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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. We used to haul soybeans to a ADM plant that used one - it was nice as you could buy an old cheap truck and haul more grain without the weight of the hoist/hydraulics. We had an old tandem IHC grain truck with a gas engine that would never restart for a while after it was lowered back down. You had to be sure it was second in line with our other truck so that you could hook a tow strap real quick and drag it away. A lot of folks left trucks running while they went for their little ride, but that just seemed wrong with the oil sump sitting the wrong way.
  2. If you still need some cabover parts - I just listed this C series Ford on ebay - cab is very clean - starting at only 99 cents so everyone can play............ http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230754693083&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  3. I bet at least one of you is a trap shooter - I think 90% of youse from down dare are of that persuasion
  4. You have to admit that men age a whole lot better than women do - not that I am checking out old men or nothin'
  5. Wow - great bunch of photos! That ol' 94 truck was a good one in its day!
  6. I think I can. I can deal with the joysticks, just like going from Cat to John Deere, but the foot pedals are just wrong and need to be changed or my head needs a transplant to get it wrapped around it right. Instead of a right pedal that you can only push down to go right, and a left pedal that you only can push down to go left, The pedals both are like hydrostat pedals where you have toe and heel controlled functions - four deals instead of two. But I bet the extension is the thing that gets used the least, so if I change it to where left heel is extend and right heel is retract, that would let me stomp down on right pedal to go right and stomp down on left pedal to go left. My brain can handle making my feet do the "stomping" when it is zero degrees sittin on that little frozen plastic seat, but not much more. Uncle Forrest said for me to get off of it - he can run it the way it is. I wondered about the 80 sumpin year old man climbing up and down the ladder and so he reminded me of the time in the 1930's when he got to go to the St. Louis zoo for the first time. He got so wound up and tired of waiting for my grandparents to quit eating the picnic lunch they packed, that he took matters in his own hands, removed his shoes, and using all his coon hunting skills, climbed 50 feet up in the nearest tree so he could see over into the Zoo grounds. A park ranger came by and yelled up at him "come down here - you Young Tarzan". At family gatherings 70 years later some still call him that. He said he still can climb like Tarzan, especially when there is a perfectly good welded up steel ladder to use.
  7. The bass-ackwards foot controls are crazy - I am used to right means right and left means left, not right extends in and out and left rotates right and left - Joysticks are all kattywhompus as well - can't let anyone watch for a few days...........It sure ain't a Rotobec, but it beats the heck out of the leaky, shaky, creaky, Hood 7000 I looked at earlier in the day.
  8. Vinny - I was graced with Rob's presence here one time, I could feel the ground shake when he walked. It was like watching "Big Momma's House". Then he started looking at my cows and chickens and licking his lips - I got him out of here before he damaged my floors and ate me out of the house. That guy is really LARGE! He just inhales Snickers bars without even taking the time to remove the wrappers.
  9. Okay - I admit it. I bought this: I don't want BMT to place sanctions on me - I only bought it because it was so cheap I can blow the chassis up and come out, and there were no Macks at the auction to be had. I thought about taking off the flatbed and mounting a log bed on it and a grapple on the end of the stick to load logs with. But the boom looks and moves like it has a lot more weight to it than my old Barko does. The 40 foot side reach is nice. The truck has fair specs for a Vulva - 3306 Cat (small @ 300 horse), 8LL roadranger, 24 foot bed, 18,000 pound front axle and 40,000 rears plus the air tag. I have a prentice grapple that will pin right onto the swivel. I also have another air tag I can add in front of the rear axles if needed. Will these drywall booms hold up to loading logs and what are the downsides of doing such a thing (other than being seen driving it) ?
  10. I bet you would spend ten or twelve dollars putting that engine back together!
  11. If you were needing budd wheels, I just bought a trailer from a utility company that has like new tires on it. I bought it for storage and I am going to sell all eight wheels and tires. They are nice tubeless 11R22.5 radials on budd wheels. Sorry they are not spoke wheels!
  12. For a true comparison, do you want me to post a pic of me in a thong? My ass has more blemishes, scars, veins, pimples, dimples, dirt, scabs, and in grown hairs, but my titties are prolly bigger. The ass and the long hair are about all she has going for her that I don't have. If you really know where to look and if the modulators did not erase it, I am told by folks that the rumor is that there is already a pic of my sexy neked rump on this site - kind of a where's waldo type search if you are up for it - only YOU will know if you went to all the trouble of seeking out such a wonderful glamor shot of a man's ass.
  13. That is the truth - We had a 977K years ago and that thing pushing trees and rolling out root balls would out grunt a newer hydrostat. I also had a 951C that was awfully handy if you had to haul it around and a little 931B with a rear backhoe I used to build my house and shop. I like the hydrostats, but if you are buying a cheap old farm loader, I like the powershifts. We sold the 977K and bought a D8K -77V. That was a great machine with the perfect balance of weight and horsepower. We sold it to a company in Texas that was buying all of them they could find to install a sideboom on and ship it to Russia for some big pipeline job a few years ago. That poor thing went from lightly working 300 hours a year on a Missouri farm pushing fencerows to working three shifts a day in subzero weather and having to also learn the Cyrillic alphabet!
  14. I think we need to have a work day at Mike's place - I would think we could find sumpin there to do in exchange for a guided tour of those 140 (at last count ) Macks. Nothing like inviting myself and everyone else over for a spell.................we would chip in and buy Mike's lunch at the Pizza Ranch
  15. Don't stick your head out to watch the rear wheels when you turn!
  16. Is your truck budd wheels or spoke?
  17. Was it high clearance so you could just run over the sheep?
  18. David - Was this how you looked "back in the day" as agent 99?
  19. I like the looks of that tractor - you never see one of them around here! I looked on ebay but could not find them - are they still on there?
  20. That restaurant reminds me of one up the highway a few exits - The Pizza Cabin - I bet they don't have either of those pizza places on the east coast. I also bet that the Pizza Ranch is like The Pizza Cabin in that it does not serve Perogies?
  21. My dad used to say in that situation: "Oh well, at least I came home with the same amount of money I left with"
  22. Yes - God sees you when you steal! Do not ever do it. Good job with the correct spelling on "Butt Holes"
  23. I left my little Jay-pan truck running the other day at a truck auction and some dirty-legs scum-bucket jackwad stole my digital camera and my set of lockout tools. I need to order a new set. The set I used was called "The Big Easy" from Steck. I would post a photo of what I had but................... Is there a different brand that anyone recommends I look at before I order another set? I just have never owned anything else so I have no idea what else is out there.
  24. Whenever I hear deals like this, I just know I am being lied to by the guvment - kind of like a Jason Bourne movie, when someone dies, it is prolly just a murder covering something else up
  25. He better butter up some voters or he will be out come fall
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