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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I love the old Waffle house - at least you can see them when they sneeze out some boogers or put MSG in your food - Good food fast! My blushing bride thinks slightly less of them - her slogan for Waffle House is: "Face it, we're the only thing that's open" or "It's 2 AM. Still time to make one more bad decision"
  2. Were you all so Nekked or sumpin in the photo that it got modulated?
  3. If I called my blushing bride "cook" I would find out there is another use for a cast iron skillet than cooking! Is Lely still in business? We also had a lely disc mower years ago when disc mowers first came out, but I never see them anymore.
  4. Alas, NO - I was just funnin you! I always wonder if there are folks out in ebay land that just go ahead and bid on high priced stuff like that just to do it? I had a strange guy that would bid on almost every single item I posted on ebay. Which, don't get me wrong, I appreciated it, but it was strange because I could tell he was just doing it knowing he would not end up buying it. So just for fun one time I started an auction for some truck tires with a starting bid of $400.00 and a buy it now of $1500.00. The reserve was only $401.00 so when he bid $450.00 thinking he was safe and a long way off the reserve price, he got a suprise! That was the end of his fooling around with my goodies!
  5. Go ahead and bid on it Monsieur Hancock, a bunch of us on here got together and decided if you bought it, we would all together chip in $150,000.00 towards the price. Is that enough help to fit in your budget? The check is will be in the mail - NOT!!!
  6. I tried calling him a few days ago, and the number I had did not work. I was going to call directory assistance, but the idea of keeping a straight face while I asked for Rob SWALLOWS phone number just did not seem to be in the realm of possible things.
  7. dems fur sity foks
  8. You do that - I will add it to my pile for safe keeping. Don't worry, I will make sure it goes to a good home: We like minivans around here, peel the top back with a chop saw and you have a great big tub to hold the scrap out of the shop - just like a big throw away tupperware container!
  9. You were granted another day to get out of bed and go to work - a lot of guys won't get that today - we are all lucky in a lot of ways. I am still torn up about the caravan.
  10. Greetings! I take it you mean you are new TO this site - not FROM this site? I would hate to see a living being that was built/conceived/born/spawned from this clown show
  11. I am the same way. The day I walked into the Ag mech class room for the first day of engines class was one of the highlights of my short life. They had about 10 engines cut away with hand cranks on them to turn so you could see everything work. They had everything from a lawn mower engine to a 855 cummins. Then we got to move on to transmissions - I get butterflies when I remember it all, I am going to have to go lay down for a minute.
  12. I have no idea, I just had never seen one in person and thought it was photo worthy! I bet at the right auction of John Deere stuff it would bring a mint. Other than the John Deere decal, it looked like our old crappy bikes that hung from the rafters until we tired of hitting them with the combine bin extension, then they got a one way ticket to the scrap yard.
  13. 'specially the ones that have froth around their mouth when they grin at you - you have to freeze them for a week to kill the worms
  14. HA! That made me laugh - I started to make the same type comment, but I decided to play nice-nice.
  15. Okay, I guess I can wait, it just seems like we are not getting the whole story All we see is the front half, kind of like what we attempted to describe to Mister Vinny - remember the Car Head Hottie?
  16. Why were the Ahrens Fox so sought after then and now?
  17. He did not stop by here on the way to KC, if I find out he went by without stopping, I am going to de-ball him. Oh wait, that is already done.
  18. The key to a proper swapshop trip is to no matter what, come home with less than you left home with - hard to do sometimes!
  19. Here are some more pictures from my cousin's museum. John Deere bicycle: Cut away model of Chevrolet drive train: V-16 engine in a 1931 Marmon car: Straight 8 engine in a 1932 Cord car
  20. Damn - that stuff is cooked! If you clean up the scorch marks on the tanks, can you exchange them? I bought some after a fire one time and they would not take them - at least until I cleaned and painted them! The 1980 Dodge caravan is a real loss that tugs at my heart ................. So no one is allowed to clear the pine barrens? But now it is cleared out?
  21. I always wondered with the minidyne looked like - thanks for the photos!
  22. WOW! I am really sorry - no matter what insurance you have it never takes care of everything - what all was in the shop and what else did you lose? I take it you don't live on the same place so your home is okay?
  23. I have some way off cousins that own a potato chip factory here in Fulton, MO. Their father was a avid old car collector and they have a museum set up to hold some of his goodies. The blushing bride was about to have a pregnancy related breakdown and needed some nap time, so I took the kiddos out to tour it the other day. They had three firetrucks there (no Mack ones - sorry!). Here are some photos of the firetrucks, two of them are outside unrestored and the one inside looks like it just came off the factory floor and is ready to go fight a fire: Here are the two outside - The ladder truck reads RENO on the side - did it come from Nevada? They have a neat old delivery truck from the 40's they used to use, those are my kiddos: They have a 1947 Diamond T pickup all restored: They have about 80 of his cars on display, no one really knows how many he owned!
  24. Grant - I really hope you figure out why they ran the firing order the way they did. I have asked a couple of older Mack mechanics and no one seems to know. Let us know what you find out.
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