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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. How bad is the frame?
  2. I am the high bidder, I will do all I can! My pocketbook usually runs out before my fingers get tired
  3. I was doing to make a comment about the name of the hotel, but I won't.
  4. Vinny - it is whole, not hole I can only help with one word per post
  5. *If any other of our presidents had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia would you have approved? * no, NO, NO, NO, NO, Hell NO
  6. HA HA HA! Are you worried you might put one on the wrong foot or something? Do you write FRONT on the fly of your pants?
  7. We used to be Sears folks - not anymore. We have two washers and two dryers and both run all day long. The sears brands would last a year and a month - right after the warranty ran out. We now buy all our appliances at Lowe's. It is against my religion, but we buy the five year extended warranty and any little burp it makes - we make them come out and fix it. I don't even care what brand we buy as long as they have to fix it for five years. We are on a first name basis with the repair guy. I am just glad they do not have hour meters on the washers and dryers - I bet they would refuse to work on them!
  8. Did you give him your immoral support?
  9. I can't say - it is going to be a surprise - That would be neat to know what happened to a lot of the first experimental models...............
  10. You can do like they did in those old Ford trucks with the early 3406 cats - lay them over on their side a few degrees like a slant six Chrysler - I bet you still won't have the room. (everyone keep saying it can't be done - till he gets pissed off and decides he is going to prove us wrong and just make it fit - where there is a pissed off will, there is a way!)
  11. All you need is one MIke Mulligan! Just make sure he does not forget to leave an exit ramp when he finishes your basement.
  12. Vinny - First you make fun of the Frankenstein B model I bought, now you are making fun of my little Jay-Pan truck. I am going to go sit in a corner and cry. Just kidding - all the other kids making fun of me is what made me strong Strong smelling that is.
  13. I still can't get over that bull&^$# the President of the USA should bow to no one Since the 1850's, in thanks for living in a great country, six generations of Backer's went off and did their duty and some got killed to help earn that right - same thing all across this country, then he just gave it away in four years.
  14. How come all the guys in the old photos are skinny? Ahhh - I know, they ate their meals at home, not through a car window
  15. That is sure a good looking truck - in the second photo, you can almost imagine that green sleeper in the background attached to it. I would stick it on ebay - yes, it does cost to do it, but they sell a lot of vehicles every day. Even when ones I have on there do not sell, I often sell it to someone a while later that first saw it there.
  16. YO BABY! Keeping it real here with local 688! - Damn I was young once.
  17. I was just kind of impressed that he still at age 77 has those urges - can some of you OLD guys like Hatcity, David, or Randyp let me know if all farm animals start to look attractive when you get over the hill like him?
  18. Olivetroad

    Good Dog:

    I actually wrote that down the other day to use someday soon!
  19. WHAT! You call my B model GOOFY? I am hurt, so very very hurt. I may never post on here again - naw, you won't get off that easy. Just wait until I get some of those reclining nekked ladies on the back, some of dem dar fuzzy dice hangin down, a big ol' chromed up bumper so deep it almost drags the ground, a set of those cat whisker antenna sticking forward at a 45 deg. angle, some loud assed exhaust tubes made out of chromed 18 inch culvert pipes, a sun visor so low you can't see, paint it purple and put me a set of those rounded full fenders on the back about 1/2 inch off the mun mun wheels, install a SUPERDUPERSPECIALCOBRA 6765899 radio and have it all tweaked and peaked to blow everyone else off the airwaves, then the best part is, I will add about 4 no make it 5 extra drive axles - you see Vinny the more axles you have the cooler you are - you went the wrong direction with your U model. I WILL BE STYLIN'!!!!
  20. Olivetroad

    Good Dog:

    I think you are typing questionable material and worst of all it smells like it is still fresh.
  21. As in post-cow grass? That is all those cow pies are - just a little ground up grass and water, don't be so afraid of them. Yum, Yum, Yum, looks like money to me.
  22. Good looking truck! Where are you located? That info might help someone think about it more.
  23. It is a inline six, the blower is on the passenger side and so is the exhaust. What kind of pressure should I shoot for with a test pump only? I have rigged up shop air lines to the fuel tank before to move the fuel through, but I wish I knew what pressure I should shoot for - does that even matter on a Detroit? I wish I could get an old pump for it so I could move it around outside until I sell the crane.
  24. Olivetroad

    Good Dog:

    That video is funny - if the dog was trained with the word "Bush" it is just as funny! No political rant that I can see - just enjoy the comedy of it, no matter what party you vote for. If you don't find it funny, or you only want solid Mack info, move on and pick another thread, there is always something on here to please everyone.
  25. I am needing a used working fuel pump off a 6-71 Detroit in a 1979 IHC F-2275. The number off the pump is: 5177292 and it is a right hand rotation and not a high flow version. My local diesel shop can no longer get rebuild kits for these. It is going on a truck that I just want to run long enough to test out the crane mounted on it, so I hate to spend the money on a new one when I bet I scrap the truck anyway - let me know if you have anything
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