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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Thanks for posting the photos - that is one heavy truck. I bet it is a lot easier to pay for that truck with the rates you can charge than it is paying for a new truck dragging a box van around.
  2. I would take the trailer with least angle with the ramps down so you don't scrape the bottom of the car?
  3. Stop in, I will demonstrate on you if Ann promises not to watch your back!
  4. That is so nice I had to slap myself!
  5. Wilbur Ray - I hired the taxi to run interference for you - Smokey and the Bandit type thing. It is full of out of date Budweiser, untaxed cigarettes, and illegal immigrants we are hauling back east to help offset some of the cost. You can thank me some other time. I bet you are geting some long glances with your good looking truck hauling another good looking truck!
  6. Even has a under reach lift............... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290744668563&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  7. Mike - I was just kidding with Lime Green Dash about the use of the word Tranny - I don't really unlike anything!
  8. You can't teach old dogs new tricks! You don't have to worry about David, his English teacher wife will take care of any poor spelling habits that he picks up in one of his roll-offs.
  9. When we scrap commercial kitchen equipment, I save the stainless fasteners to use for cattle pens where it sits in the manure and for truck beds. Nice to have around!
  10. You have to have the NOSE for these things.............
  11. Can someone explain why dem wimmins boobies back in the 50's were all pointed like? Musta been the shape of their bra things. Bathhouse Bette Midler calls them over the shoulder boulder holders.
  12. Great story Dave! I have spent many a lunch at a Amish table and I can attest to the great cooking! I have an Amish buddy that rides with me to auctions sometimes. We buy equipment together sometimes and help each other out. The other day I hauled his neighbor a load of logs and then stopped by his house just to visit. When I walked in the door, his wife gestured and showed me the lunch table groaning under the weight of the food and the empty chair and place-setting among all the kids just for me. I asked him how they knew I was coming, and he said "No, the important question we need answered is how come you always come by at a meal time?"
  13. The boys and I are planning to go, as long as another baby does not show up or sumpin'.
  14. That would be a great place to visit - I like some of the odd ball things mixed in.
  15. We always had IH trucks because there aren't many Macks at all around here. We still have a good IH truck dealer in Jefferson City which is close to me. They are still old school parts guys that think you are a sissy if you have to look up numbers on a computer to know what is in the warehouse. I have a Fleetstar 2050 with a IHC V-8 in it with a mounted log loader that we bought really to remove the bed and loader and just cut up the truck, but that thing starts and runs so good we have just parked it in the yard and we use it all the time as a stationary loader. Our IH dealer gets kind of pricey on some things, but at least you know when you walk in the door that they will have what you came for. I saw this morning that my blushing bride secretly ordered the book for me - she forgets that I get an email everytime our debit card is used - I will have to act suprised when she gives it to me!
  16. Vlad - If we come over there, they won't take us apart and copy our bodies like they did the Mack trucks during World War II will they? I don't really think anyone from this site is well qualified to be used as an example of intelligent, prime quality humans!
  17. Great photos of your truck working! How many yards in each base?
  18. Ha! I had a Chevy truck with a 3116 engine in it for about a week. Everyone had warned me about that engine, but oh no, I didn't listen.
  19. Ha! A friend sent it to me, but I knew if I used the word "CAT" no one on here would open it?
  20. Trust me - keep looking - you will find the cat eventually. I just had a hard time not counting all the electric motors for scrap
  21. One future step will have to be tire related.
  22. Cherub - Was she a midget?
  23. I searched for this book and I found one on Amazon @ $76.00. Ouch! It also pulled up some books about wheeled and tracked military vehicles - I presume this is the same guy?
  24. Great story! I knew I had found the correct delivery man to go get my truck. Let me know when you hit Missouri headed this way.................I will need to go by the bank to get the twenty dollar bill I plan to give you as a tip for your time and all?
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