a farm tractor to pair with a hydraulic winch as a retrieval device. Lots of ways to skin a cat - when you are poor like me you better do like a chicken and get out in the yard and do some scratchin'!
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