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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. And some serious outriggers
  2. Mark - Is this the place to go?
  3. I agree Ben-ster - you don't have to decipher someone's train of thought, around here it is right out front and center! I don't really think he looks/acts like Chef, nor do I really care about grammer, I just think it gets the biggest rise out of you know who.
  4. Oh no - you have a whole library of them fancy new video's? How about a link?
  5. Leave those overpriced toys for the wimps - spend the money on your real truck!
  6. No - you of all folks have Vinny's best interests in mind - you don't have to admit it though.
  7. That pulpwood boy better be hauling a big load - if that sign behind him is correct, he is paying 50 cents more a gallon than we are here.
  8. Vinnster - It should be: You are mean to me Olive. Or if you want to save time then use: You're mean to me Olive. No one is mean to you on here - in fact you will find in life that people that correct you are your friends, assholes don't care if you do something wrong!
  9. It turns out it was a piece of melted velveeta that dripped off my ham sammich - I wiggled my tounge in the crevices and slurped it out, now she is really workin' good.
  10. Isn't that what you do at the shop? Just go pick a body panel at random and replace it for the practice?
  11. I can see them around the table saying "how much will it take to buy some goodwill this time?"
  12. Here is a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120911595363&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123 The sellers name describes everyone reading it.
  13. You had the keys to a tank with one of dem big ol' guns, they make you leave the place, and you actually took it back? That sounds like a mancard demerit to me. Next time get on here and let us know and we'll find a field somewhere, get a keg, and see how that tank really handles!
  14. I am glad that they once again reflect my views - not.
  15. Was that truck sitting at the Fire department old surplus auction yard off Goodfellow several years ago? I seem to remember it once I saw the full side shot.
  16. That is where I have seen you before! South Park! Were you the model for Chef?
  17. Brian - I included that as a plug for BMT - if you go up to the bar across the top part of the screen, on the right side, there is a button/word that you can click on that reads: DONATE. If you help support BMT by contributing, then you get some added member bonuses like admission to the VIP lounge. But the main benefit is that BMT can afford to maintain the server and keep the ^%&$ up around here!
  18. Did the checkout girl sackquet in a packquet for you? Momma always said to hang it up when done on a Braquet.
  19. Oh! Damn! Lt. Uhura got old! Normal kids his age ran around playing cowboys and indians. Leave it to him to pretend to fly around in some far flung galaxy and just let earth and all humans that work for a living take second place. I posted a better shot of Miss Uhura in the VIP lounge - is that tempting enough to get anyone to buy the admission ticket and support BMT?
  20. Pardon my ignorance, but who is the skank lady that needs to cover her wrinkled bosums? Is that his mom?
  21. They were all (at least around here) a very light spec'd truck and were bought because they had dealers for them, and were affordable for a poor farmer. Six cylinder engine, single axle, hydraulic brakes, 4 speed transmission with only if "fancy" a two speed rear end. 7.50-20 or 8.25-20 tires on snap ring riveted wheels. Standard bed is a 13 1/2 feet long grain bed. A lot of them only had a 19,000 GVWR as well. A lot of the ones still running around have been upgraded to a 350 V-8 with 9.00-20 tires and newer wheels and only get used to haul fescue seed in the summer, or seed beans/chemicals during planting. My neighbor has one that another neighbor bought new and it is his winter wood hauler. Nothing to compare to a Mack!
  22. No, I just like to get nekked and lay "things" on the electric fence
  23. Racket or Racquet? I don't know about cat guts, but I hear cat fur is used to make kitten britches.
  24. As soon as the electrical jolt left the brain, traveled to the typing fingers, and appeared on the screen, I started the countdown. You were a little slower than I thought it would be.
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