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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. My dad used to say he just wanted to take 1/4 of a Viagra pill - just enough that he would not dribble pee on his sunday shoes
  2. Was the pizza sign telling the truth about making everyone happy?
  3. Price? Will it run?
  4. I have not actually seen it yet, Uncle Forrest went and got to playing cards the other night and bought it sight unseen. He said it is a 1950's vintage but at least it has electric start. I will get a photo of it and find out. He was using a little TD9 but it was from a quarry and has smooth tracks - not to good in our bottom fields.
  5. Good buy on the winch - I am looking for a winch for my D4 for my uncle to pull logs with. I used to be able to find them, but they just aren't laying around like they once were.
  6. I would vote for her for higher office just based on the way she pissed off PBO when he got off the plane to visit her.
  7. I have no long term knowledge of ATHS or ATCA, all I know is I love the magazines and I find myself checking the mailbox more than I used to. The one complaint I have about both of them is that in December when my blushing bride for Christmas gave me memberships to both of them, I emailed both organzations and requested more information about state or local clubs. I never heard a word. So a month ago, I emailed them both again. As of today I have never gotten a response from either. From some of you clowns on BMT, I found out the contact info of whomever my nearest few clubs leader is and I emailed three or four of them. No response. I have served on enough school board, boy scout, parish council, father son club, farm bureau, electric co-op and etc meetings to know that personalities make or break a organization sometimes and that all meetings should never be allowed to go longer than one hour. If you can't solve the problems in an hour, everyone needs to go home to their families and sleep on it. As far as forums, it does not get any better than right here.
  8. Superliner looks REAL good - The roads by the turkey farms before Thanksgiving have so many feathers on the side it looks like it snowed. Superdog - why don't you collect all those feathers you blow off and get in the pillow business?
  9. My wife, the english major, believes we all need a little help in that department - it is a struggle around here to teach the kids country talk with her around.
  10. I love seeing those old phone numbers!
  11. There is a sawmill owner by me that a year or two ago had a couple of them for sale - I will see if he still has them. One of them has a huge dent in the frame from where the bar you crank the flywheel with failed to come out of the hole! The barn he kept them in also had a nice big patch on the roof from where said bar exited the building!
  12. The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, came out strongly opposing AZ's new immigration laws. Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law: "What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying? What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected. Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?" - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer
  13. That poor thing - why are you beating it with a pipe? What did it ever do to deserve such treatment? and with a big grin on your face while you are whooping it!
  14. ALL 57 states should be fed up! Those are funny - keep em coming!
  15. everytime I see one of those old wheel loaders or a old skidloader with no cage to keep you inside the cab, I cringe. We had a neighbor black out while running one, and he fell over to the side, hit the hydraulics and the arms came down and killed him. Like riding the train at the zoo - keep your arms and head inside the car. I won't have one on the place.
  16. Well, we can overlook it as long as it is only every once and a while and in private. If you be thinkin' that cross dressing might be sum sort of new rev-e-noo stream out in public, please have the decency to warn BMT so the modulators can delete all your posts - you will never have existed.
