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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Me not real smart, but me make up for being dumb dumb by having lots of guns
  2. I can't see your hands in the pic of you and Michelle - what is going on back there - I think you stole more than a hug?
  3. Rob is just trying to take some of the heat off you Barry - give you more time so you can make some cool new Mack cartoons?
  4. We would have to wait six months for someone to buy the battery, then it would not get posted for three months, by then this fast moving crowd of clown intellectuals would be long past being able to focus on that.
  5. Leave me out of this clown show - I was 200 miles away at the time, and I keep my face clean shaven and baby soft - Blushing bride wants to kiss my face, not a brillo pad. Speaking of clown show, Rob and Randy were captured by Illinois cannibals while trying to get that helpless Peterbilt unstuck. They took a couple of bites out of those two Mack clowns and then the cannibals looked at each other and said: These taste FUNNY.
  6. I was just funnin' you guys. It did not get modulated by Rob. Actually, Tom and Obama came in a black helicopter to see me today and paid me to take them down.
  7. Ahhh - that is a big NO! The only ass licking going on around here is between the blushing bride's two bassett hounds. They are HER dogs. I own only animals you can either eat or sell.
  8. Greetings! Are you looking for a R model like your old one or something else?
  9. Oh did you miss that? The original post had them both nekked in only their birthday suits to celebrate the big day, but it done got modulated just like ATHS.
  10. Ha! I was doing the same thing in my head - I was guessing about 2000 hours per shift per year (52 weeks a year X 40) but I bet you are right - poor old bus had to work weekends and more than one driver per day! I don't remember the mileage for sure, but it was less than one million - lots of idle time. Heck when you see them running at night with the lights on inside the bus, most times you see about three people in there - taxpayers are footing that bill.
  11. I am usually too greasy at high noon to want to ride in a decent vehicle - Joe's van is just about right for that!
  12. Still beats a shovel! Eat yourself a corn fed steak tonight, you will forget about that vac!
  13. That old bus was a mid-80's model and had an original working hour meter that read over 80,000 hours - pretty impressive!. Even the frame was worn out with stress cracks everywhere, frame rivets rolling around in their holes. It was ready to be set on fire!
  14. Hey - I resemble that statement! I will have you know that I wear the pants in this family! but she tells me which pair to put on
  15. I scrapped a couple of old bi-state buses and a ex-st.louis fire truck with those engines in them this winter and the buses I think did turn the opposite direction than the firetruck did. They were fun for the kids to rev them out and hear them scream! The fire truck had one of those added access holes in the side of the block already. The engines from the buses went to a core buyer in Chicago. They had belt driven air compressors mounted about two feet off to the side that were huge! They are now pumping air in a couple of mechanic shops I sold them to. One guy is using a 500 gallon diesel fuel tank for the air reservoir - I am not going back there for a visit while it is under pressure! One of the buses had a switch on the dash that said CURB LOADING. You flipped the switch and the whole bus dumped its air suspension and sat down on the ground for easy entry, and I mean DOWN on the ground. One son took some vise grips and closed off the lines going to the back so that only the front went up and down - it looked like a southern CA lowrider! I also cut up some identical buses that had 8.3 cummins in them - I know which engine I would want to own of the two.
  16. I am getting ready to drive it into town with a cab crammed full of packages I am shipping out, one item leaving is a set of injectors for a L10 cummins! The Mack said that she thought that was funny she got to haul them!
  17. After I moved out of the house, everytime I saw my dad or talked to him on the phone (which was every day), he would sign off by saying: "be good, this may be our last day". 15 years later it was for him - he was ready to go whenever it happened. He said the reason he always behaved in life was so that when he died, he got to go the place where all the log chains have hooks on both ends.
  18. OMG! That is one of the first Tri-drive in that color! Somebody on here save it! What has happened to me? I feel like I am 12
  19. The following great men have birthdays today: Mike (that man owns a LOT of Macks) Merle Haggard (that man can sing) Butch Cassidy(that man could twirl a pistol) Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian in Star Wars) - on second thought, lets leave him out Hope you have a happy birthday!
  20. Good influences - Good not bad when someone decides to buy a Mack! You will be really pleased driving it home - I can see it already.
  21. How tall is it with stack and air cleaner off?
  22. I actually like the crew cab red truck........get the whole family in that one.......don't tell!
  23. Got any peterbilt pics? Randy got his from a guy and I wonder what happened to the rest of them?
  24. I did not know him, but I said a prayer for him and his family. - I hope I die at home.
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