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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. What you see on BMT - stays on BMT!
  2. I would button the pay thing down, but that sounds like a great deal - good luck!
  3. Don't worry about Vinny - anybody that owns a U model will never be caught wearing ladies underthings
  4. Disclaimer - That is not a current photo of me, it is a couple of years old - my abs are more washboardy, my jacks are bigger around, but I do have more grey hair. Superdog must have gotten aholt of it and put the photoshop to it - I would NEVER roll up my jeans like that - that looks gay.
  5. Like this one: I bought a wrecked one with the big idea of installing it on a B model. My wife wants to know what year or decade she can expect it to be finished?
  6. My legs have that startling effect anytime I let them out from under some Key Imperial striped overalls and wear shorts. It happens maybe once or twice a year. Don't hate me because I am beautiful.
  7. I think Randy's ex-scraper driver was behind the wheel of the blue car. She is stalking him because he turned down her advances as he prefers now to "drink coffee" with another man - as evidenced by the photos.
  8. Damn - That is one shaaaarrrrrpppp lookin Marmon!
  9. $5.00 footlongs during February
  10. I would put an aluminum roll back on it.
  11. The worst ticket I ever got was one time in a 1980 White Road Boss - (I appreciate your sympathy) That damn thing had a dash so close to the underside of the steering wheel, that I was always jamming my fingers when you had to turn quickly. I was so pissed off from jamming my finger so hard my wedding ring cut into my finger, that I did not bother to take off the overwidth banners from the tractor and lowboy after I unloaded the skidder I was hauling. Some overzealous DOT woman cadet gave me a ticket for having them on with no load. The &*^$%# then tried to give me a ticket for child endangerment because I had two of my kids strapped in with one seat belt. Give me a break........
  12. We do have a bathroom with stainless sink and a crapper. One of the guys that works for me is 55 years old and for his whole life he has lived where they aren't allowed to put paper down the john so he puts it in the trash can next to the crapper - yes, he puts ALL the used paper in the trash can next to the crapper - yuck! So I tend to stay out of that area - for a couple of years we did not have a toilet brush and we therefore grew the most interesting green algae scum all over the thing. Finally I had enough and bought one - now I do use it for sit down needs, but for peeing, I stroll outside and make my own bathroom. My latest endeavor in this department is that over the winter, I picked out a flywheel cover off a little briggs engine and I have been peeing on it. I took another one and laid it down off to the side as a control for the experiment. I pee on the one every day and I am hoping to see a big difference in the amount of rust. During the growing season, I do the same with a couple of weeds that sprout next to a shipping container. This past year, when I first started, I burned all the leaves off the weed and I thought I killed it, but then that damn thing took off like a rocket on my firepower pee fertilizer and grew twice as fast. This is what we do for entertainment down on the farm
  13. I walked to the shop with my computer and brief case yesterday morning, then I went back to the house to get the remote to turn off the alarm, then I went back to the shop and worked a while, then I went outside and pee-ed, then I went back inside for a little longer, then I went back to the house at lunch-thirty, then I walked back to the shop, then I walked out to measure some items, then I went back in the shop, then I went outside to pee again, then I walked out and checked on some heifers, then I walked to the hay barn, then I fed the cows, then I went back to the shop, then I went in the bathroom and pooped, then I walked to the house - whew! I almost ran as hard as Vision 386.
  14. " thank God tonight, No one's in jail and no one's in the hospital. Bless us for tomorrow." That is a keeper
  15. Post pics, post pics! We want Crusty, We want Crusty, We want Crusty!
  16. Maybe she is finally trying to get away from the muslim extremist she married
  17. What is wrong with you so called truck collectors.............
  18. My middle son and I were out feeding the cows and enjoying some spring like weather. We got to looking and pointing out the clouds in the sky and he said: "Do you see the one that dumb people can't see?" I said: "No which one?"
  19. My trouble is I once in a while will get a truck that was towed in and the failed at brain surgery tow truck driver will take the whole stinkin drive shaft out - yokes on both ends. One time I got one that he even removed a carrier bearing and dropped the whole damn thing from the transmission back. I always have to kind of take a deep breath and collect my thoughts to get the "Zen and the art of driveshaft phasing" (ZADP) going again when I see such a thing.
  20. I had a guy show up with a flatbed to pick up some goodies the other day and he had a cool set of some sort of industrial velco that he wrapped around the leftover unused tail end of the strap to keep it from blowing. He also used it to hold the rolled up straps when he stored them. Wonder where a fella can get such a thing?
  21. I am a fan of the Lucas hub oil - I have had it slow down a slight leak at the seal. You are supposed to be able to run with less oil in the hub - I don't know about that.
  22. I hear that all the time when I try and buy stuff out in the country - "I think I will just scrap it, I bet it will bring more than you are offering" WRONG! I then offer to load them up and haul them to the weigh scale and then pay them in cash the same amount they are paying at the scrap yard. They never take me up on it. Everyone thinks that items weigh more than they do and also that trees are taller than they really are!
  23. Once we deep fried them, they vanished! I actually liked the sour cream version quite a bit, but the kids were not too keen on them. They thought they were going to be St. Louis style toasted ravioli, but were disappointed. The thing I could not figure out is how to get more of the goo inside the dough pockets. I think I needed to stretch the dough out more or something. I like to cook until I turn around and see the stack of dirty dishes - oh well, I just made the kids do them - teach them some work ethic
  24. I had to reinstall a drive line in a dump truck today and I always have to remind myself by looking at a drawing to be sure I have the drive line in phase or timed correctly - Here is a link to a article on the net about it...................same deal applies with pto shafts on trucks or farm equipment http://jniolon.clubfte.com/drivelinephasing/drivelinephasing.html Someone on a thread was writing about phasing a drive shaft so I thought I would throw this out there
  25. They look like they at least have lots of good parts left - the green and the blue one may not really need all that much. Vinny - I called my grandpa Papa as well, but grandma was Granny! It's funny how we all called our grandparents different things.
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