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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I sent a friend over there that needed springs made for a 1940's forklift. Everyone else told him to give it up. They just made them by hand, and they fit like a glove.
  2. St. Louis spring does a great job - I know this sounds like I am a dork, but I took a tour there once and it was really cool.
  3. Where are you located?
  4. Check it out in sunny Florida - go see Hat: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150859097615&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  5. Since we have water truck Macks on the brain in a good way lately, here is another one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261068697374&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123 Seller says: "Truck is almost ready to work, just needs your ass planted in the seat"
  6. That is a very nice looking tractor - keep it clean and those wheels need to shine just as much a year from now!
  7. IT CAME! IT CAME! IT CAME! IT IS CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!!! What a great book! It reminds me of what CH Wendall(sp?) did with his books on farm machinery companies. I snuck off and holed up in the piano room all Sunday afternoon, I am about up to the 1930's. I can't put it down! I am glad the Blushing Bride broke the piggy bank and got a new one. This edition has an extra section in the back that was added to bring the book up to date for the 2007 100 year anniversary of IHC trucks. Now I have to get her to order me his other books on WWII trucks and tracked vehicles.............. Joe - Thanks for the heads up on the book! You get a "like"!
  8. I never thought about the 38th parallel being compared to our southern boarder - that is a crock that we can't secure it as well - good point.
  9. Nice ride! That is so nice looking, I almost slapped the dog!
  10. What did the trailer bring?
  11. Jim - Thanks for the neat brochure - I have seen coleman conversions on older IHC stuff around here. I thought they were no longer around, but I sold a four wheel drive Ford F-450 to a guy last week and he said when it was made in the 90's, that Ford did not offer 4X4 on them from the factory. He said that Coleman or Marmon-Herrington both still offered conversions for them.
  12. There is a auction coming up close to me where they are selling a John Deere R diesel and some Oliver tractors: http://wheelerauctions.com/main/auctions/20120922Tellman/20120922Tellman.html If you go, stay away from the no-till drill and the Sray-coupe, I need them! Anyone that breaks this sacred trust will be beaten with a wet noodle...............
  13. Ouch! That looks bad. Did you see the accident?
  14. I just bought this at a auction. It came from a local water district that bought it new and never used it much - it is a 1981 with only 1500 hours. Pretty clean, straight, and unmolested crane. We put a new $280.00 battery in it and now it runs great. Even the turn signals work. It has two live sections of boom, but while greasing it, I noticed that there is an additional roller support under the very end of the second stage like there is an additional section that either hydraulicly or manually extends. There are three large pins in the end of the second section that I think you would have to remove at least one of them to access the third stage. I can't tell which one or more to remove. I hate to remove the wrong one as I bet one of them goes through the end of the hydraulic cylinder that extends the second stage and I don't want to pull it out and not be able to get it back in place easily. My local Komatsu/dresser dealer just laughed at me when I asked them for help. I won't be buying any filters from them. Any ideas? I also need to find/make a FOPS type door for the top of the cab. The one that was in it was just plate glass, so they cut it into pieces before they sold the crane - thanks a lot. I have a job I need an all-terrain crane like this for, but I have to have the door in place to pass muster. What can I make a door out of that won't yellow in a short time?
  15. Olivetroad


    Did I miss something? I re-read this and the only gay reference was Vinny saying that it was "gay" to post the funny pic of Dr. Phil. As in gay = stupid. I don't know why anyone would think Vinny was gay? Unless he has aged overnight, the last time I checked, Vin was 12 years old? No 12 year old should honestly even be thinking about girls in a sexual way yet! My middle son is 12 years old and like Vin he doesn't give a crap about girls, but he loves old trucks. This does not make him gay! This makes him a normal 12 year old boy. The problem is that normal is silent. Weird shit gets our attention and is what makes the news, so then if you don't use your brain, you can fall into the trap of thinking that what you see is the NEW normal. It is a sad commentary on our society that we even wonder about kids if they are gay or not. I agree with David that the world we throw our kids into is totally different and much more difficult than it was when the majority of us grew up. That is why my wife and I homeschool our kids. It may not be this way everywhere, but at least in my corner of the world, the best thing I can do is refuse to buy into the bulls*&t that I see coming out of our local schools about sexual orientation, lack of parental discipline, animal rights, socialist ideas, etc. I may fail miserably as a parent, but it won't be from sitting on the sidelines and not taking an active role. It tears me up when I see young boys that don't have dads around to help them know what is really normal and what is not, and protect them from the way our society hands out low self esteem if they are not rich and at 12 dating a hot blonde. The last thing Rob wanted when he posted that photo at the start of this thread was to upset anyone, especially Vinny. If Vinny's feeling are hurt, well, that is a mistake on his part. As someone that has frequented this site as much as Vinny has, and been the giver and taker of jokes in the past, he should know that everyone on here appreciates what he adds to this crazy clown show and no one would intentionally drive him away. Sorry for the rant!
  16. Check it out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170879292221&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  17. Might need some body work........but she can push the snow. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251108804347&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  18. We made a homemade one for a truck with no parking brake. Head in hands.............
  19. YEAH! It is only Monday and I have already learned a cool new expression! The old guys at the diner will love that one!
  20. Ahhhh - much better! Looks like a good solid truck to start with! How is the interior?
  21. You better flip it back upright - I can hear the wrenches, soda cans, broken triangles, mouse turds, etc rolling around in the cab - someone might get hurt!
  22. I bet that is one rough ride! He has pink hands from holding on to the steering wheel so tightly!
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