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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. How wide are the pads?
  2. The one legged woman is next to the two legged utility pole. Strange doings!
  3. Did you notice down at the bottom in the questions? The guy said it cost $675,000.00 new and weighs 71,000 pounds. Works out to about $9.50/pound. A lot more than the 16 cents a pound I received at the scrap yard.
  4. I am so dense - I never thought of looking on there for them - I'll start a new daily search. I have a 10,000 pound two post Rotary inside the shop and a 9,000 pound outside on the apron for cutting off gas tanks and converters. But I wish I had a four post drive on - half the time we put one on the lift we just are taking a quick look around under the car, and it would be a lot easier than having to swing in and line up the arms on the two posts. I was in a power plant at a utility the other day and they had a set of eight of those independant lift things that you can position anywhere down the side. They had a six wheel drive International with a digger derrick crane up in the air replacing the pump. Pretty impressive - that thing weighed every bit of 50,000.
  5. That is what I am looking for - where do you live? When will you be on vacation? Where do you leave the key? Sharp looking tandem - Welcome to the fun house!
  6. I just noticed in the background in your shop a Rotary lift. I need a set of those metal tube extensions for lifting trucks with running boards or uneven frames for one of mine. If you ever see a extra set laying around somewhere grab 'em for me. I know I should make some, but that is pretty low on the list.
  7. You may need to add some spring-age to the back of the jeep if you keep up this haulin' thing. I loaded a 1800 pound Atlas Copco pavement breaker for a backhoe into a mini-van last week - the guy took off to Wy in it - I don't have the balls to do that. And we all know Rob doesn't have the balls to do anything.
  8. Happy birthday! Listen to some good music and watch some action movies - you share it with Smokey Robinson and Lee Marvin!
  9. FINALLY! I done gots me a all writ out reciepe of them thar thing-a-ma-jigs. It is too late to expect the 6 month pregnant wife to whip me up a batch, so she unhooked my leash and is going to allow me to have some bread and water. But no real food yet, I am still on the Pierogies diet.
  10. Great group of photos (and trucks) I always like the big water tank up in the air on those old mixers - just put it up there front and center where it can be seen, not all tucked in like now. Is that a wrecker on the back of the DM?
  11. I spent the day at a auction by St. Louis, so when it ended, I went by and met Jason and checked out this B model. He is a great guy and has got a really good start on restoring the truck. I was all lathered up to bring it home, but there is just no way I can get a bench seat in the truck with the concave cab. I wanted to stretch it and install a landoll rollback bed I took off a junk truck, but I need to be able to haul more than one kid with me when I would use it. If you are looking for a real good project truck, it is well worth the moo-lah he is asking. I followed him driving it for a little bit and it does not smoke and it runs and sounds good. Jason - Thanks for letting me look at it and I enjoyed meeting you - your B model sure sounded good going through the gears when you left up that hill - it was cold, but I had to leave the winders down to enjoy!
  12. Don't get too close - if they stop and you slam on your brakes, you may have a tram-mission slide into your bee-hind.
  13. Wow! Great photo showing the red embers INSIDE the log load! I always look up before I do anything around a energized line - I swung a bucket truck boom into a 69 transmission line years ago and blew the shoes off a guy leaning on the truck. That does not help your workmans comp mod. He forgave me, came back to work, and was the best employee I ever had. I still kid him that I did it on purpose because he should have been working instead of leanin'!
  14. I got the green light, the go ahead, the A-Ok, permission done been granted to eat 'em but first we gots to have the recipe! Mark - I think I am dieing, I have not eaten in 24 hours. I am now on a perogies only diet, and there are none to be found around here.
  15. He was willing to use his thumb for a free ride, but not to help install a thumb?
  16. Sorry to hear about the accident - sounds like you are lucky to still be around - good thing you were in a solid truck!
  17. Nice looking truck - the time and history just makes the find that much sweeter!
  18. Will you remove it from the truck with a Sledge-O-Matic?
  19. Are these some kind of strange east coast thing? I won't have to pronounce things weird after eating them with a Jersey twang will I? I had a guy from PA fly in yesterday and pick up a CCC trash truck he bought to drive it home. He got out of the taxi, looked around at my cows, and said " I have never been way out west before" He bragged about how he was from a lot bigger place than I was. This really made me enjoy it today when he called me to complain that it would not start and it turns out he did not know to put the stupid thing in neutral!
  20. Don't be farting around with no damn gorilla - go pick up my truck and get back to Missouri - God's country.
  21. Withdrawn oh no, it is spreading like a virus
  22. Boy those look good enough to eat! I have never heard of them before, but instead of photos, send me a receipe, my wife likes making new things!
  23. I get chills when I cross the river into Illinois. I do not know what scares me more - running into a Chicago politician, or having my legal concealed carry pistol confiscated. Other than those two things, there are so many things to like in the state - southern Illinois trapshooting, Portillo's, a real U-boat, beautiful black dirt, & rob
  24. I bought a 28 ft long van trailer that had the same thing happen to it - driver took a "short cut". It ripped the roof 3/4 of the way back. I got it home and removed the rest of the roof with the big idea of making a small open top chip trailer out of it. I just pulled it across the cow pasture and the damn thing bucked in half. I never knew how much strength in a trailer is just in the roof.
  25. Ha! That is funny - typical idiot did not bother to lower herself down to a truck drivers level and just simply ask what was going on - oh no, it is better to just call the cops?
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