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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. We have had two other "visits" for a total I think of 4 in the last week or so - the nights are kind of running together. We parked some semi trailers and now we have them funneled right where we want them. I would have caught one last night, but I had been next door to my sisters and ate too much spaghetti and meatballs - I actually stopped and started laughing when I was chasing this punk last night - I did not have room in my frame for a deep breath - those damn meatballs were good! I will get the beam out - looking for this inspired me this morning to start organizing, I am finding all kinds of goodies. I had planned on going to north Missouri today to a auction, but I looked around at everything we have moved in the last week, and I thought - why are you going to drag more home - sell this &^%$ first!
  2. That is the funniest thing I have heard in years - coffee through nose, grabbing my belly, roll on floor, pass out................... It ain't be dat bitch done gone and win dat contest, caus I da hoe! ow does I give two likes fo da sam post?
  3. Rob - I have looked all over for that small beam with no luck. I have 12 larger ones, but they are too big for your application. I do have a beam the same size as the Cauldwell(sp?) one that we have used in the past, but it is just a plain small beam (kind of cute), no hooks on the ends. You can have it if you come get it and buy my lunch - I will keep looking for the real deal one. Everything here is all jumbled up - since we had the midnight visitors, we got the dozer out and have been clearing shooting lanes.
  4. You also can easily tell in the photo which are the women and which are the men - not always the case today! As good ol' Jerry Clower used to say - "I could tell it was a woman from the way her dungarees were a-fittin' her"
  5. Ding, Ding, Ding, Quote of the day done been called: "With a bushel basket of money and a lot of time, anything is possible" I would sell the 3406 and the 13 speed - they both are good selling items that move quickly.
  6. I just noticed the sign on the wall directly over the entrance hole - that driver had a real thirst for some suds!
  7. Check out this Mack dump truck on ebay - seller states it only needs one part A complete engine is that one part? A frame rail, is that one part? No third gear, is that one part? I think the phantom part is powertrain related - check out the chain! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220975637323&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123 Might be a good old dump truck for some of you United States of Texas folks..................
  8. Look at the people in the second photo - see any fat ones?
  9. She is ready to run the winch controls! Could you at least polish the wheels up for her - next thing you know, she will discover boys and want to take it out on the town cruisin'.
  10. Isn't that the way it is when you are looking for something? Just a few feet too long, or too short, or too heavy, or too light. The only way you are going to find exactly what you need is to go ahead and buy the wrong thing, then you will see adds for what you really wanted all over the place! I had a Liebherr dozer for several years - I was really impressed with the way it was designed and put together. Had a V6 Mercedes diesel.
  11. Olivetroad

    Good Dog:

    We always had hot grits and cold butter - on Sunday we got a little syrup to put on them - good stuff!
  12. Mike - That thing is tight! Four wheel drive, tool boxes in bed sides, recovery winch with capstan and overhead rail - that was one proud driver when he put it in service! Even some clearance lights in the center of the cab roof! I love these old photos - even the guy standing there is trying to be cool about it all. Check out his rakish hat and padded pants.
  13. YES - I will buy you a cup of coffee if that helps?
  14. Oh, I am always ready to play - at least when I have time between shooting bad guys, making pierogoiessesses, and taking photos of cow turds. Since you cried so much, I will post you and vinny some pics of the Frankenstein B model today
  15. That is an odd one - 401? Most of them around here that still run have a 8.2 Detroit non-turbo. We installed a turbo on one years ago and it took off to where you could not keep that little thing down on the pavement
  16. I had a 8100 IHC I used for years pulling a 40 ft hotshot type trailer - I installed a nice new air ride seat, slid it back for my long legs, and broke out the back glass. I hate to admit it, but it happened again a year or so later when I forgot!
  17. LOOKIN' TOUGH! - For sale on Purple Wave.com https://www.purplewave.com/cgi-bin/mnlist.cgi?120320A/B6190/showall
  18. Olivetroad

    Good Dog:

    We buy oatmeal in 50 pound bags at the local Mennonite store. 50 pound bag costs $12.00. You can feed a lot of breakfasts with that!
  19. I have gotten some good buys on trailers and other goodies on Purple Wave - here is one close to what you want - but not quite.......... https://www.purplewave.com/cgi-bin/mnlist.cgi?120320A/B2182
  20. Just so we keep this all clear and above board - you are looking for a woman ............right?
  21. I can't speak the language - let's just make up a new language I can speak I don't have a belt to hold up my pants - let's just leave them around the ankles I am a crook - what if we outlawed legal guns? I would still have one
  22. Take a photo of it, post it on here, we will all sign it!
  23. It is like waiting before you get married - makes it all the better - worth the wait!
  24. Olivetroad

    Good Dog:

    Next time you are in a store - buy a jar of Nutella - it is some sort of chocolate nut spread - good stuff maynard - I put it on my oatmeal, makes me want MORE! it does look like shit though
  25. No one gets to see it yet - I don't think you could stand the shock One fine day I will post pics - How does that go? When jupiter is in the seventh house....................
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