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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I always knew from the way you type that you have facial hair.
  2. WHAT? Those east coast dumplin's do that to a guy? I am headed to the hospital for a detox!
  3. Great photos - keep them coming............slowly so we appreciate them?
  4. Were they really, really pale or shocked to see you? All I see is white background..........
  5. Sniff, Sniff, I am now out of the Jimmy diesel business. It sold to a guy in Kansas. The Jimmy has left the building!
  6. I never could afford that "fine bird". we were more into Old Crow and iced tea - yuck!
  7. I tried it, and I ended up with: MaikshilohatcityBollweevilDitchkusgreendash I looked it up and it is defined as: pretty pony dancing under a rainbow
  8. If I ever need any expert turd locating, I know who to call.........
  9. Poor bird was just trying to spare the driver the misery of driving a bright red Freightliner
  10. Hunky - That is a new one on me! I hav notized on hre dat spellin & grammmmmer be mattr of persal prefrenc My wife said the same thing - we will be eating these next week during lent. Okay - now to start it up again, what the heck is a haluski? You don't have to define what a fish fry is, Bollweevil and I for sure know what they are!
  11. Most guys get into a bottle and then they see Genies everywhere
  12. That pressure digger still has some value to some contractors. They get remounted, and rebuilt, and remounted, and rebuilt. I was at a sale last Thursday where they sold one about that age mounted on a tank chassis.
  13. The big nipple - that says it all. I like that one!
  14. I think we need to call the Vietnam version of PETA. If you measure it all, the forementioned foto far exceeds the rated carrying capacity of a class 782 beast of burden, subcatagory COW. The total cubic feet of the unlicensed, uninspected, not ISO2000, home designed, carrying device far exceeds the rated allowance for a non-commercial conveyance. Call Florence Henderson - that thing is not Good Housekeeping approved.
  15. nutrisystem works wonders - I wonder if it can regrow balls or hair?
  16. Okay - This is the o-fic-che-al thread to show my attempt to make those whatchamacallits they eat back east somewheres. 1. Get receipe from clown on BMT - wife says: "are you sure it will be safe coming from them?" Please note glass of sweet tea on counter - just because this is some kind of east coast yankee dish does not mean I won't have my favorite drink within arms reach at all times. 2. Try and talk wifey into making them - wife says: "you are out of luck sport - I am taking a nap". After much prayer and ponderin' I decide to make them myself - she will be pleased to see me in kitchen! 3. Wait until she is snoring - get cat food Tuna out of cabinet to make pierogies cutter 4. Feed to cats - I am not eatin' that (&%$. 5. Wash can so as not to contaminate Pittsburg's finest food with fish smell 6. Mix up dough stuff in wife's mixer - I like using power tools in the kitchen - rolling pin in background reminds me of past failures of mine to clean up after myself. 7. Whip up filling - can't find onions - ask wifey - she yells: "go away - I am sleepin'!" I dig deeper in fridge. Hey! I found these green onions - I'll use them - sorry if you are a pierogieperfectionist and this is not allowed or sumpin. 8. Wifey comes downstairs - Wife says: You and your loud kids woke me up - I am going into town to do some shopping. You can watch the already born kids - I'll take the unborn one with me. Now I hope you are sitting down while you are reading this - what I am about to say is the honest truth, I AM NOT KIDDING: Wifey then says magical words that I had to have her repeat to be sure I heard them right: "Come with me into the bathroom, I want you to check and see what size bra I need to buy." ___________________________INTERMISSION____________________________________ 9. Return to food thoughts........... I knead the dough - put in ice box to chill. Now I better go change out of church clothes before I do any cookin that involves heat - if I burn my best britches, I won't get to do no more bra testin'. More to follow................
  17. I had been wanting to see a photo of your AC crane - I just "fingered" out how to look up your album - I am slow at this. Have you done any work to it since that picture?
  18. Just as soon as I started to read this fine, fine, thread, me thinks: I will have to look in wikipedia about my ol' favorite Chef. But you were such a multitasker and good folks that you even gave me a link! You are truly a Gentleman and a Scholar!
  19. All it takes for mine is the coffee pot in the background better be full
  20. after what you have been through, I would think you would have one Get out of Jail Free Card.
  21. So that is not a kitty - it is a panther?
  22. C'mon - help him out, he has monopoly money to spend
  23. This has really gotten out of hand. Why not restart the CCC camps like in the 30's? It would let people learn how to work while they drew unemployment so they would be more apt to keep down a job when they find it. They could do all sorts of things like Mark said - clean the damn ditches if nothing else. Oh no - physical work would violate their rights. I guess my dad was violating some right of mine when he taught me to swing an axe. I do feel empathy for a lot of the folks - every one, even if they do not know it yet, feels better when they are a contributor to society and their own welfare. We have turned into a nation that is on average three generations away from rural life. A lot of these folks just have never held a axe, they never had to. I don't know the answer to how to teach them to work, but what we are doing now, which is basically throwing money at the problem with no results, sure as hell is not working.
  24. No fair passing off a kid in the bucket as an adult to make it look larger - Ha Ha! But the black kitty gives it away.....
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