  17. You really need to get a larger excavator - that is kind of small for loading manure
  18. This is way too much information - but I thought it was interesting - My wife's grandfather (Richard Rummel) was a poor boy from Lagrange high school on the south side of Chicago, but his marriage brought in some unexpected fundage: "Mrs. Rummel Due For $125,000--Mrs. Richard Rummel of Chicago, wife of the publicity director for United Air Lines, was revealed in news dispatches Friday to be the only known living heir of the $125,000 estate left by Harry William Bewley, 54, Portland ex-policeman, whose body, with that of his wife was found Thursday in their apartment at 914 N.W. 20th Avenue. Bewley and Mrs. Rummel were heirs in the will of Roswell Lamson Bewley, McMinnville banker who died four years ago. The banker was Harry Bewley's father and Mrs. Rummel's grandfather. Under the will, Mrs. Rummel received $500 and Bewley the remainder of the estate. Richard Rummel formerly was a reporter for the Oregon Journal in Portland." [Oregonian Feb 24, 1945] "Man, Wife Died In Apartment House Shooting--A 54-yer-old Oregon shipyard guard and his wife were found dead in their apartment at 914 NW 20th avenue shortly after 11 a.m. today, both with bullets through their heads. City detectives were called to their second floor flat by Mrs Mabel Reyburn, apartment manager, who said she knocked at their door this morning because she had heard nothing of the couple since early Wednesday evening. When she opened the door, she found Harry William Bewley wearing a dark overcoat, slumped half way on a chair and half way on the floor. A .32 special revolver was lying under him. His wife, Rose, wearing overcoat, gloves and a hat, was lying on the davenport. A scenic picture, torn from the wall, lay smashed on the floor. Detectives learned that no one had heard shots and time of death could not immediately be determined by the coroner `because the heat from the furnace would keep the bodies warmer than normal'. Two bullets were gone from the gun, detectives said. Inspector Leon V. Jenkins said that Bewley was formerly of McMinnville and a bank book on that city's bank found on his person bore out his statement. It showed a deposit of $1000 on February 17, and a previous deposit of $500. Many empty beer and whiskey bottles were found in the kitchenette. Police said evidence indicated that Bewley had shot Mrs. Bewley, who was reported to be his second wife, and then turned the gun on himself. They are continuing their investigation. Autopsies will be performed, the cornoner said. Although police personnel files were not available since the chief clerk's office was closed for Washington's birthday, it is believed that Bewley was with the force from 1911 to 1913, having left in 1914, reportedly with a good record. At the time he joined the force he was 21. Following his service with the city police he was employed as a car salesman and since the war had been employed at Oregon ship. While in the police force he was a member of the police band." [Oregon Journal, Feb 22, 1945 p.1] "Police Ponder New Phone Tips In Two Deaths--Dectectives are investigating possible further developments in the apparent murder-suicide of ex-policeman Harry W. Bewley, 54, and his third wife, Rose Evelyn Bewley, found dead in their apartment Thursday, after receiving persistent calls Friday from a man identifying himself as Fay L. Allen, 57, of 627 SW 15th avenue, who insisted that he had information about the deaths of the two. Following calls received from Allen by Detective Captain Keegan, the coroner and city detectives, the latter finally arranged for him to consult the district attorney at 3 p.m. and Detectives McMeeken and Nelson were on their way to pick him up, when they received a riot call from apartment No. 6 at 627 SW 15th avenue, and discovered that Allen loudly claiming that he `loved Rose', and that both the Bewleys had been murdered. Allen, who was drunk, also declared that someone had tried to murder them before at McMinnville by giving them poisoned liquor and that Rose had been in the hospital there as a result of the incident. Allan's landlady told detectives that a woman answering Rose Bewley's description had been visiting him at his apartment for the past two months and that Allan had lived in the apartment for about two months. Detectives lodged him on a drunkeness charge until he would be able to speak coherently."
  19. I have held some Italian shotguns on the sporting clays course that made me choke up and shed a tear when I had to hand them back to their owners.
  20. My wife's grandfather used to fly out of there when it was named that. He started out working doing PR for barnstormer pilot Tex Rankin and eventually retired as head of marketing/publicity for United Airlines. I am told that he always still called O'hare "Orchard field", and he called Midway airport "Munie airport" for some reason. He died of too much scotch and too many cigarettes in the late fifties. I wish we could have known him.
  21. An elderly couple were on a cruise and it was really stormy. They were standing on the back of the boat watching the storm, when a wave came up and washed the old man overboard. They searched for days and couldn't find him, so the captain sent the old woman back to shore with the promise that he would notify her as soon as they found something. Three weeks went by and finally the old woman got a fax from the boat. It read: “Ma'am, sorry to inform you, we found your husband dead at the bottom of the ocean. We hauled him up to the deck and attached to his butt was an oyster and in it was a pearl worth $50,000. Please advise.” The old woman faxed back: “Send me the pearl and re-bait the trap.”
  22. I still want to know what is rotten in Denmark?
  23. My worst (or best) peeing exploit was I bought a freezer at a surplus auction at a hospital that would go down to negative 70 degrees. Guess what I did?
  24. That's like the crooked banker in town that puts all the attorneys on retainer so none of them can work against him. Those are actually not my legs, I just found that photo on the internet - yeah thats what I did
  25. That was cheating - no cross pollinating of threads allowed!
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