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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I don't know what they charge for hauling with a beam vs. a detach, but I would hope you could get into some better margin loads with one. I see a lot of rigging companies using them in situations where you can't drive the item over the beam, you have to use a dozer to push them into place or pull them with a winch and cable. They seem to take a beating doing that, but I think they charge primo rates for it as well. The downside usually is the driver has to hire some day labor to help watch and all. We get along great with a ground bearing trailer - now I don't haul for hire and I drive it myself so I am picky about where I put the foot down. Once in a while we high center a little and you can't change pin settings on it to gain any clearance, but they serve the purpose. I have had to do some down-home rigging to get it off high center in truck stop parking lots, farmer's fields, and high crowned gravel roads - but you will have that with any of them over time.
  2. I had a guy in here last night to pick up a digger derrick truck with a mechanical detach. He was even eyeing and liking my old Rogers hydraulic ground bearing detach trailer - sad. I also last week watched a team of guys take apart and drag around a beam trailer to haul a big wheel loader - not my cup of tea either!
  3. Around here they turn all the used coke/pepsi trailers into concrete form haulers
  4. Those things STINK on a blacktop road during a rainstorm
  5. I always thought DM's were strange until I owned one and rolled under it the first time on a creeper - now just the thought of that gorgeous, beautiful deeeeeep frame makes me feel kind of, sort of, along the lines of, well you know what I mean.
  6. At least is has no OIL LICKS. How many oil licks does it take to get to the center of the oil filter pop? The eight 30 yard containers are worth something.
  7. Oh - I forgot to add - Great bunch of photos - the camera lens makes the trucks look like they are bent for better cornering!
  8. David in North Carolina set me straight on that same question when I bought a DM. If I remember correctly, DM stands for Dump/Mixer and they offset the cab so you have so much better visibility looking in your mirror and on the road to your left. I sure like them for backing up to a dock. When I drove for UPS, they stressed the importance of doing a "driver side back" when at all possible.
  9. I love how folks make stuff to sell so quickly after a controversy!
  10. If'n you was to store your boltage in bins, you would not run over them
  11. Bette Midler used to sing about the "Over the shoulder boulder holder" - is that what he uses to move them?
  12. I think he needs the air cleaner off it.
  13. I know - I used to hear that all the time at designated brawl spot at the bike rack behind the school: "You are just not worth it, nevermind"
  14. As always, I have no idea if you are serious or not, but if you are looking for a lifting beam/spreader bar I have a bunch of them for sale, but I do NOT deal in the type shown in the link! I have them from 30 feet long down to 8 feet.
  15. Everyone needs a lowboy around for just that use! Sharp looking truck!
  16. I watched some nice mixers sell at Ritchie Bros in Odessa, Mo today. I got some good buys on a International road tractor and some other trucks to resell. This one is junk, but I have a guy in Guatamala(sp?) that buys knucklebooms like this from me: I also bought the first windrow elevator I have ever owned. My kids get all wound up when I drag something like that home that they have never seen before. I will let them play with it and then I am cutting the engine and clutch off to sell to the Amish we were just talking about:
  17. I was through your Flora area recently - I hauled some items to Indy and then up to Logansport to another place. They I dropped off some stuff at a trailer factory south of Fort Wayne. Then on up to Valpo then home.
  18. We sold some corn (cash market) for $6.48 and some beans we needed to clean out a bin for $12.78 today. At those prices, how can you pencil out $6,700.00 an acre land? Fertilizer is high, fuel is going to be higher by the time we plant, seed keeps marking higher every year. The better buy in land right now around here is pasture ground. 400 weight calves brought $2.16 a pound last Monday - that makes the cheaper rolling land a lot more attractive.
  19. Clay city sounds right - I remember we ate at a diner in Salem and then went east through the Flora Metro area.
  20. I am always amazed at how the Amish move around as much as they do. I think it is not only the search for land but also they need to kind of stir the gene pool and circulate the marriage age ones.
  21. I bought a shotgun from a guy that lived between Flora and Olney, I know right where you are - it is a Browning recoilless single shot 12 gauge trap gun. I had never seen such a strange creature (the recoilless gun) and I really thought I had to have it. I shot a round of wobble trap with it and then stuck it in the safe where it has only left for cleanings. Not my favorite gun!
  22. I just did not want you to get too froggy on your birthday! Hope you had a good one -
  23. Happy Birthday! You share it with that idol of yours that you told me the other day really makes your heart throb: Justin Bieber - he is finally old enough to vote
  24. The bastards called in Jason Bourne again.
  25. Basketball was invented in the MIDWEST - I had a sub for my PE coach in school that was the daughter of the Naismith(sp?) dude in Kansas that invented it - she made us all line up and she inspected us behind the ears for dirt. Kids would sue the school district today for that.
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