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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Still have not seen a live video - but you can just page down through his photos real fast if that helps?
  2. Are you freaking kidding me?
  3. Cow poops on the driveway, flips up onto wife's van muffler - smells like money
  4. I have the same problem - especially when the blushing bride is driving
  5. Game over - you had better be ready to go at anytime - it may not even be your fault - how many times have we all squirreled around on a patch of ice like that? Sad.
  6. Wonder what that whole trailer rig weighs with no load on it?
  7. Boy number three got permission from the blushing bride to start mowing the yard this year and it happened I was standing at the auto auction Friday when one of these drove down the lane. I loaded it up at their dock onto a flatbed truck and hauled it home - now how to unload it? We put the extensions on the shop forklift and #1 son backed it onto the forks while I drove out from under it I let him stay up there a while, until he said "pretty please can I come down?" Boy number three took right off with it and mowed the yard. You always have to blow the grass into the chicken pen so they have a treat. I raced boy number two on his john deere mower back to the shop - the John Deere wins Then they all took turns on the gas line reel trailer "Merry-go-round". While I started cutting up this fine 1987 Shaggin' wagon I drug home from the auction - nice paint scheme.
  8. Rob - What changed to where you no longer ran the trucks?
  9. Wait - I have to thrown the brakes on here. This is like an oxymoron; dark light, jumbo shrimp, sound of silence, quiet riot, etc. I owned a 1980 White Road Boss and even if you dipped it in chrome, you could not make that thing pretty.
  10. Northern city boy: I think I will get a second home in the country Southern country boy: I think I will get a second home in the city Which one of these statements is real?
  11. I thought you might put stabil in, then store it for a while, then just pour it out - kind of like the paint brushes around your place?
  12. I have wanted a couple of new ones I can plan on to work, one to keep in the shop to run lights when the power goes out, and the other to mount on a trailer to use for the little sporting clays trail my sons are building!
  13. Garrett - Glad you ended up working it out to get the truck! I see you already have your license plate in place on it, and you changed your BMT photo! Do you have any more photos of the interior/engine etc?
  14. Did any of you fine folks ever stop at Gaspers Truck Stop in Kingdom City, Missouri? That was a great place - we went there almost every sunday for dinner, there would be a line clear out the door and around the corner. Mrs. Gasper ran a tight ship in that place - great food, great service. Then Mrs. Gasper got old, Petro moved in across the way with a crappy buffet, and now they tore it down and built a damn Arby's in its place - yuck.
  15. H Happy Birthday! It also is Barney Frank's big day - throw him in with Al Gore and you have a match made in ..................
  16. That is a good one Mark. I was trying to sell some CCC garbage trucks a few years ago and I found a site that was all about the history of trash - it was really neat. They even interviewed the guy that made the first front loader. I looked just now and I can't find it. I always like those shows on the history channel where they dig into something like trash that no one ever thinks deserves a show being made about it.
  17. You know - I can't stand that stuff. I love sippin whiskey - I used to put away that crap Old Crow like it was iced tea. And I love BBQ sauce. But I can't stand to have them mixed. I have to admit that I am kind of hard to buy a gift for, so folks buy me those little sets of that Whiskey BBQ sauce crap all the time -------- thanks.
  18. Count me in Rob - I sent you a PM That is a good price on those. I buy and sell a lot of used ones and that has always been a popular brand.
  19. Good thing I live on a cattle farm - how else would I feed all those men? Olive and sons logging - That's classic, even the wife gives it a snort
  20. That is kind of what I thought - a slippery slope where industry standards become the law as far as attorneys are concerned
  21. And the photos are where? Was it a vacation or for work - you werent exporting nice macks were you? Ha!
  22. Okay, I was going to wait until it got here, but the thing I want to do with the B model I bought from Jocko is this: I have a single axle fifth wheel pole trailer that has good modern 22.5 wheels and air brakes but it still looks simple and old and I want to find the biggest log I can and mount it on the trailer and pull it with the B model for my son's boy scout troop. The biggest log I have here is 5 1/2 feet across, but I hope to find a bigger one. Like a 8 footer or so. Hard to do around here unless you go with cottonwood and that will just smell like ^%$# the whole time and no one will want to ride on it.. Hey Bob Dingsdale - you want to haul a REAL big tree down to me? If I sneak out to the redwoods in a national park and cut me down a bigun, does anyone want to help me do it around midnight sometime?
  23. I bet a dollar against a dog turd it is a DM - that deeeeeeep frame so' nuff' do make a goodun for loggin'
  24. That is always my first thought whenever I want to "improve" on something that some more intelligent than me engineer figured out in the first place. I wonder if those guys are still around or if the Mack Museum could shed some light on that?
  25. Looks like a lot of rot on the drivers side and the bed has a lean to the left as well. It would be well worth the price if it was straight and clean.
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