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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. A big, fat, juicy (with tounge) kiss from RandyP - lucky you!
  2. I go out of town to an auction for a couple of days and I get back and turn on this clown show and sure enough I see about what I expected to see! So much for my fervent prayers that the average intelligence level of the posts on here would increase with my absence. The real reason I was not shown in the bus photo is because I was kicked off that day for making Vroom, Vroom noises when the driver would shift and for sending hate letters to the school board because they did not haul us in a U model bus. Youse guys are just jealous that Randyp and me only had to go to school until the 5th grade - at the end of that year, a real nice lady in the office told us both to go away quietly as we had already learned everything we ever could. Thanks for the laughs - I now go forth into my day of work with a spring in my Redwing covered step....................
  3. GOOD JOB VINNY! I have proof now that you learn important stuff on here - like how to properly spell WHOA.
  4. Yes you are! Ha! It's all good!
  5. Randy - Greetings! I am a REAL poor dude with old iron so don't feel bad! Do you have any photos of the pumper?
  6. Ha! But you forget - I drove the truck AND I ran my own fork and knife at lunch unaided!
  7. Vinny - with horses and when you want to stop something, it is Whoa. Whoa Vinny, Whoa!
  8. In the first photo, it looks like someone drove it like I would - up to axle deep in fill. I see a big metal thing like that and my right hand starts to go on autopilot and compress the oxygen lever on the imaginary torch I am holding
  9. Wtf r u talkn bout? Lvin leters ot of wrds savs n-rgy
  10. These guys are really sharp - they are not just doing it for fun! They use these like a farm tractor and they have discovered what works after thousands of hours of use. I bet most of what they convert are ones that they have bought as salvage/burned/wrecked or something and it is a cheap way to make a like new ag crawler by combining the best of a Cat crawler and a John Deere tractor. I agree that it is a crazy thing to even do in the first place. If it was not for some heretical religious reason to not use rubber tires, I am sure no one would even dream such a thing up! But you have to agree that these guys should be commended for their workmanship.
  11. I had a ex-military trailer just like that one except it was a single axle. I wish I had not sold it, it was a good heavy trailer that would look good behind a old Mack. It had the same three bolt hub and I replaced both of them with two I bought at Napa, I just had to take the old ones in as there were several different ones. We did the brakes as well, I bought the brake parts at Inland Truck Parts.
  12. Photos? U models?
  13. Mike - It dried up around here and I got busy in the field and forgot about that auction - what did the tractor bring? The salvage place I deal with were also looking into it, I had not heard if they made it up there or not.
  14. Ha! Was that back when you were a kid? Vinny - the secret to batting is the same as for a lot of other things in life - DON'T LET THE BASTARDS GRIND YOU DOWN! Keep your chin up and don't give that pitcher an inch - not a half inch! You are the dude holding the bat - you have a helmet on. The balls are never as close as you think, and it is not in the pitchers best interest to hit you. If he does, you get a free base. If he hits you a second time, take that bat out to the mound and visit the pitcher with it. Don't you back up in that box the next time you bat, I will be watching! (and cheering you on)
  15. Okay- I will fess up to the truth about this fudge in the pants nonsense: 1. A year ago I shit my pants(overalls) 2. It was not intentional 3. I was sick with flu - flu caused it I tell you! 4. Blushing bride said stay in bed - I go check cows when she/kids leave 5. I find heifer with calf hanging out her Va-Jay-Jay 6. Tug and pull, tug and pull, lube with goo, turn calf, tug and pull, tug and pull, turn calf, tug and pull, tug and pull 7. Bust out chains, put on calf's feet, My left foot on heifer rumpus, my right foot on ground, pull hard on handle 8. Out comes calf - my left leg tangles in chain, right foot slips on blood/fluids/goo 9. Hit ground, roll off creek bank............ 10. OH NO!
  16. Have any of you nephews smelled Uncle Rob around lately?
  17. A man once told me I heard it on the news It came to me in a dream I never had it happen. I didn't do it. No one saw me do it. You were not there when I did it.
  18. Have you guys been to Zimmerman tractor in Versailles, MIssouri?
  19. I love it when you see the Ritche Bros RB printed on the bottom corner of a photo - if you are going to buy something to resell it, at least use your own photos or crop that out!
  20. The DM800 photo looks like the front tires are too small - are those low profile or sumpin?
  21. Nice looking truck - I hope it brings a lot - it should!
  22. I can't stand the looks of it, but I don't want anyone telling me what to do either!
  23. That way he doesn't even have to slow down when he is cleaning out a pond, just poop in the depends and keep right on going. Kinda gives you a warm squishy seat cushion.
  24. Ding, Ding, Ding, you win the prize! It is Zimmermans.
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