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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. That's the right way to look at repairs - you are investing in your truck for future brighter days!
  2. Today coming home from an auction we were only 14 feet, 2 inches wide - I did not know that the nice flat hatted highway patrolmen carried 25 foot measuring tapes until today! The only reason I did not get a ticket was that he was a good ol' farm boy and I had red flags bungeed on the corners. I had to promise to buy some overwidth load signs so at least it looks like I know what I am doing - those were his words. Antique Gleaner E combine - came from original owner, only been rained on once in fifty years: We also had a on a yankee built Pequea hay tedder, a Ford sickle mower, and a loader for a IHC tractor on the back. I like to keep my belly clean so I don't have to be grimy on the drive home - note the periogiosessesses apron: Daisy the collie dog rode along - she barks at all the trucks when they passed us:
  3. Luce-y: Sorry about your expensive stop - you will never look at Andy Griffith the same again? $8600 one week, $8300 the next - at least it is decreasing. You could have bought a new Ford Focus.
  4. That's pretty neat, but they could have picked a better photo to represent Mack!
  5. I was at a auction at a airport yard a year or so ago and they had one with a quick attach loader on the front and a sweeper on the back. I think it was a Champion brand? I got the idear that the operators that ran it were not as keen on it as the engineer in the office that ordered it was.
  6. Great story! He went from smelling farts behind a team of mules (I bet on a tobacco farm they were mules) to driving that bad thing! Thanks for posting!
  7. Paul - I enjoy now saying "back in ought six" meaning 2006 - throws everyone for a loop.
  8. I would say that it looks like a nipple, but I won't
  9. Luce-y : Does not sound too good - no boost won't do much for you. That is true about Mt. Airy. Great place to visit. I also remember there is Pilot Mountain nearby that Andy Griffith changed to Mt. Pilot in the TV show. Andy Griffith grew up there and they have a Mayberry festival in the fall that we went to - None of this helps you find a turbo though!
  10. Luce-y - sorry for your misfortune! But if you have to break down, that is a good place to do it. If you do get stranded for a bit, that is the town that they modeled Mayberry after on the Andy Griffith show. The blushing bride and I and a few of the brood stayed there for a few days years ago. They had the best diner on the main street and I even got a hair cut at Floyd's barber shop. What did the engine/turbo start doing or not doing?
  11. I've seen some that were two hatchet handles wide that still looked fine, but AXE handles - wow thats a biggun!
  12. I think I have said this before, but the wisest advice my dad ever gave me was that when getting serious and thinking of getting married, to try and check out your future wife's mom because that would be pretty close to what you would wake up next to in 25 years. He told me that my blushing brides mom was still HOT at age 44 so I knew I would be okay. I like David's term - just like the Titanic should have done, stay away from icebergs!
  13. I think I will fix the flat tire and keep my skinny blushing bride.
  14. Stone Cold Planer: They sold a John Deere 2550 (or a 2555? - I don't remember the last digit) four wheel drive with a JD loader, and no cab today at the auction, it brought $9,500. It was very straight but had faded paint and needed four new tires. I was the back up bidder and should have run it higher I think in retrospect. A good friend of mine was standing next to me a couple weeks ago when they sold one of those six foot tillers that come over on the boat attached to those little 4X4 Jap tractors. I was nice and did not bid against him and he ended up buying it for $800.00 which made me sick at the time it seemed so cheap. But then he got it home and the gear box had a bad gear when he went to use it. So the big man upstairs was looking out for me once again. I think that no one that has a big 3pt tiller ever sells it unless the thing is shot.
  15. Here is today's auction haul: Another hay baler - no flats this time, we sailed right along at 60 mph If you look closely, here on the truck you can find a 3pt hitch log splitter, fenders for the little Belarus tractor, a 72 inch finish mower, a bale spear, a two man posthole digger, and a ladder the blushing bride has wanted to change light bulbs with: I also bought my daughter that went with me a $2.00 used scooter: The coolest thing was the little Glock 36 that dad found on the way home when we took a gun shop detour:
  16. I bet he had a secret switch under the dash that he could turn off one of the injectors with - it was labeled: ANNOY RANDY ON/OFF
  17. That is a perfect photo to use on here - we sorta get an idea of what you look like, but not enough of it is clear for otherdog to really be able to go to town with it! Around here kids with a last name like that would get their rear ends tanned - too many Germans. But I will protect you if you come visit sometime Vinny.
  18. Please, please, please do not use some old rusty screws when you reinstall those fine looking door panels! Those will all look good!
  19. Momma always said: "if no one else brags on you, you just have to do it yourself" Nice crotch salute!
  20. Here are a couple of signs that show how I feel:
  21. Seriously Vinny - if you think you may have something spelled wrong, look it up! If you don't you just program into your brain the improper spelling and you will never learn the right way. I am always looking up the proper spelling or way to use a word in a sentence for my work and I am 42 years old. Not that we can tell on a computer, but handwriting is something else that we should all pay more attention to. We all get into such a big hurry that we often don't catch our mistakes, let alone correct them. I hope you realize that on here whenever anyone corrects anyone else, it is out of friendship!
  22. Vinny - that is the smartest thing I have ever heard from a 12 year old...................... but you still can't spell your way out of a paper bag
  23. No, and I mean a big NO! I think they don't even allow people driving Caravans to enter the building. If we weren't long lost family, they would have kicked us hayseeds out as well. The only thing I saw there that would haul a van load of folks in the high style of a Chrysler minivan would be one of these Rolls Royces: I kept wishing I had a set of leashes to put the kids on so I could give anyone about to touch a car a big yank on their respective chain.
  24. HA! See Green Dash Green Hornet - I knew that Timmy was in the photo - everyone that knows anything knows they would never let him operate the camera after watching him fumble around with the cold planer.
  25. Much better - But you are all doing the tough guy in the hard hat with glasses thing so I can't tell which one is Timmy? I see that the grey bearded Wizard that dances with little red riding hood is still gainfully employed.
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