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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Looking good - progress is progress even if measured in small amounts. Do you have a photo of the whole truck including the flatbed/rear axle?
  2. CSbice35 - Do what David says and pick up the phone RIGHT NOW and call him - he will fix you up with what you need and in the process restore your belief that there are still good natured people out there in this old world ready to help! Hope you get it all worked out............
  3. I thought the same thing at first, of course I already had a swipe at Randy's relationship with his sister started when I realized it was not him - darn!
  4. Sunday is God and family day around here - we all need a day without work. But shows to me are recreation!
  5. Get da head out of da toilet - reread post - DAD was going through da room! Randy - Great to find photos isn't it! Thanks!
  6. Ith dis shits misself ! HA!
  7. "Will you teach me that breaker breaker CB stuff too?" " I like reefer" " I take the piss test for you" That is some funny stuff !
  8. Greetings! What do you use your Mack for?
  9. I am still reeling from the ebay vent window price - If I ever get the time travel car running, I am going back and picking up a few............
  10. That would sure look good behind an old Mack.
  11. I am here just to help you guys remember to pee outside of your pants. I pulled home a field cultivator today that was 19.5 feet wide - I need to go lay down for an hour and collect my thoughts. There sure were a lot of folks on the way home that liked to wave at me with their middle finger - is that some new cool thing?
  12. HG - Don't feel bad, that is one of only four in Missouri. Folks in Montana did not want to cover their bridges as it shuts off the view of the BIG SKY.
  13. That is actually not a DM, it is a U model. They photo shopped the rear ends, the bed and the steel nose over the U model that rolled because, well, that is just what they do.
  14. Retarded? Now Vinny, the spelling was really good.
  15. Damn- why do guys with long grey beards have all the fun? Or is he sum kind of wizard?
  16. On the way home from a auction the other day, we stopped and visited a 120 foot long covered bridge It was put together with wooden pegs Then we left (after my neighbor had a rest stop)
  17. I hauled towed pulled carried dragged home some more goodies today: The tire was fine for 70 miles, it blew out 1/2 mile from my driveway, so I just kind of dragged it on in! I also towed home a disc, it was only 12 feet wide - only hit one sign (different one) Saw this when we stopped to take a leak:
  18. Those are known as car-head hotties - you think baby gots it going on when you see her driving. But then ALL of her gets out of the car and you see what is really happening.
  19. planning, planning, planning - What you don't see is the 99 percent of the time when the camera is left in the house!
  20. The bad part was that when I dinged the sign, it was about 20 feet before a cop car sitting on the side of the road running radar. He must have been in doughnut ecstasy or sumpin to not have heard it. I puckered up, said "OH ^%$# !, sucked the seat halfway up you know where, but he never moved, so I kept on hammering.
  21. Vinny - David is right - that thing is hideous looking design wise. I like it because I think about how well that old man took care of it - but it was butt ugly when it was new, and it is butt ugly now, just well maintained for its age.
  22. I went to a farm auction last Friday and bought a 1968 Dodge D-500 grain truck. The thing is like new - 33,000 one owner miles, always shedded, immaculate interior, newer tires, doors still close with a satisfying clang. It has a little 318 and a 5 speed transmission with a 2 speed rearend. I was pleasantly surprised when I drove it home today that it cruised along at 65 mph - A lot better than the 50 mph I would have guessed. Don't tell the blushing bride, but I think I have to keep this one. I also spied a 175 Allis Chalmers that someone had installed a used engine out of a Gleaner E combine into. Whomever bought it will be disappointed when they use it that in the process they lost about 20 horsepower! I also saw this sticker, and I looked all over for her, but she never showed up, I never even got a whiff of fish smell ................. I had loads of fun pulling the 18 foot wide no-till planter I bought home today. 70 mile trip on two lane rural blacktop roads - I only hit two trees, one road sign and NO mailboxes for once! Here was a funny sign - in cattle country, they don't measure in MILES..........
  23. That sounds like garbage - look at all the grain trucks all over the country that have been switched over to radials - a lot only get used for a month in the fall and sit the rest of the year. We have fewer problems with tubeless radials then we did with bais tires on them, they just have such a better load rating.
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