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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Help! I am still looking for that definition of what SMICK means - remember - education is what makes this site so good!
  2. This is no *&%$ - My wife and I were laying in bed last night (it's okay Vinny - that is what married people are supposed to do) talking about what I needed to do around here and she asked me if we could install some sort of trip wire! I am so proud of her - I thought all that time I forced her to watch the military channel, history channel, and all kinds of Clint Eastwood movies was a waste. Turns out my little blushing bride was paying attention! Oh and by the way in case you was a-wonderin' - Marriage is only between one man and one woman - like Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. I gotta go check out which way to set the claymore's.............
  3. No - I did not - please send them to: olivetroad@gmail.com - I have wanted to see the hyd holding valve you used I will also check my spam filter box - don't take it personally! I have no idea of the criteria "she" uses to decide if someone is spammable or not!
  4. I wonder if it is the lubrication system that looks like an injection pump? Pretty neat stuff!
  5. Who says you need to go to school - you get a good ed-you-kay-shun right here - language arts (origin of words), agriculture (manure), history (17th century life), nautical studies(ships), crime scene investigation(legal terminology), chemistry (methane), anatomy(Fornication) On second thought - Vinny, don't listen or take to heart ANYTHING you read on here.
  6. I bet he was thinking that the mechanic would do a complete search for the problem and in the process fix anything else wrong! My luck he would find something wrong I did not even notice, and think that was all.
  7. Can you define SMICK for me? Is that a word or an acronym as in S.M.I.C.K.? Is it good or bad? I am hopeing it is some cool Aussie curse word I can add to my collection!
  8. If you fine one, here is what you should pull it with: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140718237932&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  9. Thaaaat is how we will talk you into driving a Mack - use the roundabout way - persuade the wife first! Our wives are usually smarter than we are - Ann is no different than mine!
  10. We caught his show years ago in Columbia, Mo. My stomach still hurts from all the laughing!
  11. Wasn't that a day or two after you first posted on BMT?
  12. Hey Randy! I just sat down and was going to post the same thing and you beat me to it. I really enjoyed putting a face to you. Hey guys - I met Randy (slpwlker), his wife, and his trusty dog Buster today. He called me when he was heading through here on I-70 and we met at Gaspers in Kingdom City for a little meet and greet. But guess what he showed up in? In case you do not know from the pic - he was driving a pete! The American flag on the front helps, but it is not the same as a bulldog I was greatly offended, but he and his wife were such nice folks that I am willing to overlook it. He was hauling a track hoe (as in Caterpillar, not Jackie Joyner Kersey). I inspecting his chains, admired his TRAILER, talked about hauling, and I even crawled under his pete to check out his new 23,000 pound front axle and best of all, I got to meet Buster We got to laughing about the fact that we both went there to meet so we could talk about how great Mack trucks are, but he showed up in a pete and I showed up in a Mitsubishi: Thanks for stopping Randy - call me anytime you are heading through so I can try and twist your arm to buy a Mack! Next time I will show up in the DM and leave the Jay-pan truck at home under the porch.
  13. I think it is already happening. I was standing here in my barn lot today with a deputy showing him what happened, and this flew over I asked him if I needed to worry about the black helicopters flying over. He said if you see them or hear them you don't need to worry about those.
