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BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Did you notice the blue car in the background? - it keeps driving by like its spying or sumpin' - Call Barney Fife.
  2. We had the big idea of living in town in Columbia MO for a few years when we were first married. The day they made my neighbors kids quit playing in the park because they did not have the proper protective gear on, was the day I planted a for sale sign in our front yard. This is also another reason why we homeschool our kids. They get in an argument over something? I throw them outside to work it out amongst themselves. If I need some hay hauled, wood toted, dirt shoveled, manure spread, cows doctored, furnace filled, floors swept, shelves straightened, boards nailed, garden hoed, seeds planted, taters dug, hay mowed, oil checked, steel torched, tires aired, or any other job done, if I have a kid available, I make them do it and I first show them the proper way. You can't buy that kind of education any more. It used to be when I was a kid, you learned all that good stuff while at home in the summers and on the weekends when you were off school. Then when you went to school, the teachers reinforced what your parents taught you - no mixed messages. I don't know about any other parts of the world other than the small one I inhabit, but at least around here, that is no longer the case. I really feel bad for a lot of the kids I am around. They don't have the opportunities to learn how to work because no one is around to show them. They really are no different than the kids from years ago, if they were exposed to having to work, they really in the long run would like being given instruction - no one likes just wasting time, not knowing what to do with themselves, so they fill their time with electronic joy which teaches you nothing. Sorry for the vent - I just feel like we are letting all the stuff that made us as a great nation slide like eels through our fingers....
  3. if you give me a little notice, I'll bust a frozen coon out of the freezer and we'll stew it up. I'll even let you eat the one we left the paw on so you know for sure it is not a house cat. That is a whole different breed of Missourian down there around West Plains - I spent a year there one afternoon with some of those ol boys.
  4. I have been wondering the same thing - what the heck are anchor babies? Some young female model in a sailor suit?
  5. Why would you hit the doghouse?
  6. The lack of chikin and dumplin's in Timothy's house rousted me out of a lull - here is the rest of the story of the yankee dumplin making: After I got changed out of my Sunday-go-to-meetin pants, I rolled out the dough with my wife's Christmas present: That thing feels a lot different in my hands than it does coming down on my head. Then take before mentioned chicken of the sea can (Timothy - this is NOT the "chicken" you make chicken and dumplings with) and cut out dough: Spread in some goo - fold over and pinch edges - kind of had to lick with my tounge some of them to get them to seal - no one will know. Then drop into boiling water Take them out - man, those things don't look so good - they look like I do after I spent too much time relaxing while it was too hot in the hot tub - My wifey said they look like something that was hiding under a rock and never have seen the sun - about like my legs: Well, I guess if we put enough sauce on top, we can choke those limp dumplings down. I did a taste test - one side is the Pittsburg(no H) sour cream version, the other is the Chef Boyardee version - I even sprinkled sum of dat stinky cheese on top They are not exactly flying off the plate around here - kiddos are used to meat and taters. Hmmmm Wait! I know what to do - lets deep fry them in lard and pour salt on them: Now how many are left on the plate? Well about all I can say is that I have now eaten periogieesees. I also can eat a horse turd if you cook it in lard and roll it in salt. I think I will stick with a fat juicy raw steak or chicken and dumplings.
  7. I am in shock. Total heart stoppage here. I have to go take a powder and lie down after reading this. Bollweevil - Have you ever heard of someone not knowing about chicken and dumplings? HELP!
  8. That is some good old time bed making - 70 miles east of me is Reichers in Washington, Missouri. They have been there since the 30's and are still doing well. 70 miles west of me is Parkhurst which have been around a long time as their competitor. They also still make a great bed. A few years ago we bought a new Reichers chipper bed, it was top notch. I also bought a new Parkhurst cattle hauler gooseneck style bed 10 years ago - it has survived three worn out pickups, two cube feeders, and two gooseneck trailers. They must have stored that beautiful A model in the barn all those years if the wooden bed is original. Nice truck!
  9. What a great group of photos - just when I thought that is the coolest of the bunch a better one showes up - thanks for posting!
  10. You have to get up pretty early in the mornin' to get past this guy!
  11. Well said. You are to be congratulated for even ever coming to the realization that you needed to make that drastic step to survive. Our government is in worse shape, but it keeps just adding dept instead of shedding it. American males that own their own businesses are the backbone of this country. I know from experience how hard it is to make a decision for your business that may be viewed by others as going backwards. A lot of folks never do it and then never survive.
  12. There are no dumb questions! That is what this forum is for! I had never heard of a BCR before this thread. A guy can sure learn a lot just reading on here. I don't mind when my lack of brain power raises its ugly head and shows itself to the world - that way when people meet me in the flesh, I can enjoy seeing the shocked look on their faces when they see I know how to tie my shoes.
  13. I feel for you - sorry about the hits you are taking - everyone is making less more with more expenses - look at what your dollar will no longer buy you
  14. I had a real nice guy pick up a truck today he bought from me on ebay. He owns some oil wells on his land in Kansas and does his own drilling and sales of the oil. He says they just flame off most of the natural gas they find and then pump out the crude to sell. Saudi Arabia drills for oil, then they use most of their natural gas internally, so they can sell more of their crude to foreign countries like us. Why can't we do the same? We don't have the pipelines and infastructure to use it. If we used our natural gas instead of some of the oil we currently use, gas prices should decrease along with the demand. Think how our economy would cook along if everyone saved $20.00 from what they are currently paying everytime they filled up their tank? Why is it everytime I run into a guy that gets his hands dirty, and actually knows what is wrong with our country, he is never running for office?
  15. It took me a minute for it all to sink in - that is funny!
  16. she is an idiot that needs to go back and take high school econ. Lets all just go out and break windows to help out the glass makers.
  17. Are you talking about Superdog that started this thread? I sincerely hope you did not intend your post to put him down - he has single handedly save hundreds of trucks from the scrap heap and is an asset to the hobby with his knowledge and experience. You admit you could have bought it years ago - well, he did buy it. It is his now - you are the one that missed the boat. If he wants to light it on fire, then it is his right to do so, he owns it.
  18. It is good to hear that at least some organizations know how to mutually work together - send those guys to congress
  19. That is a pretty color on the truck
  20. Several cool items - big prices with pictures that still don't show much
  21. Is her name Minnie?
  22. I was thinking the same thing, but I wondered if he might be a BMT guy that just was not used to ebay or sumpin so I did not want to say anything - thanks for the heads up Rob
  23. Here is a neat old Mack rigging truck on ebay - I can picture the hemp rope rolling around that capstan winch and pulling a machine up some oak planks. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190644719225&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  24. That is just stinkin' wrong! If he had shot the perp, would he have had to pay for the funeral?
  25. I have a 3010 from the same year - great old tractor. My new cab tractor was in the shop for over a month in the middle of winter. It was not as much fun feeding every day with the 3010 when it is cold out as it is using it to rake hay in the summer. But it started and did everything I asked it to do. That was the most it has been used in 10 years. It is not worth much, but it would cost a lot to replace I love those old photos
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