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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I agree - I can't stand to watch the ones on now and when they stopped having Calvin & Hobbs and The Far Side in the funny papers, I quit them as well.
  2. Well, the history of all this bullhockey is that last year we had the same thing happen - we were hit 8 times in one month (that we know of). They arrested a group of 7 or 8 guys and their skank girlfriends. As soon as they did that, it all stopped like someone shut off the tap. We kind of thought it was all over - but then this happens. The weather gets warm and the dirtylegs come out. My sis and brother-in-law live on my farm in a house about 1/4 mile away. Their dogs have gotten stirred up a couple of times, but they have not had any problems yet. My whole area had break-ins last year, but I am the only one so far this spring. The sheriff said this is typical - you arrest all the bad guys, then they get to yacking it up in prison with guys that then get out and then THEY come to visit. We are just going to shoot and let God sort it out.
  3. I got to visitin with Justincase from this forum about converting drywall loaders to log trucks and he sent me these great photos of how they load their moose (or mooses or miece?) Look at that loader strain!
  4. I do the same thing, I just make sure it does not lay between my legs - then when you pick it up to use it, it is all warm - yuck.
  5. Sometimes you have to use the two inch enamel putty to fill in the gaps
  6. A bunch of them showed up around here with new dump beds on them. They ran them hard until things in the contractor world fell apart. You never saw them hauling much of a load.
  7. I thought that was really fast work - all that ciphering and cutin and pastin - whew!
  8. Thats the spirit! Do it the half assed farmer way! Just kidding - if you do that to your 09 Mack, I will cry
  9. Haul it on a beam trailer (I still have beam trailer on the brain) so if Killer runs out of steam, you can engage the dozer and let the tracks help push -waddaya think?
  10. Sorry about your midnight visitor - that sumbitch must have been hightailing it to make it clear to your place. Send them down to the David's in N.C. - he will get them up in a rolloff and we won't have to worry about body disposal. We had another visit Thursday night. I think my hired man left a window open 'cause of the stink he made on the potty. Someone came in the window and set off the alarm when he opened the bathroom door to come into the shop. He then ran across the obstacle course inside the shop that consisted of a 1979 IHC with the hood off, a 1996 Isuzu with a reel loader blocking the way that he had to crawl under, pallets of cattle feed, and a scag mower that he ran into the handles. He then opened the door into the cattle working pens where he fell on a cow patty and left a cool mark with his head on the handle on the side of the cattle chute - the deputy said: "that left a mark". I ran out of the house in my plaid boxers, muck boots with .45 in the right one, and a shotgun. I yelled at the wife to call 911 and the last I saw of her she was looking up that phone number - she was really tired! When I got to the shop - he/she/it/them were long gone. I called our pringle can neighborhood watch and everyone around went out with shotguns and searched, but no luck. I think all this crap is drug related. No sane sober person would do this stuff. I don't think this is going to get better before it gets worse. That photo of your revolver shows how intimidating it is to see the actual bullets pointing at you when you look at that thing's business end! Sorry about your experience!
  11. There you go again - causing half of the BMT clowns to blow coffee through their snozzes We need to have a modulator ban such posts until the middle of the day, when we can all drink a mild saline solution to not burn our nostrils when dealing with otherdog's antics!
  12. A bad fuel line or clog is the one of the first things I check any more. I learned that the hard way after my tub grinder would not run. It has a six cylinder John Deere and I could not get fuel to feed the thing. We replaced the fuel pump, burned up a starter and battery from too much cranking, and pulled out a lot of hair. Finally, I un hooked the feed line and blew air from a dump truck down it and KABLOOM, the plug shot into the tank and blew the fuel cap off. We primed it, and it took right off. Oh wait - is that one of those dumb shit things you should not admit?
  13. I removed the engine cover in the cab and it looks to me like the fuel pump/transfer pump is driven off the back side of the blower? I think it is held on with three bolts - I have checked all the lines from there back, and I am not getting fuel pulled up past the pump. I bought the truck at a auction. The truck ran fine, but developed "shyness" when it came time for it to run across the sale ramp. It would not run and they sold it that way. I hope it is a simple fix. No fuel - no run. I bought one like this one time and all that was wrong was the emergency shut off was tripped - no such luck with this one. Any other detroit advice?
  14. I just bought a 79 International with a 6-71 and it needs a fuel pump - I am getting ready to find out more than I want to about one of them. Do you know a site where I can get info about them? I hate to spring for a service manual when I am going to just sell the truck. For some reason, I have bought several trucks with Detroits in them the last few months - is this some sort of habit forming?
  15. Now that is flat assed funny! That is the kind of thing folks around here are always taking to the local paper to try and get a photo of in print. Big fish, large deer racks, and all kinds of odd vegetables - but that is the king! Mine tends to bend the other way - should I have that checked out?
  16. What is wrong with you steel coil haulers? You only use a couple of feet of bed space - you gots room for lots more of those round thingamajigs
  17. Don't do your cheer in rooms with ceiling fans, and don't read Dr. Seuss - I would hate to visualize those books everytime I read them, at least while sober.
  18. I think you must-of used your secret detective skillz - I was a-wonderin what made those wear marks on the sides - I bet that took a lot of cow licking to wear it like that
  19. I had a friend that used to work on the dragline that used that bucket tell me last night that the bucket we stood in has a 90 yard capacity and was the known as the small one - they also used a larger one! He said they dismantled the drag line and now it is in Wyoming.
  20. Happy Birthday! You share it with Mickey Dolenz of "The Monkees" and Lynn Redgrave - Hope you had a good one!
  21. I went to a farm auction today with daughter #1 and son #2 to try and buy a tractor - came home with a nice hay trailer, but no tractor But on the way home we saw this on the side of the road and we stopped to take some pics: Look at the size of the chain - that is a size 12 muck boot on top of ONE chain link We were having a good time until I tried to crawl through the clevis and got my head stuck:
  22. That turbo looks like a backpack leaf blower! Impressive!
  23. I think the vandal spray painted HOPE on the side when he found out Volvo was running Mack
  24. I like it - but even if you don't, you have to admire the care the guy spent to customize his truck!
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