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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. After it sells - If I give it to you now, you will end up taking a hammer to your piggybank and then outbid me at the auction!
  2. I thought so as well - I was tickled pink with the price it brought. I may even deliver it to make a little more as well. Those old things were pretty solid built back in their day. I always can remember the clang the doors make on them when you slam them shut.
  3. I have been looking for a better lime truck for some time. I have an old R model that I was going to install a bed on, but hopefully this one will be cheap enough for this tightwad so I don't have to build it myself. I just hope it has a aux gearbox so it will handle those tires
  4. My old lime/fertilizer truck is down and out - heading for the scrap yard (it was a ford so don't cry) There is an auction coming up in southern Illinois that is selling this: I am going to go see what it brings - at least make the other guy pay more I hope Vinny shows up
  5. Cut it out - this is killing me!
  6. I have a brother and sister in law that were there, and also an old roommate of mine is some sort of curator at the air and space museum and he was there - I will email them and see if they saw your shiny truck!
  7. Great photos - how many macks were there?
  8. I think Hatcity and the drill seargant are GOOD BUDDIES now.
  9. That is right up my alley - helps keep the neighbors on their side of the fence - might get run over if they come to visit if you happen to be mowin the yard
  10. Thats the IRS - doing it to you doggy style! I think they used Spot the wonder dog as the model
  11. Mark - I think of that comic every time I pull on a push door and vice versa - I have seen the dork, and he is me!
  12. Congratulations! I have been watching, ready to help just in case you have any problems. Just in case you have some more, you need to dig/wade through all your old photos and post them on here for our enjoyment - we are a very cheap date - doesn't take much to make us grin!
  13. I have chopped up a lot of CCC garbage trucks - those things are stout! Big heavy thick frames, with thick wall pipe crossmembers every couple of feet. The wiring harness, cab, and the other proprietary items seem well planned and better laid out for maintenance than some brands. I have cut up some from the insurance company that had been wrecked or burned while still close to new. They still had the original tires on them and several times the tires are only rated for 50 mph or less. Yeah right - I am sure the driveaway company that delivered them and the fine truck drivers they put on them at the city kept them under that speed.
  14. good for making s'mores - just use a looooooong stick
  15. It really is not a bladder control problem, more of a laziness problem that I have. Don't berate that astronaut woman that wore the diaper when she drove 12 hours to stalk someone. It really is a lot more efficient to only go to the bathroom when your seams start to pull open on your levi's. I usually can pee four or five times and shit twice in my pants before I bother to stop while traveling.
  16. I know for a fact that she has not had five kids yet
  17. Uhhmm - I don't really care what tight wearin superhero you model yourself after - they both still wear a cape. Did you ever see that cartoon movie: "The Incredibles" ? NO CAPES! I said NO CAPES!
  18. Spot would not, but Randy?
  19. I would rather chop cedar sprouts on a rocky hillside, barefoot, in the rain, with a dull axe that has a cracked handle (pinch your palm), than set foot in that den of chinese thievery. I buy what little stuff I require at local places. Before Walfart came to town, we had three jewelry stores, two shoe stores, a great mens clothing store, three womens clothing stores, a book store, and a office supply place. All gone. Now I have to drive 30 miles to buy Redwing boots, get my blushing bride baubles for her birthday, and buy mens clothes that don't have a picture of the devil on them. The places I go know me, give me good service, and don't sell cheap shit. And I don't have to look at people totin around their smart stupid phones inbetwix their tits.
  20. You really need to look in the mirror
  21. I thought I was the only idiot that worked every Saturday - I say this as I am reading on this clown show while I wait for ebay photos to load
  22. A good friend of mine was a photographer for the post for many moons - he said that is also what they called the folks that worked in that department
  23. Yes, I am selling that cabover Ford. That is one of the tightest cabbed little trucks I have seen in a long time. A friend of mine that owns a underground boring company sold it to me. He said if the world blew up, and he had to choose a truck to get in that would for sure get him home, that is the one he would pick, but he sold it because he had to put a plate of deep fried pork chops in it to entice his guys to drive it - not as cool to be seen in as their new trucks! Check it out (and bid on it you tight bastards): http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/?cmd=ViewItem&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&item=230754693083&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT I had another one just like this one with a cattle feed box mounted on it. I finally sold it - if I drove it down the road, those silly cows got to where they would jump a fence to try and get to it.
  24. This is why you should all go buy a freezer and 1/2 a beef from a local farmer so you know what you are eating: http://www.theblaze....school-lunches/
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