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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I know you did - I just wanted to make sure you were not napping or something this nice Sunday afternoon
  2. Vinnster - It is a Mack manufactured manual transmission - glad I can help. The wife said to tell you not to use the word TRANNY. It is a transmission.
  3. It might be the temp was the same, but something made it happy?
  4. And you cleaned the grime out first! I feel loved.
  5. The problem with those damn army trailers is that most of them require a elevator to get up in them they are so high. That AT&T trailer will be a lot easier to access. I have the same problem with Gov LIqiudations - all the good stuff either sells when I forget to look or it is in Puerto Rico.
  6. I see the little lady gained a chest in the years between drawings and the dog needs to exercise more
  7. I see you found the proper place for the lunch buckets - have you found the access hole to the engine on the new machine so you can lay your chef-boy-ardee can on it to heat it up?
  8. Are you like in a seat up high there on top? Do "they" even know you are up there? Or are you hiding out and taking pics in between naps? Keep the photos coming - they look real SMICK.
  9. Wilbur - Good man! Even on vacation he is on the hunt for a Mack - and she even let you take a photo of it when you found one! Now was it a boat or a ship you were on?
  10. It's real easy to say: BEEF!
  11. I try and speak the local dialect, but da wife won't let me. She had some weird idea that we should use proper english in the home. She gave "SMICK" a big thumbs down. After getting her expert opinion on SMICK, I then got caught licking my knife and of course the kiddos started to copy it. I had to lick it, who wants the ketchup off scrambled eggs on your pancakes? Wife took away my syrup privileges..
  12. With all the years of skoolin under my belt, I should have known that?
  13. No, but the DJ guy up in the booth - "John" - it turned out later he was a little too friendly with some of the girls - had to leave town before the pitchforks caught up with him. Now the old skating rink is Butler Supply, a electric/plumbing warehouse. Everytime I go in there and walk on the wood floor, I get a little extra goove in my get along. Funky sounds wall to wall We're bumpin' booties, havin' us a ball, y'all Shake your groove thing, shake your groove thing, yeah yeah! ..........................Show 'em how we do it now!
  14. We buy military surplus trucks and I try and stay away from those old multifuel ones. Those things are gutless. Everyone also always thinks they are tough and stout, but the old famous deuce and a half is pretty light duty for a tandem. You have to get a five ton or larger to do much with them. Even those non turbo cummins wont do much if you are used to a modern truck, but at least you can get parts for them. If I wanted something to get the family out of danger with the roads all blocked with cars full of smelly dead folks cooking in them, I would get a dozer or a four wheel drive farm tractor - I have to think about these things, the Callaway nuclear plant is just a couple miles away from me. I did some work for a neighbor and he showed me the bunker he built back in the 70's when the nuclear plant was being built. It had some goofy pipes on the top with corkscrew bends he welded into the pipe - he said that radiation won't travel around corners............Right
  15. It would take twice the shampoo to just clean the other guys chest
  16. Would you describe that dozer as being "SMICK"? I still can't get anyone on here to tell me what that means..........
  17. We had no idea what we were listening to while we rolled around gawking at girls at the skating rink
  18. The eye doctor did you some good............... I watched a track hoe (the real digging kind, not the olympic games type) cross a marsh at a river replacement job and when he got to solid ground, he just drove off the mats, dug a hole and pushed them down in the muck and covered them up. He was doing his part to keep bulldog mirror watching mat industry workers gainfully employed.
  19. GOOD!
  20. Did you hear a ballpark on the price of the thing? How many hours do you get on a set of teeth?
  21. Yes, Yes you should. Unless they are drawings of binary circuits, pocket protectors, prada shoes, or some kind of non-cool thing like that!
  22. Those are really cool! Okay - you can't stop now - keep it up, I know you have more photos in there somewhere............
  23. I agree with that statement - if I can't put it out with a wet gunny sack or the backside of an aluminum grain scoop, I am out of there!
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