  14. I think he glued it on there, I put a call in to PETA.
  15. I agree - you know, as time goes by, I am really glad I did not kill the guy. I don't want to kill someone, but I don't want them to ever come back either. My wife and I took a concealed carry class for our permits last summer and the main thing I took away from that is that you should not in your brain think that you are shooting someone to kill them, you are shooting someone to stop the threat. The goal is never to kill someone, the goal is to stop the threat. Sometimes it may require you to kill the perp, but that is because that was what it took to stop the threat. He also taught that you should not shoot to wound, or shoot in the air, when it gets to the point where you pull the trigger, you should be aiming to hit them where it does the most damage so the threat is stopped the quickest. On a legal note, he said if you ever are in a situation like I was and you have to shoot someone, when the cops, your friends, the media, or whomever asks you questions about it, that is what you should say: Why did you have to shoot the guy? - "I shot him to stop the threat"
  16. A friend of a friend of mine used to work at Hallmark writing greeting cards in Kansas City. Whenever we were at a party or dinner or sumpin, I would watch her out of the corner of my eye. Whenever she would hear someone say something different, funny, witty, sappy, stupid (me), or just strange, she would kind of tilt her noggin sideways just a little and go "hmmm" like she kicked the brain waves over into card writin' mode. I think she just drug her family around with her as added bling to create the right atmosphere for greetin' card makin'. I decided to steer clear of that lady - I did not want my brand of the king's english to be on a greeting card if they ever started a new card line - "Cards for the intellectually challenged"
  17. I have a great guy that works for me, but he honestly can't talk on the cell phone, breathe and do anything else at the same time. He stops whatever he is doing and stands there until the other person is done yacking. Even if I am holding up the other end of a friggin beam or something, he just drops his end and answers that thing. I think that the increased productivity I get out of having a cell phone is negated by his use of one when he is supposed to be working. I had a crane hired the other day at $250/hour and I warned the operator ahead of time that he needed to not use it as long as I was paying the bill.
  18. I went into my local gun shop yesterday to trade in a loose and scratched up paraordance(sp?) .45 I took in trade for some work I did for a guy that owed me $200.00. That is the first time I have ever had to wait in line. Guys were buying AR's so fast my guy can't keep them in stock. Usually they would gather dust around here. I was going to be happy to get my money out of that pistol in trade on a new Glock. He slid a piece of paper across the counter with the price of a new Glock subcompact 36 chambered in .45 across the counter - $615.00. We had to communicate by paper because he knew that as soon as I left, he would sell the pistol to some guy standing there listening to us. I slid it back with $400.00 written on the paper, intending to mean that I would pay $400.00 difference between the two guns. He said okay, and ordered me a new Glock. When it came time to pay, he said I owed him $215.00, not $400.00. He thought I meant that $400.00 was what I wanted for my junky pistol! I laughed and wrote on the paper what my intention was, and that I wanted him to make some money on the deal, and he wrote back: "Don't worry about me, if Obama gets re-elected, my profit margin will double"
  19. We know he made it to my nearest neighbor which is about 3/8 of a mile across a pasture. There is a big lit up county water tower right there that tends to draw the crack heads like moths to the flame. The deputies saw him trying to hide there but did not catch him. It is on a gravel road that had several cars go by right after they saw him. I bet he had a meth buddy pick him up. As far as medical treatment, Rooster Cogburn would be fine, but I doubt if the meth buddies are the ones I would want operating on me.
  20. Where I screwed up was I always store my house gun with the chamber empty - kids in the house! I pulled on my Muck boots over my jammies, put on a black wool coat (wool is quiet), a black hat, grabbed the gun and what I thought was another home defense round like I keep in the gun. But I grabbed a turkey load instead - They both are Remington black shells. So of course the first round that I hit him with was only #4 shot. The Mack DM log truck, the hay rake, and the Massey forklift were the ones that got the double OO buckshot as he ran between them. I found some pieces of his clothes in the trailer, so I got confirmation I hit him. I had a meeting with a local deputy this afternoon about all this and all I have heard from any of them is that they were glad I shot him - shooting in the air just makes them think you are scared. I went to the diner for lunch today and of course the rumors were flying: I had been shot, someone had broken into my house, etc, etc, etc. I am just glad that this episode adds to the common belief around here to stay off my property unless invited - he is that crazy farmer that shoots first and asks questions later.
  21. For only $1814.00 - Yes, you read that correctly
  22. That is funny! The main difference between the video and last night, was what I was wearing. My camisole was pink
  23. Cuz I said so - that wins the quote of the day! My Winchester 1300 holds 8 shots of 2 3/4. If I use my reloads and I over crimp the tops with my Hornady reloader, I can get 9 in. I laughed at myself when I was shooting at that cat last night, I kept counting down how many shots I had left, as if I was going to need all eight. Don't tell the guys at the sporting clays club that I was using a Winchester, I usually can only be seen with a Browning.
  24. Or England, Or Australia, or.............
  25. Make sure you eat a hotdog with that celery salt or whatever type crap that is on it
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