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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Head in hands.........
  2. Olivetroad


    So what happened to the ladder they used to get in?
  3. How do you know they are not in Russia?
  4. Did you notice there are no new-fangled electronics used in this vehicle? That way when the non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bomb hits, she will still be on the road. I love the planter box headlights, the brass hames for head rests, the chick feeder for a tail light cover and the best is the wash tub fan shroud. The more you look, the more find. Randy came up one day and we put it together so we can use it to guide our alien friends into the landing zones after they drop the nnemp bomb. They can then pick up the hatched alien eggs he has been incubating. I have never seen such a thing before!
  5. The blushing bride can be described many different ways.......but never that way.
  6. Mike - I plan to keep it. With the drought stressing all the pastures, I think this will be a good year to work up a bunch of them and reseed with some better varieties of grass. I only have $6000.00 in the two Versatile tractors, so I better keep both of them and just use one for parts if need be (if you were my blushing bride, you would buy that line of thinking right?)
  7. Always remember Vinnster - Photos lie! It was really rough and rusted out all over from spreading fertilizer.
  8. Do you have to actually install the batteries? Or by them being "present" across the shop floor will it run then?
  9. The boys and I headed to a really large farm machinery auction yesterday to try and buy a silage chopper. On the way there we came across this sign: I was almost afraid to stop to take the photo. I was afraid all those nightmares about Big Bird were coming to life. We never saw any feathered friends, large or small. I get to the auction, and the first chopper was real rough and it brought three times what it was worth. Oh no - this is not looking good. So I panic and buy this one because it was cheap and well kept - I have never in my life seen a Ford silage chopper. Only bad thing it is for wide rows, and I need narrow rows, but I think I can sell it to a collector: Then a little later in the day, I buy another one because I am worried that when they get to the good ones, they will be too expensive, at least this one is narrow rows, but still not what I wanted: They had this poor old worn out Mack, I did not get to see it sell: Then I once again could not help myself, and I bought this to go with the one I bought a couple weeks ago. These are going to get hard to hide from the blushing bride: Finally, towards the end of the auction, I buy the one I had wanted all along: The blushing bride asked how it went and of course the boys yell out that I bought THREE silage choppers, and ANOTHER Versatile tractor. It all made a lot of sense until I tried to put my thought process into actual words.
  10. Cool - Now I know who to blame! We had 3/8 of an inch last night, didn't even settle the dust or wash off the cows.
  11. That is more water than we have seen all year. Our catfish pond is at half full and they are starting to die. All of our other ponds have dried up to where we can't water the cattle with them. We are watering 160 head of cattle from a garden hose coming from the house. I have to run out and shut it off so we have enough water pressure for showers! If our well dries up, we are going to be in a world of hurt. Your photoshop powers are impressive as always..........that photo really gave me a lift....get it? I wrote lift.......you know, lift as in crane?
  12. I have a good takeout 9 speed on the pallet racking in the shop you can have, but I bet you might miss the extra gears? Or did you take that dedicated run hauling cotton candy? Don't let your current landlord/mechanic/crusty owner near the sweets, he will eat so much, he will blow up like, well, like cotton candy.
  13. What model transmission is it?
  14. Vlad - I loved the photos! Good shot of your Macks! Did they shut down the collective farms? You have a beautiful country.
  15. or creepy crawlys creeping into where the sun has never shone
  16. That Ann! You just can't get good help anymore. Didn't you explain to her about how you shouldn't have to use both legs pushing to get the shifter to slide into the next gear? Or was it your dog scratching up against the shifter that did it? Are you going to get a reman or have yours repaired? At least you made it to where you are currently!
  17. Ssshhhhhhhh Randy! we can't let them know EVERYTHING! I have to admit I do not own a Mack hat. I started wearing only MAA (missouri auto auction) hats after the owner of that place started giving me free lunches everytime he saw me out in public with one of his hats on. I am a sucker for free meals! The blushing bride gets tired of them laying around the house, I have them in about 6 different colors - one has to know how to properly accessorize.
  18. R I carry crane insurance as I have a National truck mounted crane I hire out with, so it is nice to have another machine to hopefully use more often. I right now only run the crane about one or two days a week, so this should help to spread that stinkin' overpriced crane insurance over more days out of a year. That is the nice thing about this little crane, everything works on it and no oil leaks or anything. The only thing it needs is the roof covered and some sort of anti-two block protection installed. I hate those anti-two block wires running down the boom as I always rip them off doing tree work in tight places. But I have to install it to work on a state contract coming up. I kind of appreciate the hard hats and safety goggle more now than I did years ago. I think in my single and fancy free days I was either three sheets to the wind or so hard headed that I never noticed knocks to the noggin like I do now. I for sure don't let my sons help without all their safety gear in place. I don't care much about my flesh, but I am kind of partial to theirs! The blushing bride toted them around in her belly for too many months for me to get them hurt when they are just trying to help out.
  19. The other day when we stopped at Superdog's spread, I knew as soon as I pulled up that Mike was a good guy.......look what is on his porch: Then a guy drove up and I knew it was him from his choice of hats: Did you ever meet a guy and just know right off that he is good folks? Mike was very nice and let us interrupt his busy day so he could give us his family history of how he got Mack fever. He gave us the run of the place. I really enjoyed visiting with him and I left there feeling like I had gained a new friend. Being involved with this BMT website is something I really appreciate and all jokes aside, it brings people together and accomplishes what its purpose is - to help spread information about Mack trucks. Thanks again Mike!
  20. I was poking around in the barn at Mike Harbison's and I knew I had not gotten lost because I saw this: I tripped over a engine: then I looked off the right and I see cab after cab, after cab: Then I turn back around and way in the back, I barely make out this: I sucked a little air, and then went over to check out this rare dog: It has a Mack fifth wheel: a neat old WATCH YOUR STEP SIGN: Wood door frame: Air brakes: Mechanical two? speed rear axle - look at the rod going to the cab: I wanted to sit in it, but lost my nerve: More photos: It really is a neat old truck. The frame and mechanical parts are very straight and not pitted. I doubt there is a nicer unrestored one left on this earth, especially with the sleeper cab. It looks like a great retirement project for Mike one of these days if he could ever force himself to stop hauling those dern hogs..............
  21. The other day while diddy-bopping through Iowa with a tractor in tow, I called Mike Harbison and invited myself over to check out and see if there was any truth in this "over 100 macks" thing I keep hearing about. Here is the the beginnings of what I found: MORE TO FOLLOW.................
  22. I got all lathered up there for a minute - that changes things quickly.
  23. Did you buy the two cars from the same lady? I hope the trailer brakes are working on that big rig!
  24. That is the same reason why I wear overalls................
  25. Great addition to the "fleet". You need to name it wilbur?
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