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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Vinn - Looking better all the time! What is with the wine bottle in the background? I give my boys a sip of my wine every now and then for medicinal purposes......
  2. Nice old _ACK!
  3. Rob - I called a local glass shop and they said they can get me a piece of Lexan to fit. They can get up to two inches thick. My question is, how close to the edge can I drill holes to attach a metal frame so I can hinge it like a door? Will it tend to crack out from the holes? Or can hinges be attached to just the Lexan and if so, will it hold up without a metal frame?
  4. Good old 453 Detroit. Starts good and runs quiet - - - sorry Ben. HA! After the first hour, I was missing my stand up National. I can run that thing all day long without much trouble. This thing requires a degree in acrobatics to get in and out of the cab, and then when you have to work off the back, you can't see a dern thing without first plumbing in a hydraulic swivel into my neck. At least it has continous rotation. I am trying to install a anti-two block system on it so I can use it on a job in a few weeks and a recovery winch on the back. I really like the thing so far.
  5. WOW! First post and it includes several good photos! I don reed sos good - dem fotos hep me lots Looks like you have a great project started - do either of you have kids? Try and get them involved. I will rent you some if you want............
  6. I buy surplus trucks and trailers from the Government and he is right, you get that stupid form instead of a title. Ask him if he bought it at a live auction or not? If he has only had it a few years, I bet he bought it on Government Liquidation.com. If that is the case, you can get a replacement form from them for $25.00 if he will sign the paperwork to apply for it. I have had to do that in the past and it is not that big of a deal as long as the seller is telling you the truth. Then you just diddy-bopp on down and use that form to apply at the DMV for a new title in your name and hopefully 10 days later you get your title in the mail. If you go look for the title everyday in the back of your mailbox, first buy one of those mesh hats that us farmers wear. They you bend the brim into a sharp V. That is how we easily get into our mailboxes to pull out our "gummint" checks..........
  7. Did they have to lay over the cummins to get the cab/hood to fit? I would like to see how they did the motor mounts..........
  8. Good taste in engine, "tranny" and mudflaps............ http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180936519761&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  9. If you get a chance, find out about it, I would like one for parts.
  10. Olivetroad


    Why do you always have to pick on Hatcity?
  11. Vinn - I made offers on all the Macks, but I bet they don't take them - they know their business well and they will make more money parting them out than selling them for scrap. At least they will go towards keeping other Macks on the road. It was interesting watching what they did scrap. They had a trackhoe loading scrap trailers while we were there and it was mainly IHC 1600's and other lighter duty stuff, plus things like frames, and rusted out cabs that had been stripped.
  12. I was cruising through a junk yard last week, and I found this and I thought of you know who.......... It is number U60494, pretty much rusted away. If you don't want lot lizards sneaking into your cab at night, you just foam the door shut: The same place also had these ol' gals: This old feed truck looks good from 20 feet away............ When you get up close, you see this: Text book example of splayed frame from rust. These trucks were at Trump Trucks in Kahoka, Missouri. They are great to deal with for parts. I bought a hydraulic digger motor and a pin on bucket for a crane and they offer good prices and they were carefull taking them off. I got a bunch of photos of other makes, I will post them on another thread to keep them separated from these fine Macks.
  13. Glad you got home okay - if I ever drive through there, I promise to leave all ladders at home?
  14. Justin - It is a 2004 Dodge 3500 four wheel drive one ton. I wish it was a 5500, I would like to trade it in on one, but I don't want to give up my 5.9 simpler engine. The trailer is only a 20,000 GVWR. It usually hauls a 15,000 pound backhoe around and the tractor actually hauled better on it than the backhoe as we can't get the backhoe loaded with the weight distributed right because we run out of room with the stick/boom. I have hauled an older Timberjack 230 on it before and like the tractor, it did fine because you can move it forward or back until you get the weight right for the truck. I would not want to plan on hauling stuff like that everyday on it, especially if you have to get off the road to load and unload. The trailer has two Holland jack legs in the front and two drop down outrigger legs on the back corners which makes a nice solid platform to drive on and off with. That way if you bag a 20,000 pound Moose, you can just roll it up on there without it flying off the pintle hitch!
  15. Mark - it has a triple nickle non-turbo V555 cummins. The guy bought it new one year when he had three 1206 International tractors hooked together trying to pull a disc in wet ground. His son-in-law told us he got pissed off when they kept getting stuck, so he all of a sudden takes off in his truck and a couple of hours later, this tractor came driving up the road to save the day. It is not near as large as Big-Bud. This one is only rated at 200 horsepower. Before I use it in the field, I plan to install a cup holder to hold my tea!
  16. The guy had tried to remove a tree and he dropped it on a guy wire for the elevator leg. He hooked the tractor to it until he can sink a new anchor. I wanted to go over and cut a couple of the cables when I pulled up and thought the broken down tractor was the one he sold me.
  17. I weighed it on my neighbors gravel scale, and the tractor weighed right at 18,000. The book said it weighed 17,000 pounds, but I think the difference is the 120 gallons of fuel the guy left in the tank - that was a nice bonus! We went 60 - 65 all the way home, but you sure knew it was back there. The Dodge has good horsepower, but is light on springs and brakes for that load.
  18. i bought a four wheel drive tractor in Iowa a few weeks ago, so #2 boy, #3 boy, my retired neighbor, and I headed to pick it up. It was going to be over 100 degrees and the road tractor does not have cold air, so we took the Dodge one ton. Tommy has to drive so I can work on the 'puter. He waited until we left the KFC buffet and I had a cup of sweet tea in my hand to slam on the brakes - I got a wet crotch - want to see a photo? I complained about him jiggling me around so he played his sympathy violin: I bought it kind of sight unseen, but the guy that sold it said he had it all ready to travel. We get there and this is what we see: We get out and I am thinking CRAP, I don't want to fart around with a damn flat tire. The owner has a big laugh at my expense, then he slides around the grain bin and gets the tractor I bought - it has four wheels! The trailer started to look kind of small! I needed Otherdog to draw me a proper chain diagram, but we made it okay: We get to looking around at the other goodies he has and we noticed something strange about this tractor. Can you tell what it is doing? The guy told us a shorter way home - now I know why the GPS did not use that dirt road route: We stopped to go wee wee and it was like "Children of the corn" Are rock ends like burnt ends in a BBQ joint? On the way home, we stopped by Superdog - Mike Harbison's house and checked out his collection. He had to leave and I snappped this photo of the tractor right when his hot red Dodge pickup zoomed off: Tommy and the boys soaked up the shade while I took Mack photos - I will post them on another thread when I get a chance...... One more stop of beside the road wee-wee: We may have been overloaded, but we were cool in the A/C!
  19. What did it have for brakes on the rear?
  20. I think a big WOO HOO is in order!
  21. Gooooood looking truck! you also get extra points for your photog "skillzs" - pro-fesss-in-al use of sunlight!
  22. Possum hollow road? You and leversole thought I was a hillbilly.............?
  23. Yes, I AM the hillbilly living in my house I's soo sorrry mis-tah, I no mean no harm!
  24. Everyone - it is time to implement plan 64, I repeat ,implement plan 64. Jim has stumbled onto our plan to steal his identity.
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